The pleasant sound of the water relaxes the senses and has a calming effect. We offer you a short guide on how toBamboo fountaincan build yourself. The design is suitable for both the garden and the balcony. They are perfect for shady locations, do not attract the mosquitoes and an inexpensive alternative to the stone garden fountain.
Bamboo fountain - materials
For theBamboo fountainIf you need the following materials-bamboo tube, garden hose, collecting pool made of stainless steel or plastic, pump/the pumps for room fountains with funding volume 700l l/h and maximum conveyor level approx. 1.20-1.30 are sufficient. If you already have a garden pond, you can simply mount the bamboo construction.
Build fountain made of bamboo yourself - instructions
Choose the location for theBamboo fountain. Dine a hole and put the catch basin inside. So that it is more stable, you can additionally attach the pool with bricks. Cover the floor around the catch basin with the metal network and put the river stones on it. Drill two holes in the bamboo pipes and tie them together with the wire. Put the hose into the tubes and connect the hose to the pump. Complete! We offer you some ideas and different variations from the garden fountain - be inspired!
Decorative system with running water and bamboo
You can do theSpringBuild yourself or buy ready-made bamboo elements
Bamboo garden fountain in combination with stone fishing pool
Garden fountain in Japanese style - perfect for the allotment garden or for shady locations
The bamboo fountain can be assembled quickly and easily
Small variant - perfect for the terrace or the balcony
The fountain in Japanese style as an accent in the garden
The flowing water dampens noises from the street
The bamboo fountain looks great natural
High perennials hide the hose and the pump
Small garden pond decorated with aquatic plants and river stones
In this variant, a metal bucket was used as support basin