Build your own privacy screen – tips for planning and designing in the garden

The garden is a sought-after place that most people also use as a private area, and if you want to build a privacy screen yourself, you have come to the right place. This article can help you avoid major pitfalls and costly design and installation mistakes. In this way you will find a cost-effective solution for your privacy protection. We will show you practical tricks and techniques that professionals can use to build a beautiful privacy fence themselves. You can of course adapt this to your needs and your landscape. If you make such privacy garden ideas yourself, you will save a lot of time, nerves and money. This will also ensure that you can complete your DIY project correctly the first time.

Build your own optimal privacy screen cheaply

First and foremost, make sure you actually find the right area that will give you the privacy you want. Pay attention to the correct height and consider how high you want to build your privacy screen yourself. It could happen that after construction you find that your neighbors next door can still see in on you. From an aesthetic point of view, you should also be careful not to use any material,Wasting money and timeto build a fence that doesn't suit your garden.

For example, to determine whether you have aPrivacy screen for terraceIf you are building one yourself, you should consider the proportions of your garden. How high your private area needs to be and other ideas for privacy fences are the first important factors. In this case, it's also a good idea to find a helper with a tall piece of wood or cardboard. You can cut the piece to the height of your proposed fence beforehand to allow the perimeter to run. Sitting and standing, follow the view above the box as it moves. This means you can determine how much privacy your fence actually offers, for example if you build your own wooden privacy screen.

So you can quickly decide how high your fence needs to be or whether it is impractical to build one at all. It should be high enough to screen your garden. Then you can consider alternatives such as fast-growing dense trees or bushes that don't have the same height restrictions as fences. For example, if you build a privacy screen yourself from decking or have a garden shed that you want to separate, you can build directly around this area.

Place posts at a distance

Get the spacing right and keep the fence posts no more than 10 feet apart so the privacy screen doesn't sag when you're planning construction. Fewer posts saves you from digging, but in the long run it's not profitable due to wind and gravity. The more posts you have, the stronger your outdoor privacy fence will be. So the 3 meter distance is a good rule of thumb. This gives the fence enough strength to withstand the wind.

For example, if you are building a metal privacy screen yourself, you can lay out the posts while you decide how to build your fence. The trick is to separate this with stakes to mark the hole positions exactly 3 meters apart. The thickness of the posts gives you additional inches for more wiggle room. You will need this if you are considering multiple variations. You can build a creative privacy screen yourself if you position the panels between the posts. Also plan at least three horizontal supports to support the weight of each panel.

Build your own privacy screen and observe the requirements

If you already know how to build your own privacy screen, you need to know the local ordinances, regulations and building codes before you get started. Otherwise, you risk having to dismantle the fence again. So there is more than one reason to obtain such a building permit. If you build the fence in the wrong place or too high, you could be forced to tear it down. However, when you apply for a permit, you will receive a copy of the rules that apply to fences in your area. These include required setbacks from property lines, sidewalks and streets, as well as allowable heights, which typically vary from front to back yard.

If you live in a development that has its own private regulations, you can also contact the association or planning committee. Its rules can be even stricter than the city or municipality's rules. Some regulations even include a choice of color or material. You may need to provide a sketch for design approval if you want a backyard wooden fence. So identify the boundary of your property by determining the stakes before building a DIY privacy screen. Start with a site plan to help you build on the property. You should mark the corners of your yard like this. They can usually ask for a photocopy of your property plan if you don't already have one. However, don't assume that your property is perfectly square or rectangular. Many may be wedge-shaped or have unusual shapes.

Add fence door

When building, plan at least two fence doors if possible and make them as wide as possible. Have you ever lived in a house where the gates were too small or in the wrong place? Then you know how much of a hassle it is to walk around half of your property to get into the yard through gates that are too small. So also think about access to your garden. If you have a neighbor you like to visit, want to access your yard from both sides of your house, or want to make it easier to access the park behind the house, consider a plan like this.

Build your own privacy screen – design and construction

Consider the different fence designs and change the design of privacy fence ideas according to your needs. A solid, high fence can block prying eyes, but it can also block you in. Such a boring, monolithic and material-intensive design may not be the best solution. Your privacy screen does not have to consist of a consistent design, height or material. For example, if your yard borders a wooded area, an inexpensive, low chain-link fence will do the job. This means you can keep the dog in the garden and enjoy the view of the forest at the same time. Perhaps a beautifully designed, attractive screen with an inviting gate is required on both sides of the house facing the street. A higher fence will then fit on the side of the yard that faces the neighbor. A high, cost-effective and practical protective fence would be highly recommended in this case.

Changing the style or configuration to suit different parts of your yard can be a successful strategy for keeping material costs down and reducing labor load. It can even make the yard more interesting. Plan for higher fences to protect privacy and lower ones to keep the price down and improve the view. You don't need any tools to plan the design of a fence, but you do need tools to install it. For this reason, avoid last-minute shopping trips by having all the materials ready in time to build such a project.

Material selection and your own needs

With so many fence styles to choose from, there are several factors to consider. Be aware of your own skills and available tools. Even a simple wooden plank fence can be functional and beautiful, but more complicated projects with intricate angle cuts or recycled architectural elements are possible if you have the know-how and the right equipment. You should also consider your climate and neighborhood.

In some areas, a wooden fence can weather quickly, and a metal fence or log wall may be a better choice. Some county building codes may also dictate what type of fence you can build. Finally, your choice of project may depend on how many meters you need and the price of the materials. If your budget is tight, free items like pallets can be recycled into an attractive wooden fence.

So, if you have children or pets that you want to keep indoors or outdoors, or just want some privacy from the neighbors, DIY privacy screens are a great way to save money on your landscaping. Always call your local utility company and have them mark the power lines before digging. Nothing can stop a DIY project more than hitting a utility line. Not to mention they could charge you for the damage. Also, make sure you're willing to be flexible with supplies. For example, some building instructions suggest types of wood that are common in your area but may cost more in your country. It's best to ask your hardware store for suggestions. A fence must not only be functional, but also become an attractive part of your landscape. Also remember safety when using power tools.