Walkable ground cover as a lawn replacement: 10 suitable plants

Evergreen hazelwort

If there is little sun in the garden, we offer you an alternative to the carpet verbena - the evergreen hazelwort. The plant feels comfortable in the shade and can be easily cared for by anyone without any demands. The glossy dark green foliage is perfect as a replacement for the lawn because it provides a similar look and color. In contrast to the carpet verbena, the hazelroot grows much more slowly, but forms dense carpets that are 5 to 10 centimeters high. The reddish-brown flowers of the hazelwort usually go unnoticed because they are hidden under the leaves and only bloom between March and April. This plant also has a specific scent - it smells slightly of pepper. A big advantage of this ground cover is the wintergreen foliage, which retains its color all year round.

In addition to the numerous advantages, there is one major disadvantage of hazelroot - it is a poisonous plant. We therefore recommend that hazelroot be excluded if children or animals live in your household. In addition, you must not walk over this walkable ground cover with bare feet. Although this is gentle on the plant, it can be dangerous for your feet. Therefore, suitable footwear is advisable.