High blood pressure is one of the most common health problems and can have serious consequences. It is therefore important not only to act preventively if blood pressure is already high, but also to act preventatively. We have already explained to you which onesFoods that cause high blood pressurereduce naturally. Today we will show you which home remedies and tricks you can use to naturally lower your blood pressure if it is an acute case. If you want to lower your blood pressure quickly, medication is not always necessary. You can also try it naturally first.But be careful: Don't take high blood pressure lightly! If the remedies mentioned do not take effect quickly, consult your doctor!
Lower blood pressure quickly – home remedies, breathing exercises and more
Have you noticed that your blood pressure is skyrocketing again or have you measured it to be on the safe side and noticed an increase? Instead of resorting to the usual medications as usual, you could first try natural remedies (in consultation with your doctor). But what lowers blood pressure naturally and as quickly as possible? It doesn't just turn outMedicinal herbs as helpfulif you want to lower blood pressure in the short term. Certain minerals, certain baths or showers, breathing exercises and some reflex zones on the feet are also suitable. Try the following things:
Lower blood pressure quickly with proper breathing
You probably already know that stress in general can be a culprit for high blood pressure. But the hectic breathing that usually accompanies it can also be a cause. That's why it's a good idea, first of allBreathing under control againbecause it could quickly lower blood pressure. Try to calm down and breathe in and out deeply and slowly. If you cover your eyes at the same time, you can increase the effect because it also reduces the stress level. Lie comfortably on your back and then breathe as follows to help lower blood pressure quickly:
Count to 5 as you breathe into your belly. Then breathe out slowly again, counting to 5 again. If you want, you can hold your breath for 8 to 10 seconds after exhaling. If you do this breathing exercise for 3 to 5 minutes, you will probably become oneImprovement in your blood pressurenotice. This exercise can therefore quickly reduce blood pressure as it ensures that your entire body is supplied with blood, right down to the tips of your toes and fingertips. This relieves the pressure in the arteries and therefore also lowers your blood pressure values a little.
Contrast showers
Has your blood pressure increased? Then take a shower and lower your blood pressure quickly! You already know that theAlternation of cold and warm waterhas a good effect on our immune system and gets the circulation going. This also has a positive effect on blood circulation. To do this, first take a warm shower. Then switch to cold water, but not colder than 10 degrees. Complete the contrast shower with cold water. Since the heart is located a little further to the left of the body, it is best to pour yourself on the right side. This way you avoid overloading.
Alternating showers should not only be used for acute high blood pressure, but are best done routinely every morning.
Rising foot bath
You can even use onepleasant foot bathnaturally lower blood pressure. Prepare a small tub of warm water and bathe your feet in it as desired. Then gradually increase the temperature by gradually adding hot water. The heat dilates the blood vessels, causing blood pressure to drop. You can supplement the foot bath with a herbal bath additive. Thyme and lemon balm are well suited for this.
Lower blood pressure naturally with tea
It won't surprise you that herbs and medicinal plants can have a positive effect on our blood flow. Get into the habit of doing it more oftento drink teato be good for your health. If you want to lower high blood pressure that is acute, try the following varieties:
- Hibiscus-Tee: Tea made from hibiscus flowers can successfully reduce slightly elevated blood pressure and this applies to both the systolic and diastolic values. Its effects have already been scientifically examined in an American study by Doctor Diane McKay. The participants drank 3 cups of hibiscus tea a day, which lowered the upper limit by an average of 7.2 mmHg.
- Lower blood pressure quickly with peppermint tea: The refreshing peppermint tea proves to be very useful not only if you have just diagnosed acute high blood pressure, but also as a preventive measure. Drink at least 2 cups a day, preferably even 3 cups. Use fresh or dried leaves soaked in hot water for 10 minutes. Drink the tea slowly in small sips.
- Chamomile tea
- Green tearecommends the specialist in internal medicine in Munich and President of the Federal Association of German Nutritional Medicine Prof. Johannes Georg Wechsler. The plant substances it contains have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels.
