Build your own raised bed out of stone: Instructions and tips for building a DIY garden bed with natural materials

To yoursPreparing the garden for the spring season, you can build a raised bed out of stone yourself for your plants. While the surrounding soil can be difficult to work with, it makes a garden bed more adaptable. This way you can easily meet the specific needs of your plants. Depending on availability, natural stone, brick or concrete blocks are suitable for building a decorative bed for your favorite flowers or vegetables. The following information and step-by-step instructions can help you.

Before you build a raised bed out of stone yourself

Build a raised bed out of natural stone that fits perfectly into the landscape. Using standard tools, you can create a DIY garden bed project in two weekends. However, before you begin construction, put on safety glasses, gloves, closed-toe shoes, long sleeves, long pants, and a dust mask to protect your eyes, hands, skin, and lungs from dust and particles generated during the construction process. When you order your materials, have them delivered as close to the construction site as possible. A dolly or wheelbarrow helps with moving rocks, blocks, and soil, as well as making changes to the location of the raised bed. Also take into account the stability of the soil under the proposed garden bed as well as the height.

Aorganically rich or fertilized garden soilunder the bed allows you to keep the surrounding stone wall low with a height of 20 to 30 centimeters. A rocky soil and deep-rooted flowers, as well as a shrub or small tree, may require a deeper bed. However, avoid dry stacking stones, bricks or blocks more than 45 to 60 cm high without using mortar. According to landscaping experts, a taller bed requires a solid concrete base. You should accordingly assemble this with mortar to ensure that it does not collapse under its own weight.

Brick raised beds in the garden

Such a stone wall and the matching paved path fit perfectly into a lush garden landscape. The rough, haphazardly stacked stone softens with time and weather, which can make it even more attractive over time. If you also love flowers, vegetables and plants, a raised bed not only gives you exactly the right soil mix for healthy plants, but also...also relieve your back, as you don't have to bend down as much. The natural stone walls also look great and are easy to build. Build the wall on a base of gravel for stability and drainage, and cover the back with landscape fabric and more gravel before filling the garden bed with soil.

To make placing stones easier, first arrange them in groups based on similar thicknesses and lengths. As you sort, set aside nice-looking stones that you can use as cap stones. Also, spread out the bricks on tarps instead of stacking them if you have space. This saves you from having to dig through the piles later to find the rocks you want. This DIY project doesn't require any special skills, but you will need to have a bit of elbow grease to lift the bricks. The only special tool you may need is a diamond blade for your circular saw if you want to cut your stones.

Build a solid base for your stone garden bed

While a DIY stone garden bed can be square or rectangular, don't limit your creativity. An oval, round or irregularly shaped bed is also suitable for oneImprovement of the garden area. Use a garden hose to outline the perimeter of the bed. Remove the grass or other vegetation from under the bed and dig a hole about 6 inches deep around the perimeter. The trench should be wide enough to accommodate the width of your stone wall.

Additionally, if you are also creating a garden path around the outside for a mobility-impaired gardener, add an additional 80-90cm width to the outside edge of the trench. Tamp the soil firmly and then add 5-10 cm of coarse sand. Moisten the sand and tamp it before filling the trench halfway with gravel. Tamp firmly to seal the gravel together. Add the rest of the gravel and tamp again to create a firm, level base.

You can easily build a raised bed out of stone yourself

Rock garden beds can give the garden a rustic look. These types of structures also offer many advantages that ground-level gardens do not have. Many gardeners and hobby gardeners love the look of stony garden beds. However, these not only look beautiful, but also allow better plant access and can improve water drainage. To develop a plan and create the garden, you should consider a few factors. Developing rock garden plans and creating the raised bed is easier than most people think. By following a few simple construction steps, you can build your ideal stone raised bed yourself. The gardening tools and materials you will need are stones, mortar, spatula, soil, pen and paper, newspaper or cardboard and a shovel.

Step 1: Raised Bed Location and Design

Start by finding the location where you want to build your desired garden bed. Depending on the types of plants coming into the garden, you should consider different light requirements. Choose a relatively flat spot. The flat garden soil is therefore much easier to work on. Then determine the size and shape of the bed. Draw the stone garden plans on paper to get an idea of ​​the amount of stones and soil you will need to create the garden bed.

Step 2: Prepare the building site

First, mark the corners of the garden bed with stones or sticks. Then dig the garden bed boundary described above. The trench should be wide enough to accommodate the first layer of stone. Spread sheets of newspaper over the area where the raised bed will be. The edges of the plastic should overlap the trench or border. After that, lay the first layer of stone along the trench. You can purchase interlocking bricks at hardware stores if you prefer. Such stones do not require mortar. If you use natural stones, you can easily find the tightest fit. However, a few inches of stone should remain above the ground so you can add the second layer.

Step 3: Lay the stones

Mix the mortar well before laying more stones. Lay one stone at a time, making sure to find the natural stone that fits best. Start by applying mortar to the laid stone starting at one corner and spreading it out. Place the new stone on the mortar. You will likely need additional mortar to fill any remaining gaps. Work your way around the border in one direction, placing each stone carefully.

Leave small gaps between the first layer of stone and the second every third stone, etc. Gaps large enough for a finger to fit through are best. This will help create better drainage. Build the stone surround as high as necessary. Next, make repairs to the stone wall after the mortar has dried. Then fill in any gaps you may have missed during construction, as well as any unwanted holes.

Step 4: Fill the garden bed with soil

It's time to fill the stone border with the desired potting soil. You can mix this with compost, high-quality topsoil and peat moss, which creates the perfect garden soil for the raised bed. Then rake the ground level. If the garden bed is not level, the water will drain in one direction instead of flowing evenly down through the bed.

Step 5: Grow plants and complete gardening in the bed

Plant flowers, vegetables, fruits or other plants you want in the garden. Maintain healthy soil by adding compost during dormant periods. By adding a layer of straw to the top of the bed, you will help retain moisture as raised beds can drain water quickly. BuildPlant seeds or transplant seedlings. You can also add a soaker hose or drip irrigation system to keep the soil moist as your plants grow. Then let your plants thrive and enjoy your homemade raised bed made of stone.

Browse suppliers to find a stone you like, with selections often regional. The costs vary greatly between types of stone. You can use your own or a cheap stone as long as it is relatively flat at the top and bottom. The flatter and more rectangular the stone pieces are, the easier they are to stack. The techniques you use after the steps above will not work for rounded fieldstones. You can purchase capstone, which is a special stone for the top layer, or use the same stone as the rest of the garden bed.

When ordering materials, ask about delivery fees. It's worth the extra cost if the supplier places the materials right next to the work area. This way you don't have to walk back and forth to transport the stone. The important thing is to consider mistakes, cuts, and future potential projects when ordering building materials. It is also still advisable to order additional materials. The last thing you want to do is run out of materials and have to pay a second delivery fee for the same product that you didn't order enough of.