A hopping young bird in the garden is not a rare sight in June and July. For many people the question then arises – how can we help? Should you take him back to the nest or take him inside and feed him? Will his parents fly back if the little one stays on the ground? Can you touch him or not? Questions about questions. We explain what you should do.
Bird fallen from nest: Nestlings without feathers need their parents
If a baby bird has fallen out of the nest, the first thing to do is look at it. Does he have feathers or not? Birds without feathers are called nestlings. They spend their time exclusively in the nest and need their parents to survive. The nestlings have no chance on the ground. You therefore have several options to help:
Young bird without feathers sits on the ground and doesn't fly away? Put back in the nest
Unfeathered, partially featherless chicks or young birds with feathers in pods are best placed straight back into the nest if you can find it. You can touch the nestlings without any problem - the parents will still accept them and take care of the little ones. Birds generally have poor sense of smell and do not rely on it.
After the rescue operation you now have to observe the nest. Will the parents return or have they left the nest forever? Sometimes natural enemies can find the nest and kill or frighten the parents. They then fly away and don't come back.
Find a bird sanctuary nearby
If the nest can no longer be found, the parents have abandoned it or it has been destroyed by predators, then call a bird rescue center nearby.
You can find a list of reception centers and foster homes on theWild bird aid website. There they are divided into 9 areas depending on postal codes. You can also call if you are unsure what kind of bird you found and whether it is injured or not.
Special case: Some songbirds throw their young out of the nest
Some native bird species such as blackbirds throw some of the chicks out of the nest before they have feathers. In this way, the parents try to increase the chances of survival for the entire family. One or two young birds must therefore survive on the ground for several days before they have feathers and can fly away. These first few days alone are very dangerous for the chicks. So if you find a songbird that has no feathers and can't fly yet, you can:
1. Leave the bird where it is. Even if found by predators, at least the rest of the bird family will survive. But if you put the little one back in the nest, the parents will probably take him out again.
2. Take the bird to a bird rescue center. He will spend the next few days there until he is big and strong enough to fly away.
3. Take the bird into the house and feed it. However, this is not recommended because nestlingscertain feed requirementsand have in the foster home. In addition, the young birds are influenced by humans and in most cases can no longer survive in nature.
Young bird brought home: what to feed?
Have you brought a featherless young bird into the house and would you like to feed it over the next few days until it can fly away? Then follow the next tips:
- Photograph the young bird and send the photo to a contact person at the reception center. There you can determine the type of bird and assess its food requirements accordingly.
- Make a “nest” out of a cotton cloth and place a bottle of warm (but not hot!) water under the nest.
- Songbirds are usually only fed fresh, dead insects. However, you can get precise tips from the specialists at the reception center.
Feathered baby bird fell from nest: what should you do?
If the baby bird already has feathers and can fly or hop for a short time, then you should leave it alone. It is strong and large enough to escape predators. His parents are also certainly nearby - they look after their brood even after the little ones leave the nest. Only from a certain age is it safer for the small birds to hide individually in bushes or tall plants than for them all to stay in the nest together.
Special case: The young bird is injured, what should you do?
If the bird is injured - for example because it was attacked by cats, rats or snakes - then it is best cared for in a bird rescue center. Wounds must be treated and medication administered immediately.
Sometimes injured chicks or sick chicks that cannot survive in nature are thrown out by parents. Storks also give birth to young birds that are significantly smaller than the others. This way there will be more food for the rest and they will survive.