Everyone strives for a perfect garden. But weeds and pests often make the work and implementation difficult. A little help is needed to fight these annoying troublemakers. For this purpose, we have put together some great gardening tips that will guarantee a beautiful garden. Get started now and ensure the best protection for your plants with our helpful tips!
1. A beautiful garden with white vinegar
You can fight weeds wonderfully with vinegar. Fill this into a spray bottle and spray the weeds. This burns in this way. However, this is not permanent. The vinegar does not reach the roots, which is why you have to repeat the procedure regularly to ensure a beautiful garden.
2. without aphids
This idea is probably familiar to every hobby gardener who values a beautiful garden. A few drops of dishwasher are simply mixed with water and put back into a spray bottle. If you spray aphids or mites with it, they will disappear on their own without damaging your expensive plants.
3. Level out sandy soil
If you have very sandy soil that makes it difficult for your plants, having a beautiful garden can be a challenge. You can do this thoughMix in coffee grounds regularly. Not only does it provide the soil with important nutrients, but it also allows it to retain moisture. The coffee grounds have the opposite effect on clayey soil. It promotes water drainage and prevents waterlogging.
4. Home remedies for snails – beer
You can build a trap for snails with beer. Simply dig a bowl into the ground and fill it with beer. The drink we love attracts pests. You fall into the shell and drown while your plants and you have peace and quiet.
5. Scare away snails
If you don't want to kill the snails right away, you can simply lure them away from the beds. All you need is some orange peels. Not that snails like to eat them. But they provide a wonderful shelter under which to protect themselves from the sun. Remember where you placed the bowls. Before dark, when the snails crawl out of hiding, simply collect them and release them somewhere else.
6. Home remedy recipe for powdery mildew
Is your garden area at risk because you have discovered mildew on your plants? Then quickly prepare this simple remedy to counteract this: Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one to three teaspoons of bug oil and three liters of water. Once a week, spray the leaves of each plant on both sides.
7. Fight earwigs
Outdoor areas can also be infested with earwigs. But with the right trap you can get rid of them too. You need the roll of kitchen paper, which you fill lengthwise with straws. Place the finished trap under the plants on which you have noticed earwig damage. The earwigs love to hide and will soon visit this hideout. By closing both sides with your hands, you take the trap away after a while and shake it out over a bucket of soapy water.
8. Drive away rodents and other wild animals
Everyone has been annoyed by moles and other rodents that destroy the lawn. And although they are actually useful animals, they don't really contribute to creating a beautiful garden. Cayenne pepper is the perfect solution here. It is simply sprinkled in large quantities over the plants to be protected and the animals are banished. This even applies to deer, which gnaw on some plants.
9. Prevent blossom end rot
Blossom end rot is a common problem on tomato plants. The trigger is a lack of calcium. Eggshells are the perfect source of this mineral and can be mixed into the soil. In this way, not only a beautiful garden but also a useful one can be protected and supplied with nutrients.
10. Protection against beetle larvae
Another remedy for the crops in your garden is lime. If you fertilize with lime in autumn or winter, before sowing, you can prevent larvae and protect the plants from them. Because a beautiful garden is also characterized by healthy vegetable plants.