- tea, thevaleriancontains, has a calming effect and reduces stress.Valerian helpsif taken regularly. However, never take more than the recommended dose and it is best to seek advice from your doctor.
- If high blood pressure is the result of stress, it can tooLavendelteehave a calming and antihypertensive effect.
- Weißdornteeexpands the coronary arteries and thereby promotes blood circulation, particularly in the heart muscle, through its blood-thinning effect.
- Passionflower teacan also help you lower blood pressure. The plant also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Make your own blood pressure-lowering tea mixture
A mix of different types of tea is also suitable. For example, how about the following:
- 4 tsp peppermint
- 1 tsp wild garlic
- 1 teaspoon St. John's wort
- 1 TL Chrysanthemenblüten
- 1 tsp nettles
This quantity is intended for 4 liters of tea. Of course, you don't have to prepare this amount right away. Simply mix the teas and store them in an airtight container. Then you can always take the desired amount, pour boiling water over it, let the herbs steep and strain them. Tip: You can also keep the tea cold and reheat it if necessary.
How to lower blood pressure naturally? Try apple cider vinegar instead of aspirin
Can you quickly lower high blood pressure with aspirin? There is such a belief, but in fact ASA has no direct effect on pressure, but only promotes good blood flow in the arteries. Therefore, the drug should only be taken to lower blood pressure if prescribed by a doctor. In addition, this is not a natural remedy. A better variant and alternative that allows you to quickly lower blood pressure,is apple cider vinegar.
Dilute this with water and drink it (maximum 4 teaspoons per glass of water). It thins the blood, allowing it to flow faster and the heart no longer has to pump as hard. This relieves pressure on both the heart and the veins. You can also use the tried and tested home remedy for long-term treatment. 2 teaspoons per glass of water daily are sufficient. It is best to drink this solution first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Lower blood pressure quickly with magnesium
Plain magnesium can do wonders for high blood pressure and is easily accessible and easy to take. Magnesium ensures that the blood vessels expand and the pressure is equalized. In addition, the mineral prevents hardening of the arteries, which also disrupts blood flow and promotes high blood pressure. If you want to lower your blood pressure quickly, simply take an effervescent tablet. If necessary, you can also take a second one on the same day. A diet rich in magnesium is also recommended as a preventive measure and as a treatment. You can find some foods rich in magnesiumin this article.
Garlic is considered extremely effective when it comes to lowering high blood pressure using home remedies. The reason for this are certain active ingredients that are converted into hydrogen sulfide in the body. These in turn have a blood-thinning property, which reduces the back pressure so that the blood can be better distributed throughout the body. Instead of eating garlic, you can also use garlic extract if you want to reduce blood pressure quickly.
Everyone has heard of acupuncture. Acupressure tends to take a back seat, which is a shame because it also proves to be very helpful for many complaints.This methodto lower blood pressure is natural and can be conveniently done anytime, anywhere. The points are on hand:
- A variant would be the tips of the middle fingers.
- There is another point on the wrist. If the palm is facing you, it is on the inside outside.
Hold the points on your middle fingers firmly with your other hand for a minute. However, you can massage the point on the wrist for two to three minutes. You can repeat acupressure up to three times a day.
What lowers blood pressure quickly – conclusion
So you can lower your blood pressure with home remedies. Not only the listed foods from our other article are very helpful for this, but also the remedies from this one. But all of these means won't be of much use in the long run if you don't have one in generalstrive for a healthy lifestyle. If you want to lower your blood pressure naturally without medication, other factors are important:
- a healthy, balanced diet (use salt very sparingly; foods with omega-3 fatty acids; no alcohol or at least reduce it, etc.) - a few recipes with ingredients that lower blood pressurecan be found here
- regular exercise (30 minutes of endurance sports at a normal pace 5 to 7 times a week)
- Reduce stress and relax (massages, yoga, etc.)
- do not smoke
- If you are overweight, reduce your body weight
Preventing or permanently regulating blood pressure is a complex matter, but one that is always achievable. By adhering to a healthy lifestyle, you can not only protect yourself from low or high blood pressure, but alsofrom numerous other diseases.