Build your own garden pond – choose a pond bowl or liner?

You have a beautiful garden landscape with lots of greenery and colorful flowers, but something is bothering you. Maybe that certain something is missing there! We can understand that because you most likely need water in your garden! And you can get this by, for example, building a garden pond yourself. Think about how a small pond would fit into your outdoor area? But perhaps a sonorous water feature or a babbling stream? Do you think the construction is too complicated?

Here we would first like to reassure you, because everything seems difficult and impossible at first glance, but believe us, anyone can build a garden pond themselves today. So that means it's not as difficult as it sounds. In today's article we would like to illustrate and prove to you with some pictures that the construction process is possible and realizable for everyone.

You have two options to choose from. On the one hand, you can choose a prefabricated pond or build it with foil.However, before choosing either option, you need to plan your work well. Take your time and research ideas and tips on how to best, quickly and effortlessly complete the projectcan.

Then you have to toodetermine the location of your pond system. It is best to choose a sunny spot in the garden. It would be wonderful if the place gets full sun for 5-6 hours a day. This means that flora and fauna can thrive there. Also make sure that the location you choose is not too close to trees. You certainly don't want to have any problems with fallen leaves, right?

Without a doubt, the prefabricated ponds now offer all garden owners a quick and easy way to have a garden pond. On the specialist market you will find a wide range of ready-made pond bowls that are easy to assemble. With their help, the garden ponds are finished in no time. The pond bowls are available in different sizes, shapes and with two natural stone finishes, you can choose between sand and basalt but honestly both look quite appropriate.

However, the prefabricated ponds have one disadvantage - their shape cannot be designed according to your ideas. If you want to build a larger garden pond yourself, then choose the other option - a pond made of liner! In this case, you can adapt the shape of the garden pond to your garden design. Don't forget the golden rule: the bigger, the better! It applies here in full! In most cases, larger garden ponds appear much more natural and radiate more peace. From a practical point of view, with larger amounts of water, ecological balance is established more quickly, which in this case is a certain advantage.

If you have decided to create or build your pond yourself and have successfully followed the steps up to this point, then that means you have already done a lot of preparatory work! Now it's time to arrange the stones! You can get stones from the wild or buy them from a hardware store. Stones are usually placed at the bottom of the system, this guarantees more support and only then do you move on to further design measures.

Pond stones naturally serve as decorative elements in the final design of the garden pond and give the system a natural look. You could also design the pond in Roman style and complete it with sculptures and a small waterfall. But if you are more into the Feng Shui style, then you will definitely prefer Buddha figures, bamboo and lotus flowers as additional decoration.

Here we have reached the final step of garden pond design! Finally, we would also like to give you a few tips on how to choose the right onePlanting your pond systemgive. You should start doing this now after construction, as the best period for this is between March and June. During this period, aquatic plants can grow particularly well due to the still mild temperatures. An important rule applies when planting your garden pond: you always start at the deepest point and then work your way up to the bank zone! You can use plant baskets to plant the deeper zones of the garden pond; for practical reasons they are very important for the growth of certain aquatic plants.

When planting your pond, you also have to make sure that you have enough aquatic plants and flora on the bank. For many people the water lilies are a must. Interesting looking trees, perennials, grasses and annual plants can decorate the bank. This way you can achieve a small idyll in the garden that you can enjoy every day. And you will definitely be proud of that, because it takes a bit of effort if you want to build a garden pond yourself!