These 7 shrubs bloom all summer long and are pleasing to the eye!

Abelia blooms all summer: from June to October

The Abelia (Abelia x grandifolia) is a hybrid created from the wild species Abelia chinensis and Abelia uniflora, and can be either a deciduous or evergreen shrub, depending on how warm your climate region is. It has an overall spherical habit and grows rather slowly.

Botanical name: Abelia x grandiflora
Location: Sun to partial shade
Growth height: 150 to 300 cm

The shrub blooms for many weeks in summer, producing many small pink flowers that are popular with butterflies, bees and bumblebees. In autumnthe leaves change colorDepending on the variety, it turns into bronze, red or purple.

A variety with a particularly interesting look is the Abelia x grandiflora 'Francis Mason'. The shrub has yellow-green foliage and produces light pink flowers from July onwards.