Designing a rock garden – Useful tips, ideas and examples

A rock garden would be a low-maintenance and particularly attractive way to beautify your garden. A simple design could cleverly combine different colors and shapes, making it look natural and eye-catching at the same time. Different stones can be used to create different scenes - a stream bed, a desert, a forest path, a Zen garden or a beach. The space you have available and the stones you choose will determine your design. In today's article we will give you a few tips and introduce wonderful inspiration and examples. Get inspired for your own project this year.

– Arrange the stones in an attractive design. For example, place a group of five large rocks in the back corner of the garden and groups of medium-sized stones around them in a random pattern.

– Fill the gaps with smaller stones,gravel or coarsesand out. For a zen effect, you can smooth the sand with a rake. Gravel acts as a barrier to weeds.

– Add height to your garden by creating a small hill or use a slope where the stones can be installed.

Ground cover and climbing plants:White silverwort, goose cress, phlox, thyme, chickweed, sedum.

Shrubs:Ziest, catnip, garden carnations, lavender, oregano, pigeon catchfly, toadflax, shrub veronica.

Low shrubs:Moss Juniper Plumosa Aurea, Juniper Arnold, Gold Cone, Sentinel, Andorra Compact, Blue Chip, Creeping Juniper, Blue Dwarf Juniper, Japanese Larch Blue Dwarf and Stiff Weeper, Echiniformis, Nidiformis, Ball Spruce Alberta Globe, Black Spruce Nana, Dwarf -Mountain pine Ophir, black pine Brepo, pine Watereri, Thuja Danica, Rheingold, Woodwardi.

Low trees:Ornamental quince Elly Mossel, cotoneaster Variegatus, cotoneaster Streibs Findling, cinquefoil Goldstar.

Tipp:Use stones in colors that would add a nice contrast to your garden. For example, if you have a light-colored facade, use dark rocks like red and black lava rocks. If you have a dark house facade, use light stones. Also combine flat dark gray slate slabs with light oval stones. Gravel is preferred in areas with heavy rainfall.