Bamboo looks beautiful in containers and raised beds. The plants are great for Japanese themed gardens or simply to add structure and height to the garden. Growing in containers offers flexibility when setting up in the garden, on the terrace or on the balcony. Since the bucket itself represents a barrier, you don't have to worry about itBamboo overgrown the entire garden. You can also move the bamboo in the pot to optimize the lighting conditions or overwinter. Bamboo plants are tall and narrow, making them ideal for balconies and patios where space is at a premium. However, they require a little more care and attention than those in the wild. Below you will find out which types of bamboo are best suited for keeping in containers and what you should pay attention to when caring for them.
Choosing a bamboo for a planter is similar to choosing oneBamboo for your garden. You need to know how much sun or shade the location you want will get. The most important thing is to choose a bamboo that is sufficiently hardy for your region. Should heBamboo as a privacy screenserve? If so, how high or dense should it be? It is important that you find out about the winter hardiness, amount of light and height of the selected bamboo variety.
Bamboo species with runnersgenerally provide the best growing height (if that is the goal). Because they are flowing species of bamboo, their roots grow much stronger and become root bound much more quickly. This means that their roots have outgrown the container and have no further room to grow.
Clump-forming bamboo varietiesdo not grow as aggressively and therefore generally last much longer in pots before needing to be root bound and repotted. In general, most clump-forming bamboo plants do not reach the height that a rooted bamboo would in a similar sized container.
Bamboo in a pot: which type?
Many varieties of Fargesia (clump-forming) and Phyllostachys (with runners) are suitable for keeping in containers. The Fargesia variety is recommended for small spaces because it does not grow as vigorously as Phyllostachys and does not develop as strong roots.
The Fargesia variety
- The 'Umbrella bamboo‘ (lat.Fargesia rufa) can reach a height of up to 2 meters. It has slightly drooping foliage and spreads its shoots nicely to the sides. This variety is perfect for a rectangular pot.
- It is also suitable for keeping in containersZebra bamboo(lat.Fargesia robusta 'Campbell'), because it has excellent frost resistance (down to -24 degrees). The compact, upright growing bamboo stands out with its cream-colored stem sheaths, which form a beautiful contrast to the dark green stalks.
- That's interesting toored-stemmed bamboo 'Chinese Wonder'(lat.Fargesia jiuzhaigou). Because of its upright growth it is also ideal forsmall balconiesand terraces. The red bamboo reaches a height of up to 3 meters when old and can also grow in the shade.
- The bambooFargesia 'Great Wall'(Fargesia nitida) grows very quickly, is characterized by a particularly dense growth and feels comfortable in both the sun and the shade.
- From the genus of runner-forming bamboo varietiesPhyllostachys bissetiiWell suited for keeping in containers. This bamboo, also called green cane bamboo, grows particularly densely and has shiny, green leaves. This Phyllostachys is very hardy (down to -24 degrees) and can also tolerate windy locations near the coast.
- It's also a real eye-catcherGelbrinnenbambus ‘Aureocaulis’(lat. Phyllostachys aureosulcata). It has beautiful golden-yellow-brown stalks that turn orange to red in the sun and form a nice contrast to the green leaves. This bamboo can reach a height of 3 to 5 meters but tolerates severe pruning quite well.
- Phyllostachys humilis, also called bronze bamboo, is also a low-growing bamboo that can be planted in a pot or container.
Recommended bamboo species for specific uses:
As a privacy screen:
- Chusquea culeou 'Red Sheat' – Höhe 2 bis 3 m
- Fargesia nitida 2 to 3 m
- Phyllostachys viridiglaucescens 4 m
- Pleioblastus gramineus 3 bis 5 m
- Pleioblastus hindsii 3,5 m
- Pleioblastus simonii 4.5 m
- Pseudosasa japonica 4 m
- Sasa palmata 'Nebulosa' 2 bis 4 m
- Semiarundinaria luscious 5 bis 6 m
For bamboo poles:
- Arundinaria tessellated 4 m
- Phyllostachys aurea 4.5 m
- Phyllostachys flexuosa 4 m
- Pleioblastus simonii 4 bis 5 m
- Pseudosasa japonica 4 bis 5 m
- Semiarundinaria luscious 5 bis 6 m
- Yushania anceps 3 bis 5 m
Decorative colorful straws:
- Fargesia nitida 2.5 to 4 m (purple)
- Himalayacalamus hookerianus 4 to 5 m (orange/green)
- Phyllostachys aurea 4 to 5 m (yellow)
- Phyllostachys aureosulcata f. visible 4 to 5 m (gelb/grün)
- Phyllostachys bambusoides ‘Castillonii’ 5 m (gelbgrün)
- Phyllostachys nigra 3,5 m (schwarz)
- Phyllostachys vivax f. aureocaulis 5 m (gelb/grün)
- Sasa palmata 2 m (hellgrün)
- Sasa palmata f. nebulosa 2 m (mit violetten Flecken)
Colorful leaves:
- Chimonobambusa marmorea 'Variegata' 1 m
- Hibanobambusa tranquillans 'Shiroshima' 2,5 m
- Pleioblastus viridistriatus 1 m
- Pleioblastus chino f. aureostriatus 1.5 m
- Pleioblastus shibuyanus ‘Tsuboi’ 1,5 m
- bicolor dwarf bamboo Pleioblastus variegatus 75 cm
- Pseudosasa japonica 'Akebonosuji' 3 m
- Sasa kurilensis 'Shima-shimofuri' 2,5 m
- Sasaella masamuneana 'Albostriata' 1 m
- Sasaella masamuneana f. aureostriata 1 m
Very hardy:
- Fargesia dracocephala 3m
- Fargesia murielae 2.5 to 4m tall
- Fargesia nitida 2.5 to 4 m tall
- Indocalamus tessellated 1 m
- Sasa palmata f. cloudy 2 m
For deep shade:
- Chimonobambusa marmorea 1,5 m
- Chimonobambusa quadrangularis 3 m
- Fargesia nitida 2.5 to 4 m
- Indocalamus tesselated 1 m
- Sasa species 2 m
Keep bamboo in the pot
Suitable bucket
The pot should be large enough as most bamboo plants grow vigorously. It is worth choosing a vessel that is about three times larger than the previous pot. For young plants, the container should have a width and depth of at least 40 cm. Ideally, the bucket should be wider than it is deep. Also ensure good drainage so that water can drain away freely. This is important because bamboo does not tolerate waterlogging. Choose frost-resistant containers, e.g. B. made of ceramic, terracotta or wood. These make it easier for the plant to overwinter outdoors.
