Read these useful tips and tricks on how to care for the pond in the garden depending on the season. Maintenance is not only seasonal, it depends on other factors such as size of the pond, depth, location, construction and contents. But before you continue with the care, it is best to first learn a bit of basic information about the garden pond.
Basic elements of the pond in the garden
Waterproofing is particularly important for the pond in the garden. In most cases it was made of flexible synthetic rubber or PVC. This element holds water and prevents leaks. The sand bed is another important element of the pond construction. On the sand bed is actually theSealingplaced. In rare cases the bed is made of concrete or clay soil. The material for the edge is of great importance, as this element plays a huge role in the appearance of the pond. In most cases the edge is made of stones, concrete or wood.
How to care for the pond in spring
Start caring for your garden pond at the beginning of the spring season. Above all, it is particularly important to clean the floor thoroughly. Leaks should be discovered and repaired in a timely manner. The pump and filter should also be checked and replaced if necessary. You definitely need to get more oxygenating aquatic plants for the pond's flora. You can also return the heat-loving plants that were shed over the winter to the pond. After the water has warmed up enough, add more plants to the surface of the water.
Summer care
In summer it is particularly important to pay attention to the water level. Add more water if necessary. Check the chemical levels in the water regularly. Remove the unnecessary leaves and overgrown plants and check the water pump and filter regularly. It is advisable to install a fountain or waterfall in the pond so that the water moves. Don't forget to fertilize the plants regularly.
Maintain your garden pond in autumn
Remove the fallen leaves from the surface of the water. If you have fish in the pond, you should spend less food because the fish's metabolism slows down in winter. If the water temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, stop feeding. When it gets really cold, you should store the fish and summer plants somewhere for the winter. Allow the fountain or waterfall to drain. Then the pond is ready for the winter.
In winter
Cover the garden pond with wood or other materials to prevent the water from rising and freezing. However, leave a hole so that fish or other creatures can breathe and the water can move around a bit.
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