Is your peony not blooming? Why the right location might suddenly no longer be suitable

The highlight of the peony bushes and perennials is of course the gorgeous blooms. It's all the more annoying when this doesn't happen. Are you facing this exact problem? Depending on the situation, this can have various causes. Has the shrub never flowered before or have there been no problems with this for a while and the lack of flowering is new? We explain what could be the reason if the peony does not bloom.

Did you buy a specimen just last year, plant it in the garden with love and wait impatiently for it to bloom, but nothing happens? An unsuitable location or incorrect care could be the reasons. Even if you have not planted the flowering shrub/perennial at the correct depth, this will affect the flower development. These are the options you should take a closer look at:

She may still need time

If the plant is freshly planted, it may just need a while to get used to its new place. The ideal planting time is autumn, as this allows the plant to grow well until spring. But even then, it is not uncommon that the flowering phase does not occur in this first season. If you planted the peony in spring, you don't have to expect any flowers yet.

The peony will not bloom if the location is not suitable

This won't surprise you, but we would like to mention it anyway: If the shrub or perennial is in an unfavorable place, it won't bloom as you would like. Most of the time the amount of flowers is just small, but if it is very shady, for example, there may be no flowers at all.This is the perfect place:

  • Sun or at least partial shade; the peony does not tolerate shade
  • an area of ​​at least one square meter per plant
  • loose, permeable soil; no waterlogging
  • A location where there were no peonies before is an advantage

Depth is also important. All leaf buds should be directly on the surface of the soil. If you plant the shrub/perennial too deep, it will not bloom.

Have you cared for them properly?

A peony without flowers may not have been cared for properly. Too much fertilizer is just as inappropriate as too little, which is why you are hereproceed correctlyshould.

What you should consider when cuttingfind out here.

If the plant was originally very flowery

...then something may have changed in terms of care or location. Age can also play a role. Either way, you need to identify the error in order to take action. The peony does not bloom in the following situations:

Why doesn't my peony bloom after transplanting

First of all, you should know that transplanting should only be done if necessary, because the peonies don't like it that much. If everything is right with the location and care, but the peony still doesn't bloom, you may have:

  • planted too deep. When transplanting a peony, always pay attention to how deep it was previously planted and maintain the same depth for the new location.
  • the rootstock is not divided. This is necessary to rejuvenate the plant. It is divided with the help of a spade, making sure that each separated part also contains at least one root ball, otherwise it will not survive.
  • not enough patience. Here too, the plant first has to get used to the new location and the first flowering may therefore not occur.

Autumn is a good time for transplanting (as soon as the leaves change color until late autumn). Transplanting and dividing peonies in spring is not a good idea because they already have young, sensitive shoots that could be injured.

Peony not blooming - Same location but no blooms

If you have noticed that the number of flowers is decreasing from year to year and has now perhaps even stopped completely, this could also be due to the location. At first this may seem illogical, because after all it worked before. But it may well be that surrounding taller bushes or trees have grown so tall in the meantime that they are depriving the peony of light, and they absolutely need that in large quantities in order to be able to form flowers.

The solution:Either you replant the shrub peony/the perennial peony or the perennial or you change something about the troublemaker. You could also transplant these. They can also be easily cut or thinned out if they are specimens that can be cut or removed completely.