Night-scented plants for the garden – types & care tips

The garden does have its magical side. It can be made very magical by planting lots of colorful flowers or hanging trees. But you can't just enjoy the garden during the day. There are pretty flowers that prefer to rest and sleep during the day and then impress with their blooms at night. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, especially in the evening, you will definitely find such night-smelling plants a very good idea, won't you?

Night-scented plants – Pleasant scent in the evening

In this article, we have put together some pretty night-scented plants that you can consider for your garden. In addition, you will receive some care tips that you should keep in mind so that thefragrant flowersfeel really good and fill the air with their great aroma.

Night-scented plants – European pipe bush

The European pipe bush (Philadelphus coronarius) impresses with its white flowers, which appear in spring and begin to smell at night. The shrub, which can grow up to 2 meters high, prefers a sunny spot in the garden, but also feels comfortable in partial shade. Since it is a very fast growing shrub, it is recommended that you prune it often once the flowering period is over.

Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)

Another interesting shrub in the Japanese honeysuckle. The attractive flowers, which have an asymmetrical shape, also bloom and smell during the day. The scent is particularly noticeable at night. For these shrubs, as night-scented plants, you can choose a place in both sun and partial shade.

The plant can cope with drought for a long time, but should receive regular nutrients through fertilization. Since it is a climbing plant, the shrub is a wonderful night-scented plant as a privacy screen if you let it grow along a fence. Columns and facades can also be easily decorated with this plant.

The miracle flower (Mirabilis jalapa)

Although this plant is not too impressive during the day, it is often chosen for garden design. The reason for this is that after sunset the green leaves are adorned with beautiful flowers in different colors. If you want to enjoy flowers during the day, you don't have to do without these pretty, night-scented plants. If you plant them in the shade, they will also bloom during the day.

Night Cherries (Oenotherа sp.)

Evening primroses are low-growing and night-scented plants and close their pretty yellow flowers during the hot part of the day. This species is an annual plant, so you have to replant it every year. They are particularly popular for flower boxes.


This white-flowering gem is also an annual and climbing plant. The plant feels particularly comfortable in shady and darker areas, which makes it perfect for greening gardens that have a lot of shaded areas. But night-scented plants like these can also thrive in the sun. However, the flowers then appear to have withered and only reveal their beauty when it gets darker or on cloudy days.

White flowers for Ipomoea alba

By choosing night-scented plants like these, you guarantee them nutrient-rich and moist soil. However, this should not hold up too much water to prevent the roots from rotting. The practical thing about this annual plant is that it reproduces itself. The seeds automatically disperse throughout the garden, so you don't have to worry about them next year.

Palmlilie (Yucca)

The palm lily is very popular for garden design. It gives the garden a certain exotic atmosphere and delights the eye with pretty inflorescences, which, however, prefer less light. Therefore, it is better to choose a place in the shade. Otherwise you will have to wait for gloomy days or the night. The Mediterranean, night-scented plants are extremely easy to care for and can be planted anywhere.

Common night violet (Matronal Hesperis)

The night violet is a biennial plant that has beautiful purple flowers. However, these only bloom in the second year from May to August and after sunset. For night-scented plants like these, it's best to choose a sunny location. If necessary, the pretty flower can also thrive in the shade.

garden levkoje (Matthiola incana)

Although this flower only lives for one year and has to be resown afterwards, it is worth having in the garden. They will delight you with lush and dreamy flowers that also smell strong and pleasant. If you would like to have this scent in your house, you can create pretty bouquets of flowers. For night-scented plants like the garden levkoje, choose nutrient-rich and moist soil.

Nightjasmin (The night sky)

Even if night jasmine doesn't really stand out during the day and isn't really anything special, it shouldn't be underestimated. Because as the name suggests, it peaks at night. It is not without reason that night jasmine is often referred to as the “Queen of the Night” as a night-scented plant.

The scent that night jasmine exudes as a night-scented plant is simply intoxicating and can be described as a mix of jasmine and lime blossom. Since you risk the night jasmine drying out and dying in the sun, it is better to choose a shady location. In winter, however, the plant needs a place in the house.

Phlox “Midnight Candy”

Night-scented plants can also be found in the Phlox plant. This is the so-called “Midnight Candy” variety with its interesting, white flowers. It is a perennial plant that is also extremely undemanding and easy to care for.

Lemon daylily (Hemerocallis lemon)

The pretty lemon daylily has large yellow flowers that also bloom during the day. However, the scent, reminiscent of lemons, is most noticeable at night. If you value easy-care, night-scented plants, this flower is the perfect choice. She is very undemanding. The perennial plant can be propagated with the help of tubers.

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