Choose the flowers depending on the balcony orientation – which ones are suitable?

A small flowering garden in front of the window has a very relaxing effect on city dwellers and successfully reduces everyday stress for everyone. If you are well informed about which types of plants and flowers are suitable for your home, then it will be much easier to create a small oasis at home. Your balcony can be colorful all summer long, where you can grow green plants and colorful flowers in plastic containers, ceramic pots or other containers. The main thing is that the balcony looks beautiful. But before you go to the nearest flower shop for seeds or young plants, take note of which direction your balcony faces. It is also important for your flowers whether the sun still shines there in the morning or only at midday. The balcony orientation - north, south, west or east, depends on what kind of plants you will place there.

Flowers for the north balcony

Begonias are perfect for the north-facing balcony

DieBegoniablooms from May to October. The plant does not grow very tall (around 20 cm). You can water them once every 2-3 days. After it has faded, bring the plant indoors.


You can also do it on the north terraceNasturtiumplace. It blooms from June to October. Their shoots can reach a length of 4 m. This flower does not like soil that is too wet. Therefore, you should not water them very often. Also, do not fertilize the potting soil if you do not want the plant to have lots of leaves and small flowers.


Violets bloom in different colors in April

Dievioletthrive on one after the otherNorth facing balcony. They bloom in April. Their flowers need to be protected from the bright sun, but also from cold winds and strong air currents. Choose different varieties and then you can create different interesting color combinations.

Balcony orientation south: geraniums

Geraniums like lots of sun and require plenty of watering

DieGeraniumsbloom from May to September. These delicate flowers hold up well in strong winds. During their intensive growth and flowering period, they require abundant watering every day. It is necessary to remove the dead leaves.

DiePetuniasis a climbing plant with flower shoots up to 2 m long. It blooms from May until the first frost. Petunia is tolerant of temperature changes. This is the best plant on the sunny side of your house, but also in any place that is well protected from rain and wind.

Hydrangeas for the east balcony

The hydrangea can delight you with its great colors from June to October. It can grow to a height of 20 cm. TheHydrangeaslook effective when grown alone or in combination with other plants in a pot. These flowers can certainly withstand occasional watering.

This is also found on the eastern terraceHeatherPlace. It blooms from July until the first frost. Some varieties reach 50 cm in height. Heather loves to grow in a place with little sun. It looks great when planted in a shallow container.

Plants for the west balcony

DieThe verbsblooms from June to October. It brings great colors. The soil should be fertile; it needs to be loosened once a week. This flower should be watered every day.

DieFetthenneBlooms from May to late autumn and can thrive very well on the western terrace. It forms a thick carpet with a height of 25 cm. This plant loves rocky soil. Even beginner flower lovers can cope well with the cultivation of stonecrop. The flower prefers dry places and can tolerate the wind well.

DieWaldrebe(Clematis), a system for the west-facing balcony is also well suited. It blooms from May to October and can reach a height of 3 m. With this you can decorate not only the terrace, but also the garden. The clematis is shade tolerant but requires frequent watering.

Have you already decided how to decorate your balcony? And did you also choose the flowers? Hopefully today's article helped you with your flower selection!