Do you want to give your garden a breathtaking, blooming and wonderfully fragrant design? Planting a rose arch gives you this wonderful design option and will enchant you and your guests as garden lovers with its splendor of flowers. In this article we will give you valuable information and tips on how to properly plant a rose arch.
Plant rose arches – the highlight in your own ornamental garden
Do you want your guests on thePath to the house entranceTo welcome you with blooming roses, you can design the rose arch as an entrance to your garden, for example at the beginning of the main path or directly above the garden gate. You can also use a rose arch to separate garden areas or direct visitors' attention to certain areas in the ornamental garden.
What can you plant it with?
To ensure that the rose arch with its fragrant, delicate flowers will give you joy for a long time, you need to choose robust varieties that have already proven themselves. Choose climbing roses with flexible shoots that are easy to wrap around the frame. The rambler roses are ideal for this. They bloom once a year and grow to a height of over five meters.
Suitable varieties
If you want to enjoy blooming roses more often, varieties such as “Cherry Rose” or “Perennial Blue” are the better alternative for you. The Climber with its strong branches is also suitable for creating a rose arch. Ideal roses for the arch are the almost thornless rose varieties such as “Veilchenblau”, “Maria Lisa”, “Malvern Hills” and “James Galway”.
Colored accents inGartenset
If you want to enjoy color-changing flowers, the “Ghislaine de Féligonde” variety is the right climbing rose for the rose arch. The small, double flowers of the “Guirlande d'Amour” variety, the double double flowers of the pleasantly scented “The Piligram” variety and the bright color of the “Amadeus” rose variety will transform your rose arch into onebeautiful eye-catchertransform.
Suitable climbing partners
A clematis or honeysuckle looks great on the trellis. If you choose a clematis, you must let the roses grow unattended for at least two years.
climbing rosescertainAllow time alone to grow
Only when the rose is well rooted can the clematis be planted. The “Red Honeysuckle” and the “Golden Honeysuckle” are also suitable as rose partners. The varieties you choose must not be too vigorous, otherwise they will overgrow the rose.
The modelchoose
First you need to choose a trellis. The selection of different models is now very large and leaves nothing to be desired. Wooden trellises are weather-resistant and give your garden a rustic and natural look. Pressure-impregnated fir or spruce wood, as well as Douglas fir or larch are preferred.
The rank bookmade of metal
A metal rose arch is robust, does not weather and can give your garden a romantic touch thanks to the beautiful, delicate decorations. For the steel rose arch, you can choose from arches made of galvanized, painted or untreated steel.
framedo it Yourself
By the way, you cana climbing aid made of different materialsbuild yourself. Wooden slats, wire ropes or structural steel mats are suitable for this. The scaffolding must be stable enough to support the weight of snow.
Distance toWandlet
Depending on where you want to place the rose arch, you should choose the height and width of the arch precisely. A minimum distance of 10 cm between the trellis and the wall should be ensured so that spider mite infestation and heat build-up can be avoided.
Rosenbogencorrectset up
Anchor the rose base firmly in the ground, otherwise the frame can be torn out in strong winds. If you have already decided where the rose arch should be installed, you will need to dig a lot of holes about 55 centimeters deep for the feet. A 50 centimeter long PVC pipe that is filled with concrete serves as the formwork for the foundation. Now you can place the rose arch in the fresh concrete and align the frame horizontally using a spirit level. When setting up wooden rose arches, metal post shoes are used.
Vonplant on both sides
If the concrete has already hardened, you can cover the surface around the feet with gravel or soil and plant the climbing roses. Plant a climbing rose on one or both sides, deep enough so that it is properly protected from the elements. Water the plants thoroughly. Be sure to water carefully in the following days to ensure the roses thrive.
Rosenthrivein clay soil
In order to ensure a good start for the growth of your roses, you must plant the roses in a location where no other flowers have previously grown. The reason for this is the root exudates which affect growth. If you can't find any more space for your rose arch, you can simply replace the soil. Roses thrive best in loamy soil with a good mineral content and lime content.
Rose shootscorrectlead
It is best to plant roses in early fall. You will have to wait a few months until you can admire the beauty of the blooming rose arch. From around late spring, the rose arch will beautify your garden. In order to get a nice shape, you must always guide the new shoots evenly through the rungs of the tendril arch without bending them.
When is aTendril archdensely overgrown
You can expect a well-grown and beautifully blooming rose arch after three to four years. It is definitely worth being patient and caring for the climbing roses with care.
So that you can enjoy the wonderful scent again next year, the beautiful roses need your care. In addition to proper weaving, you need to cut off the old shoots and the wilted flowers so that the fresh shoots have enough space. Roses need good watering without causing waterlogging. Always water the climbing roses from below; the leaves should remain dry, otherwise fungal diseases endanger the plant.
Pruning is frombig oneMeaning
The climbing roses are fertilized with special rose fertilizer between March and June. You should cut back the climbing roses in spring. The annual shoots are not cut off because they will have fresh flowers next year. If you notice over the course of the year that the rose shoots are closely intertwined, you need to remove the older shoots from near the ground.
Roses inWinterprotect from frost
In order to overwinter undamaged, your roses need special protection for the cold days. The climbing roses are optimally protected from frost damage if you pile them up generously and cover them with a thin garden fleece or reed mats around the rose arch. Only remove this additional protection when it becomes permanently frost-free.