Instead of a traditional lawn area, more and more hobby gardeners opt for decorative grasses in the garden. They create texture and structure outdoors and can cover quite large areas depending on the species. We give you 100 design ideas for an attractive outdoor area with decorative grasses and turf. Create a natural and at the same time modern landscape in which you can enjoy your free time perfectly.
Grasses in the garden - lay turf
Many garden owners wonder in spring - where to go with the old lawn? Create again, just scarify or simply dig over. If the old lawn is very weed, it must be removed. This goes in three simple steps - first the old lawn is removed with a lawn peep, then collected and at the end the lawn is processed with a ground milling machine. Then the new one willRoll turf laid- This can happen from the beginning of spring until the end of August. You should be clear in advance - the turf is more suitable for small gardens. Large lawns are only laid with difficulty, and the turf costs significantly more compared to seeds. In any case, the concept is to set a small lawn as an accent, the investment is definitely worth it. Ornamental grasses in the garden can surround the lawn.
Ornamental grasses successfully replace the traditional lawn
If you do not have enough free time for lawn care, it is worth thinking about an alternative. Ornamental grasses can effectively replace the traditional lawn - they also have the advantage that they are quite easy to care for and also look very attractive in autumn. In the following, some of the most popular and beautiful grasses are listed in the garden, so you get a small selection between which you can choose.
TheFanis one of the most beautiful decorative decorative grasses with a good reason. It grows quickly, is quite easy to care for and loves the sun and the dry ground, which makes it an extremely easy -care plant. It is also called bear fur grass and has a bluish color that comes into its own in the otherwise green garden planting. With a height of 20 to 30 cm, it blooms discreetly and rather inconspicuous between June and July. The resulting seeds ensure that the perennial spreads further.
Stepa and blush swingel
Another name for this copy is a feather bristle grass. TheLamp cleaner grassis a beautiful frost -hard multi -year plant that can replace the traditional lawn in larger gardens. In contrast to its pioneer, she needs a damp floor and also sun. The decorative grass can stay outside easily in winter and survives cold and frost with ease. Nevertheless, you should choose a wind -protected place for this type of plant. A height of up to one meter can be expected. The inflorescences represent ear -like stalks that appear in late summer and adorn the bed until the winter.
Next to the pool
Feather grass(Stipa) is also called angelic hair spring grass, girl hair grass, tuft hair grass and wfriemen grass and is a steppe plant made of Patagonia that grows well both in the garden and in buckets. Her origin already reveals that this plant prefers dry floors and is therefore just as easy to care for. This grass is also very undemanding with regard to the nutrient content and therefore does without fertilizers. It grows relatively slowly, but becomes up to 90 cm high, so that a little more space can be planned per plant.
Varied garden design by the pool
TheRed love grassIn turn, only about 50 cm high and has a particularly attractive property. It blooms for four months from July to October in an impressive red color, which comes into its own in the middle of the green blades of grass. The love grass feels comfortable both in the bed and in the bucket and has a low need for water.
Privacy screen from the wall
Chineseis another popular accessory. We want to draw your attention in particular on the ornamental grass “Indian Summer”, because it impresses with an attractive color spectacle. While the stalks are reddish in summer, in autumn they testify to shining orange tones that attract everyone and form a beautiful contrast in every bed. Calculate a height of 60 to 80 cm and choose a sunny to partially shaded location. This type of grass only needs a little.
Ornamental grass surround the pool
That also impresses with colorRosa Pampasgras. However, it is not the blades of grass that attract everyone because they are normal green. Instead, the plant receives pink flower tufts that adorn the bed between September and October and also make themselves very pretty in the vase as the autumn decoration. Choose a sunny location for the hardy copy. It is a rather high type of plant with up to 250 cm of growth height, so that it is particularly suitable for the design of a background. A special property is also that the decorative grass is planted in winter and more precisely in December or January.
In combination with garden decoration
You can also cover larger areas with theRosa hair grass. The grass receives its pink color in autumn and more precisely from September to November. The multi -year and hardy ornamental grass loves the sun and becomes up to one meter high. This species is also perfect for some variety in garden design, be in terms of color or texture.
Design the garden on the slope - steps bring structure
We do not want to withhold it from you tooDwarf Chinese. It is nationwide and grows quite low for an ornamental grass at 140 to 160 cm. Beige flower disks appear between August and October and also ensure a nice natural spectacle in winter if they are covered by frost. Plant the copy to a sunny place either as a single plant or in groups, whereby a distance of 70 to 80 cm should be left.
Ornamental grasses that change their color in autumn are very popular
Allotment garden with roller grass and bamboo as a privacy screen
High grasses surround the lawn
Creative garden design with ornamental grass as an accent
Garden in Japanese style
Design the front yard with decorative grasses and lawn for more structure
Feder grass in the garden
Divided into several areas