For a rich harvest, it is not enough to plant crops next to each other in the bed as you please. You need to combine vegetables, herbs and edible flowers that go well together. And even then, success is not guaranteed, because crop rotation also plays a crucial role in a mixed culture. Weak, medium and heavy feeders are planted alternately according to certain rules to prevent soil fatigue. In today's post we will tell you what you can plant after garlic.
What can you grow right after garlic?
Garlic is one of the middle eaters. In mixed crops it is planted in the second year, directly after heavy feeders such as cucumbers, potatoes or tomatoes. It needs fewer nutrients - it is enough to add some compost to the soil in the raised bed in spring and autumn. Green manure can also be used in the vegetable patch.
Good neighborsFor garlic in the bed, for example, strawberries, cucumbers, raspberries, tomatoes and carrots. The plant tolerates it quite well. After the harvest time, other crops are added to the bed. These are primarily low-eaters, but under certain circumstances you can also set medium- and low-eaters.
You can plant these weak feeders next year!
If you follow the classic crop rotation in the vegetable garden, then in mixed crops in the bed, heavy feeders are planted in the first year, medium feeders in the second and weak feeders in the third. Large kitchen gardens can be divided into three and plant the first part with weak feeders, the second with medium feeders and the third with heavy feeders. This makes it possible to constantly change places between the different groups. Unfortunately, this is not possible in a small raised bed or pot garden on the balcony. In this case, you can either fertilize additionally, change the soil annually or replant the allotment every year. No matter what you choose, after the medium-feeding garlic, there will be weak-feeding garlic in the bed next year. Possible subsequent crops next year are:
- radish
- cress
- Rauke
- Herbs such as thyme, sage, caraway, lemon balm
- Mustard
- Lamb's lettuce
- Spinach
- Endivien
- Beans
What can you plant after garlic in the same year?
Certain types of garlic can alreadyharvested in Julybecome. This means that you can grow new crops immediately afterwards. We list 8 plants with a short maturation period that you can grow in July and which can be easily harvested in the fall even in cold weather.
Peas:Sow the seeds directly. Depending on the variety, they are ready to harvest in 60 days. Good neighbors for peas in the vegetable patch are beans, carrots, celery, corn, peppers, radishes, spinach and potatoes.
Carrot variety “Nantes”You can also sow without any problems until the beginning of July. The ripening time varies, but they are generally ready to harvest after 60 to 80 days. Good neighbors for carrots are beans, lettuce, onions, peas and pepper plants.
Beetscan easily be sown between the beginning of July and the end of August. They take around 55 to 60 days to be ready to harvest. Good neighbors are bush beans, garlic, kohlrabi, mint, corn and lettuce.
The garden saladalso scores with a short growing time. If the seeds are sown in July, the plants can be harvested in the fall. Sowing later is also advantageous because garden lettuce needs more water. In summer the water evaporates very quickly, from September onwards the temperatures drop and the ground stays moist longer. Garden lettuce needs at least 60 days to become ready to harvest. Good planting partners include broccoli, carrots, celery, cucumbers, dill and radishes.
radishYou can even sow and harvest twice until the end of the gardening season. They have a very short culture period - up to 30 days in summer and 40 days in autumn. Radishes get along well with beans, cucumbers, garden lettuce, mint, parsnips and peas.
Follow-up sowing is also possible until mid-AugustSpring onionspossible. They are ready to harvest just 50 to 60 days after planting. Even more so: spring onions can also be harvested in cold weather (as long as the ground is frost-free). Good planting partners are dill, carrots, garden lettuce, kohlrabi and tomatoes.
AlsoSpinachis one of the popular subsequent cultures. The crop can be sown in raised beds and containers as well as in vegetable patches. After 30 days you can harvest the first spinach leaves. The plant gets along well with beans, herbs (except dill), strawberries and tomatoes.
cruciferous plantslike broccoli and cauliflower also feelprobably in the autumn garden. They grow best in late summer and fall and are ready to harvest an average of 50 days after planting. Suitable planting partners in the vegetable patch include sage, dill, mint, rosemary, peas and onions.