What flowers to plant in autumn: colorful beauties that can enrich your garden this season!

Even though spring is known for its colorful fields of tulips and daffodils, that doesn't mean fall can't also be full of activities in the garden by planting and blooming fall flowers. In fact, this is the season for annuals, perennials and evergreen shrubs. Popular flowers include colorful pansies, dahlias, and even bright yellow sunflowers! What flowers to plant in autumn? Check out our list of pretty and colorful flowers you can still grow in the garden!

While many of these fall flowers reach their peak in mid-summer and continue to show their beauty well into fall, others bloom until the first hard frost. If you are a beginner and wondering how toan autumn gardenWe can explain the needs of the individual flowers to you. So, with a little planning and guidance, it's time to put on the gardening gloves and start planting for a blooming garden full of fall flowers! What flowers can you plant in autumn? Read on!

Chrysanthemums are hardy flowers this season

Chrysanthemums can be bought (almost) for the price of a dozen in the supermarket. Place the pots in bright, indirect light and water themall autumnabout regularly. Cut off the buds as they wilt to keep them blooming (and looking neat).

The hardy fuchsia is perfect for your autumn garden

If your garden needs a splash of color, look no further than the hardy fuchsia, also known as Fuchsia magellanica. Remember that the right soil – not too dry, moist or hot – is key for this type of flower.

What flowers to plant in autumn: Amaranthus

Amaranthus producedevery fallbeautiful, tassel-like flowers that are ideal for arrangements - both fresh cut and dried. Experts recommend planting this annual in full sun or partial shade.

Dahlias are very popular flowers

Certain varieties continue to bloom from mid-summer through fall. Choose orange- and red-colored varieties for fall bouquets, but dahlias come in almost every color in the world. Dahlias prefer rich, loamy soil with lots of organic matter that drains well. If you are unsure whether your soil is rich enough, mix in some compost.

The cornflower gives your garden a radiant flair

You'll love these light blue beauties as much as the birds and butterflies. To extend the flowering period, you should cut off the spent flowers. This annual plant, which is easy to grow from seed, is very popular as a bedding plant or cut flower among home gardeners and florists.

Pansies survive the winter

Pansies can survive the winter.Plant themat the end of summer or in autumn, then they bloom until the first frost. In the spring you can count on their smiling faces again.

The magnificent balloon flower also thrives in partial shade

As the name suggests, these magnificent flowers, which come in shades of blue, white and pink, resemble hot air balloons before they bloom. They thrive in full sun, but can also thrive in partial shade.

Plant celosia for blooms in season

Celosia cristata, also known as cockscomb, produces flower heads several centimeters wide well into autumn. The related Celosia plumosa, on the other hand, produces feather-like feathers - another popular flower.

Sunflowers belong in every autumn garden

Although they peak in mid-summer, most sunflowers continue to shoot up even as the weather gets cooler. Harvest when the seeds begin to turn brown or when the backs of the seed heads turn yellow. However, you have to get ahead of the birds.

The tropical canna blooms until October

The tropical flowers and lush leaves grow up to one meter high and can bloom from May to October, depending on the variety and location. Plant dwarf varieties in containers and bring them indoors over the winter to enjoy year-round.

Decorative baskets remain until the first frost

If you create a bed with pink decorative baskets, your garden will never be without flowers. They are ideal for bouquets from spring until the first frost. Bonus: The finished flowers can self-seed in your garden to produce even more stems.

Goldenrod needs well-drained soil

Goldenrod is a showy plant that prefers full sun and well-drained soil. But be careful if you suffer from allergies, as their pollen can cause a runny nose and itchy eyes.

What flowers to plant in autumn: verbena

These tiny beauties bloom profusely until the first frost and beautify beds, borders and hanging baskets even in partial shade. They can even tolerate the hot, dry summer days in the south leading to a cooler onePrepare for fall.

Japanese anemones are delicate and magnificent

Autumnal reds and oranges look great and this season you'll enjoy a touch of pink outside your window. Japanese anemones thrive best in rich, humus-rich, evenly moist and well-drained soil. When planting, add garden compost or old manure to the soil and do not let it dry out.