Build your own insect potions in the garden: simple DIY ideas to attract pollinators to your outdoor area!

You may have seen bees drinking water in the swimming pool or in a ditch in the garden. However, these water sources may contain chlorine, pesticides, or other harmful chemicals. If you want to attract beneficial insects to your garden, you should take proper care of them. In the hot days, insects love fresh water, just like all other living creatures. Therefore, they need access to a safe outdoor water source and you can provide water for insects by simply building an insect waterer in your garden. Here you will find some interesting ideas!

Why do bees need water?

Bees drink water, just like humans, but do you know that insects also need water for air conditioning? When it's hot, they put a thin film of water over the bee cells to cool the hive. Water is also needed to feed the young bees. And this food can be up to 80% water on the first day! Bees use water to dilute their honey when it crystallizes. This is why an outdoor bee water trough is so useful.

A DIY insect drinker is really easy to build and everyone can find a suitable location in their own garden where they can put an insect drinking station. AlsoBird baths are suitableperfect. When making the insect potion, just note that it is shallow because bees cannot swim.

Make the easiest insect potion yourself

Simply take a shallow container or large bowl from the kitchen, fill the container with fresh water and place glass pebbles or marbles on the bottom. Pour them into the container so that the insects have comfortable places to hold themselves while they drink water. Your children can also join in the crafting by creating a cute design with the glass pebbles. They will definitely have fun!

Use a birdbath as a water trough for bees

Take a hummingbird feeder and fill it with water. Such hummingbird feeders are cheap and are ideal for example. B. as an insect potion for hanging in the garden. Find an outdoor location protected from the wind and the insects will thank you.

Use a chicken waterer filled with stones

Chicken waterers are robust and can withstand the weather. If you add pebbles or marbles, you can use them as homemade insect waterers. It's so easy to take care of the pollinators in your garden by providing them with water during the hot months. Let your children paint the container brightly in advance, this will surely attract pollinators and also create a colorful and cute spot in the garden.

Water source for insects with stones and sticks

It is very convenient if you fill your container with stones and add some small sticks. Leave enough space so that the insects have enough water to drink, but the water should not be too deep so that they don't drown. Such a combination is easy to design and you can play with it until you achieve a beautiful design.

Make a craft with wine corks

Use wine corks if you build your own bee trough. They float on the surface and provide pollinators with a safe place to land. They are large enough for the bees to hold while drinking water. And then they can fly away comfortably.

Bottle caps also come into play

For these insect potions you will need some bottle caps, hot glue and a wooden branch. Simply stick the bottle caps on the wooden branch, fill all the bottle caps with fresh water and then simply stick your bee drinker in the middle of the flower bed. You can fill the lids almost to the top with water so that the bees can drink water without having to bend over too much.

Best location for a homemade bee trough

It is good if waterers provide the bees with both water to drink and a place to rest. Where can you place your insect potions? The best place for bee waterers is near colorful onesFlowers in the gardenand in wind-protected outdoor locations that are not heavily trafficked. This gives the beneficial insects a safe and quiet place to stay in your garden.

How to make the drinking station safe?

It is very important that pollinators that are attracted to your garden to drink water have a safe place to land. Therefore, it is advisable to always fill your containers with stones or other small objects that stick out of the water. This is how the insects stay and feel safe. You definitely need a way to crawl out of the water. Note that you must NOT add sugar to the water. When the pollinators drink the sugar water, they will then stop visiting the plants in your garden. A little salt in the water often attracts bees, so you can try adding salt to the water instead of sugar. Once they use your water source, they will keep coming back.