Am I right, we all love flowers? Whether in the garden or on the balcony, you feel surrounded by many bright colors and a pleasant scent. Isn't that wonderful? Among the variety of flowers, let's consider theclimbing plantsDon't forget for the garden! They offer many different options for landscaping at height and decorate our outdoor space in different colors and shapes. In the garden you undoubtedly have more opportunities to show off your design skills, there are arches, fences, walls, nets, arbors and even the trees that can be used for this purpose, but you can also successfully grow some climbing flowers on your balcony and it won't cost you much effort or effort. And believe me, it's definitely worth it because you'll be blessed with a lot of beauty later.
Climbing plants for garden on a pergola
Today we want to give you a few ideas on how you can beautify your garden or balcony with climbing flowers. Each of them can be found in specialized stores, where they will give you detailed instructions for care and needs. These climbing flowers can be planted from seeds or seedlings. Check out our ideas for summeryClimbing plants for gardenand balcony. All the species we have collected here are now sown in April to mid-May.
Climbing plants for the garden and balcony – passionflower (Passiflora)
The beautiful “Flower of Passion” is one of the most popularClimbing plants for gardenand balcony. It is a heat-loving plant with fragrant, stunning flowers. It was named so by Spanish immigrants because Christian symbols of the Passion of Christ were recognized in its flowers. Each part of the complex is named after a day of Holy Week. The passion flower easily climbs vaults, arches, structures, walls and fences. It thrives wonderfully on the south-facing balcony. Passiflora always gets the warmest location in the garden. A south-facing house wall, for example, is ideal.
Passiflora climbing plant in pink
The passion flower likes a lot of warmth, but also just as much light. Therefore, positioning them in the sun is particularly important for the correct flowering period, which is from May to September. Water the flower thoroughly and spray its leaves with water during the summer season, passionflower loves humidity. When fall comes, bring theseBlumeinto the house to hibernate indoors.
White passiflora as climbing plants for the garden
The passion flower comes in a wide variety of colors. So you can even consider a combination of different types, provided you can accommodate their needs. If you don't just want to get decorative benefits from these plants, we have great news for you. There is a species that produces edible fruits. You probably know the fruit, but you would never have guessed that it was a type of passion flower. And we mean the delicious passion fruit. With the right care, you can look forward to home-grown fruit every year.
Blue passiflora in the garden
There are also flower species of this specimen that can survive the winter outdoors. The passion fruit is one of them and can withstand temperatures down to minus 30 degrees. Ask a florist or garden center what other species are suitable for year-round cultivation in the garden. In addition, collect the seeds that are formed. If your plant doesn't survive the winter, you can use it for new plants next year.
Climbing plants for the garden – Rosa Pandorea
The second of the most popularClimbing plants for gardenand balcony is called Rosa Pandorea, also called Jasmine Trumpet. It is a tropical beauty with fragrant flowers. The flower stem can reach up to 6 meters. The Rosa Pandorea likes sunny places and well-drained soil. This wonderful climbing flower is perfect for the garden and balcony. It is planted from a seedling in April or May and blooms from June to September. Amazingly, it can also withstand cold weather, with temperatures down to around minus 5 degrees. This means that this flower can also overwinter outside. If it is planted directly in the garden and you live in an area with a mild climate, you can cover the Rosa Pandorea with straw, leaves and other materials to prevent it from freezing outside in the winter.
Climbing plants for the garden – roses
Here we want the queen of flowers, one of the most commonClimbing plants for garden, don't forget the beautiful rose. Climbing roses show us a rich selection of colors and varieties. They bloom all summer long. Some have a wonderful scent, others have fine, large or small flowers, but one thing is certain - the roses are always beautiful. Be careful with watering as these plants should not receive too much water. 1-2 times a week is completely sufficient, even in summer. In spring, prune the main trunk and side branches to 2-3 new buds, remove diseased or frozen branches. Then you can be sure that you will enjoy beautiful flowers and a breathtaking rose scent all summer long.
The hydrangeas bring a splash of color to the garden
The climbing hydrangea is just one part of the large hydrangea family. This flower is native to East Asia and is cold-hardy and deciduous. It has abundant foliage and large flowers. Its lush size makes the hydrangea more suitable for the garden than the balcony. It blooms from June to October with large and beautiful white panicles and delicate white flowers. The hydrangea as a climbing plant for the garden grows well in both sun and shade. In the first and second years of growth, this climbing flower does not develop particularly quickly. While it is still small, you need to get cornerstones for better growth.
Beautiful English style garden with clematis
Here there is a wonderful attraction among theClimbing plants for garden, the clematis, which is also known as clematis. This climbing plant can decorate your garden for 20 and even 30 years if properly planted and cared for. Clematis prefers sunny, but not too hot locations and loose, fertile soil. The location must be chosen carefully because this flower does not like to change its location. The special thing about clematis is that its roots shouldn't be overheated, so plant flowers that grow as low as possible around the clematis so that they can provide them with shade. Most varieties of clematis bloom from May to September in various shades of white, blue, pink and purple. The clematis is cold-resistant, but should be protected from water retention around the roots in the cold season.
