Snowdrops don't bloom: Possible care mistakes and tips on how to repot the spring bloomers in March

Snowdrops are the most beautiful signs of springamong the spring bloomers. They defy snow and frost and sprout as early as February and March. Hobby gardeners often wait impatiently for the snow-white flowers. But then the disappointment: It's already mid-March and the snowdrops aren't blooming. A sure sign of care errors or illness. We explain what you can do to promote flower formation and what should be taken into account when repotting bulb flowers.

Snowdrops not blooming: dried out bulbs

The spring flower bulbs are planted in the ground at the beginning of the fall season. They will be available in garden centers from mid-September. When buying, however, you should make sure that the onions are fresh. If they are stored for longer than 2-3 months, they dry out and can very slowly form roots and shoots again. It may therefore happen that they do not bloom in spring. Fertilizing in the fall cannot solve the problem either, because...Fertilizer sproutingand do not promote flower formation.

Snowdrops do not bloom: soil pH value too low

Snowdrops thrive best in neutral to slightly alkaline soil. The early bloomers don't like nitrogen. A common mistake that many hobby gardeners make is to provide the flower bed with complete fertilizer. The special fertilizer can lower the pH of the soil. Because of the high acidity, the snowdrops cannot absorb the nutrients. The result: growth is inhibited and flowering stops.

Snowdrops won't bloom: Too much direct sunlight

The snowdrops prefer a sunny location. Especially if the property faces west or south and the flowers receive direct sunlight for more than four hours a day, they can burn.

But too little light can also have a negative effect on the sensitive flowers. Space is very limited, especially on the balcony. If the houseplants are suddenly allowed outside in February, you should arrange them so that they do not cast any shadows on the snowdrops.

Snowdrops don't bloom: flower boxes planted too densely

The snowdrops need a minimum distance of 20 cm. If the flower box is too small, the flowers can take root. Certain ornamental grasses and perennials can crowd out spring bloomers and stunt their growth.

Early bloomers on the balcony: waterlogging

The snowdrops cannot thrive in waterlogging. Good drainage is therefore an absolute must. A layer of gravel or sand can loosen dense soil and make it more permeable.

Diseases and pests

The bulb flowers are rarely attacked by pests. If the winter has been mild, snails may crawl out of hiding earlier than usual and attack the bulb flowers. Certain fungi are also dangerous because they multiply quickly in waterlogged conditions and cause the disease gray mold.

Transplanting snowdrops in March: common mistakes

March, during the flowering period, is the right time to transplant the snowdrops. Then they are particularly resilient.

Many hobby gardeners make a mistake and cut the flowers close to the ground. Actually, the onion needs all the nutrients from the leaves, flowers and stems. The above-ground parts of the plant are only cut back when the flower withers and the stems dry up.

So plant the snowdrops in March, including stems, flowers and leaves. Proceed as follows:

  1. Check plants for diseases and pests. Sick plants, including bulbs and roots, should be dug up and disposed of.
  2. Dig up the bulbs. The snowdrops form daughter bulbs in March, which must be separated from the mother bulb before transplanting.
  3. Loosen the soil, dig holes and plant the flowers 20cm apart.
  4. Water the flowers.

If you want to repot the snowdrops, you should proceed in a similar way. InThe onions are in bucketsHowever, it is more sensitive to frost than in the flower bed. Under no circumstances should the potting soil freeze. If there are several particularly cold days in March, you can move the pots into an unheated room.