Even if you continue to cozy up outside with a warm blanket and cocoa, you'll probably want to enjoy the warm, romantic light. A beautiful arrangement for autumn decoration with chestnuts can be put together on the terrace or balcony table, which will make even the dreary autumn days more pleasant. Tree stumps or window sills and other areas in the garden also become much more beautiful. But take a look for yourself!
Hollow out branches for tea lights
The candlesticks for this prettyArrangement made from natural materialsYou can also make it yourself with a simple drill. Then put them together on a plate with other things from nature.
- Obtain three thicker branches and cut them to different lengths. Make sure to make straight cuts so that the branches can stand stable later.
- Using a drill with a suitable attachment (Forstner bit), you then drill holes (so-called blind holes) in the cut sides on one side. These should be about as deep as the tea lights are high.
- Place the branches on a decorative plate and insert the tea lights (LED is also suitable) into the holes provided.
- Scatter chestnuts and other random materials such as leaves and berries around it.
Autumnal decoration with chestnuts in a glass
In just a few minutes you can conjure up an autumnal decoration with chestnuts and an LED candle. You need:
- larger decorative glass
- Candlestick with a base that fits into the glass
- Chestnuts
You can see how exactly you make the decoration from the pictures. It is important that there is enough space between the stand and the glass so that the chestnuts can fit through. An LED candle may be more practical for those with a glass height as it doesn't burn down and therefore always remains large enough to be easily removed from the glass and put back.
Chestnut wreath for indoors and outdoors
With any blankYou will receive a table wreath in no time, which you can add a candle to.
- Blank for a wreath made of any material (straw, floral foam, willow, etc.)
- Chestnuts
- Pillar candle or lantern with candle
- Hot glue
Make sure the inner circle of the wreath is large enough for the candle you choose.
- Place the blank on a surface.
- Start gluing chestnuts around the wreath with hot glue. The first row should rest on the table.
- After the first row, move on to the next row. Now always position the chestnuts between two of the previous ones to reduce the gap sizes.
- If the rim is wide enough, there may also be room for a third row.
- It is important that you attach the last row while the candle or lantern is in the wreath so that you can better estimate where the chestnuts have room. Otherwise, you risk that the hole in the middle will end up being too narrow and you won't be able to put anything in it.
If just chestnuts are too boring for you, you can toocombine with other materials.
Wire basket with moss and autumn fruits
This rustic design is particularly suitable for outdoor areas. But how can you recreate it? Obtain:
- a wire basket (or any other container)
- Wreath blank
- Moos
- Candle in a lantern
- Chestnuts, pumpkins, plums and any other materials
This is how you make the autumnal decoration with chestnuts:
- Wrap that aroundWreath with moss. If you use a blank made of floral foam, you can dip it in water beforehand and moisten it regularly in the future to keep the moss alive.
- Place the moss wreath in the wire basket and, if necessary, fill the space between the wreath and the edge of the basket with more moss.
- Place the lantern in the middle.
- Distribute any decorations around the lantern on the moss.
A group of glasses with tea lights
Take three glasses of the same size or vary their shape and size and fill them with different autumn fruits. In addition to chestnuts, these can be hazelnuts or chestnuts, but also acorns, walnuts and berries. Then insert the tea light between the fruits until it is stable. We recommend LED because real candles pose a fire hazard, especially among flammable materials. This lantern group can be used, for exampleon a window silldisplay both indoors and outdoors.
Combine a bowl of chestnuts with another bowl of lantern flowers
Arrangement of four candles, leaves and autumn chestnuts as accents
Design soup bowls with candles and autumn fruits
Wire basket with walnuts, lantern and chestnuts
More creative craft ideas for decorations with chestnutscan be found here.