Thunbergias for the pergola
This is a very popular climbing flower that comes from Africa. The most famous varieties are the Thunbergias with yellow and orange flowers, with a bit of black that looks like an eye in the middle of the flower. That is why this variety is also called “Black-Eyed Susanne”. There are wonderful Thunbergia varieties that bloom in white, blue and red. The Thunbergias thrive best in sunny, windless locations and like nutrient-rich soil. These climbing flowers prefer plenty of water in the soil, but be careful not to allow excess water to pool around the roots or they will rot. Thunbergia blooms from June to September. It is not frost-resistant, if you want it for a long time, bring the flower indoors so that it can overwinter indoors.
Also read:Caring for Thunbergia: Practical, undemanding and beautiful
fragrant climbing plants – jasmine
Who doesn't like their scent? Jasmine comes from East Asia and produces beautiful flowers in white and yellow from June to October. This climbing plant develops quickly and can withstand cold. This makes it well suited for the garden. But if you don't want to take any risks, plant your jasmine flower in a pot in the first year, then bring it indoors to overwinter. The jasmine thrives well in a sunny location, but you have to cut it in autumn after the flowering period. It can reach a height of three meters and climb walls perfectly.
Die duftende rote Lonicera
The fragrant Lonicera is also known as honeysuckle or honeysuckle; it comes from East Asia and has beautiful clusters of long tubular flowers. It blooms profusely and continuously throughout the summer. The honeysuckle thrives well in fertile soil, planted in shade and partial shade. The Lonicera grows quickly and its branches spread in all directions, so it is good to provide support for the branches. At the end of the flowering period you have to cut the climbing plant and shape the branches. The Lonicera is a frost-resistant flower and is particularly suitable for planting in the garden.
Ivy – an alternative to the usual climbing plants for the garden
If you want to have a gentle burdock plant in your garden that grows quickly, then ivy is perfect for you. This plant is typical of the English garden and can withstand bad weather. It likes sunny locations and abundant watering in summer. This climbing plant is very suitable for balconies and gardens because it is frost-resistant. But while the plant is still small, it's better to let it grow in a pot and bring it indoors to overwinter.
The beautiful pink-red flowers of Dipladenia
The Dipladenia comes from southern Brazil. It grows quickly, reaching 5 meters in length, and its delicate, fragrant flowers are colored in yellow, white, pink and red. This climbing flower blooms all summer long, from June to September. It loves bright places and semi-shaded areas, so never expose it to direct sunlight. The bright sun can damage and even deform Mandevilla's beautiful flowers. Water in moderation, Diplandenia is one of the plants that does not require excessive water. The flower overwinteres indoors, in the house, in February you can cut the Diplandenia to get beautiful new shoots in the spring.
Caracalla vineyard
The Vigna Caracalla comes from South America. Their flowers are mostly white and purple and fill the air around them with a wonderful, intoxicating scent. It blooms from June to September. The stem reaches up to 7 meters and develops very quickly, can easily hold on to anything. In order to bloom profusely, it is recommended to pinch the young shoots. Whether in the garden or on the terrace, it is good to plant the Vigna in permeable soil. Place the pot in a sunny location, preferably facing east or south. Water the Vigna moderately. Note the fact that the Vigna is a honey-giving flower and its flowers attract bees. Cut the climbing flower around October or November and bring it indoors over the winter.
Wisteria – a spectacular flower
Do you remember “Wisteria Lane” from the television series “Desperate Housewives”? The authors named the street exactly after this amazing flower. Wisteria is also known in German as wisteria or wisteria. No matter what name you use, this climbing flower is a wonderful and spectacular beauty in any garden, blooming in May and June with fragrant petals in blue, purple, pink and white. These are also arranged like a bunch of grapes, reminiscent of falling raindrops. Hence the colloquial name. The flower is cold-resistant and suitable only for the garden. So you cannot grow the plant as a potted plant. The Wisteria prefers a sunny location. Then leaves and flowers can develop perfectly.
Blue rain or laburnum looks particularly attractive when it grows along an arch or pergola. During the unfortunately very short flowering period, the plant creates a particularly romantic atmosphere that transforms any seating area into a place to dream. It doesn't necessarily have to be just one flower color. Use different colors as you like and combine them with each other. Purple and pink go great together, while the yellow flowers can be combined with the white ones.
English style garden
Well, which climbing plant have you already chosen for your garden or balcony? Or are you still spoiled for choice? I can understand that, with so much beauty. If the space in your garden allows it and you really can't decide, nothing prevents you from simply combining several of the specimens. Plant the wall of the house with a particular species, choose another for the pergola, a third for a free-standing trellis, and so on. In principle, nothing stands in your way, provided of course you can meet the care needs. Create a blooming paradise in your garden and enjoy your free time in your individually designed garden.
Summer flowers in the garden
Climbing plants for the pergola
Hedge plants and roses
Ivy provides privacy