Since the growing space in containers is limited, the growth potential of bamboo is also limited. This causes bamboo in pots to be much shorter and the stalks to be thinner. Bamboo grown in a container will never reach the size of the same species grown outdoors. If you are aiming for tall and thick stalks, you should choose the largest pot possible to achieve the best size potential.
When to plant bamboo in a pot?Plant in spring so that the food reserves in the rhizomes are used and the plants can form new, fresh stalks in summer.
Most bamboo species thrive best in sunny and partially shaded locations. If they are protected from the wind, even better. It is also advisable to provide the plants with plenty of moisture in summer, e.g. B. by spraying the leaves.
Which earth
The soil for bamboo must be fertile and permeable. The best soil for planting is universal soil mixed with water-retaining granules or coarse gravel. It is advisable to fill in about 5 cm of expanded clay, perlite or ceramic chippings as a drainage layer. This prevents the roots from standing in water, which is particularly important in winter.
When to cut bamboo
Bamboo can be cut regardless of planting time. Remove old shoots that have turned brown. You can also cut off thin and weak shoots so that the plant directs energy to stronger shoots. Bamboo can also be cut to a specific height or shaped so that, for example, the shoots below are more visible. In this case, cut off the side branches directly on the shoot with secateurs.
Bamboo plants need sufficient nutrients to grow properly. It's worth paying attention to, especially if they're growing in pots. Slow-release fertilizers with the right amount of nitrogen are best. You can start fertilizing at the beginning of April. However, stop fertilizing by the beginning of August at the latest so that the shoots can mature by winter.
The bamboo in the pot needs a lot of water, especially in summer. However, as already mentioned, it does not tolerate waterlogging. For this purpose, hydrogel can be used, which facilitates maintaining constant soil moisture.
Bamboo in pots is also sensitive to hot temperatures and strong winds. In hot temperatures and wind, moisture evaporates more quickly. In summer you need to water the bamboo every other day, or even daily in extreme heat. If the leaves turn yellow, it means that the bamboo has received too much water.
Repot bamboo in the pot
Depending on the growth rate of the variety, the bamboo should be repotted every 2 to 4 years. Remember that plants can only grow healthy and well if they have enough soil and nutrients.
The ideal time to transplant or divide a bamboo is either fall or winter. When transplanting bamboo, you should cut back the heavily branched parts of the root ball. Disturbing the root balls during the active growing season (spring and summer) can potentially destroy the bamboo.
Overwinter bamboo in a pot
Like most potted plants, bamboo plants in pots are much more susceptible to frost than those in the garden. In winter, place the plants close to the wall of the house to protect them from the cold and dry wind. Wrap the pot in several layers of bubble wrap, Styrofoam or similar insulating material. The shoots can simply be tied together and wrapped with breathable fleece.
Regular watering ensures that the roots receive enough water throughout the winter. On days when the temperature is above freezing, water them lightly. Mulching also helps prevent the root ball from freezing.
Bamboo is generally very easy to care for, but can occasionally be damagedsooty mold fungiorRoot rotbe affected.AphidsFargesia is particularly common.
Leaves rolled up –This means that the bamboo usually signals a lack of water. It curls up its leaves, especially in the blazing sun.
Bamboo in the pot doesn't grow -Like all plants (not just bamboo), they eventually outgrow their pots and their roots become “root bound.” When it comes to bamboo, some species grow much more vigorously than others and therefore take root much more quickly. If the bamboo remains rooted for too long, it will suffer as the roots can no longer find nutrients. The leaves don't grow as green and dense. New shoots no longer form as frequently and the new stalks no longer become as thick and tall. For this reason, the bamboo must either be repotted or divided.
Bamboo frozen– If it is completely dry and light brown after the winter, it is frost damage. You should simply cut back the bamboo completely and provide some soil improvement. It will sprout again in the spring.