A well-maintained garden in which order reigns is the dream of many hobby gardeners. The wild plants have their charm, but everyone can agree that clearly defined flower beds with beautiful edges are a real eye-catcher. Edging garden beds can instantly improve the look of a garden and is also very practical. What advantages it has and how you can make the bed border yourself is the topic of today's article.
Why should you border flower beds?
The benefits of flower bed edging go far beyond aesthetics. They can prevent soil and mulch from spilling onto the lawn and garden paths. They also ensure that the lawn does not encroach on the plants and flowers in the bed. Since many types of lawns spread via rhizomes (underground runners), the physical barrier is extremely useful in keeping the lawn away from the rest of the garden. This means that the maintenance effort for the flower beds is also lower. You can also make the bed edge yourself quickly and easily and enhance the garden in the process.
A task for spring
The best season for creating bed borders is spring. At this time you must pay particular attention to the perennials that have not yet sprouted so as not to damage their roots.
Edging flower beds is one of those small details that is easily overlooked but has a big impact on garden design. It's amazing what a difference a few well-defined lines can make - so why not add it to your to-do list when preparing your garden for spring?
How to make a bed border yourself: instructions in 3 steps
This task won't take you more than an afternoon. How to do it correctly:
1. Plan and mark the border
The first step is to design the outline of the bed. To do this, use a piece of string or a garden hose and create a guideline. This allows you to try out different shapes – round, square, curved – until you are happy with the design and size of the flower bed.
2. Dig a trench along the line
Once you have determined the look of the bed border, it is time to dig it up. To do this, use a sharp, flat-edged spade to cut along the guide line. Make sure the edge is clean and evenly deep. Adjust the depth to the material used for the edging so that it stays in place.
Remove weeds and grass from the cut area and pile the remaining soil back onto the bed.
3. Make your own bed border: attach the border
A dug edge is usually enough to border flower beds. To ensure that the edge lasts longer and gives the garden a beautiful look, you can border the beds with any material. The variants andIdeas for a bed borderare almost endless: from stones and bricks to wood and old, recycled items. You can use what you have on hand or what best complements the design of your garden.
Place the selected bed edging in the trench and make sure that it is level and stable. If necessary, you can use stakes or anchors to secure it. Edgings with a straight shape, such as stones or bricks, can be leveled using a spirit level and a hammer. Once the edging elements are in place, fill the trench with soil and tamp it down.
Which material to choose for the bed border?
Here are a few bed edging ideas that can brighten up any garden.
- Pflastersteine: If you're creating an edge between a lawn and a flower bed, you can opt for a flat strip of pavers or a mowing edge to make mowing around the area easier. If you have a patio nearby, you should choose a material that is the same color as the paving to create a consistent look.
- brickshave a beautiful look and can be laid in different patterns.
- Steinplattenare well suited for country and cottage gardens. They are available in several colors and sizes and can be easily adapted to existing walls.
- Natural stoneslook wonderful in the garden and add an interesting design element as a bed border.
- Holzcan be used in different shapes as a bed border. Whether made from wooden beams, trunks or woven from willow branches, the wooden edging looks natural, but needs a certain degree of weather protection.
- UpcyclingIdeas for bordering flower beds have become very popular in recent years. You can reuse old baking tins, glass bottles or even broken clay pots and give the garden beds a special look.
- Cortenstahlis a popular choice for modern gardens due to its durability, industrial aesthetic and warm toned patina.
- Ground cover plantsare an excellent choice for the natural garden as they fit seamlessly into the landscape. When choosing, be sure to consider the location and select an appropriate species for the available lighting conditions.
Care tips for the bed border
Depending on the material, you should maintain the bed edging all year round. A natural bed border made of plants should be watered and cut as necessary. Wooden flower bed edging should be replaced if it is damaged or rotted. Stones generally require little care, but can, for example, become infested with moss or develop a green coating. You can decide for yourself whether these discolorations bother you or whether they give the garden a natural look.
If you have installed a bed border, it should be checked regularly for signs of damage and repaired if necessary. Keep the area around your beds free of debris and weeds to maintain a well-maintained look.