Which organic fertilizer is the best? These are our 4 favorites!

If we invest so much time and effort in the garden design and cultivation of vegetables, of course we would also like to do it completely correctly in order to be successfully rewarded in the end. One of the most important things is the nutrient supply through regular fertilizers, with organic products being most popular. Which organic fertilizer is the best?

Foto: Singkham/ Shutterstock

Of course, everyone can decide for themselves what they ultimately use. But a few suggestions will certainly not hurt you. So let's start with our favorite fertilizers!

Foto: Vitalii Stock/ Shutterstock

As you know, there isIn addition to the organicalso the mineral fertilizer. But why is the former the better choice? Since these are natural products that either come from plants or animals, they are better for the environment in an ecological point of view. Mineral fertilizers contain artificial additives that the microflora in the soil can negatively affect.

So organic is better. But there is also a large selection here. None of them will be damaged, but some are preferred to the other. Which organic fertilizer is the best?

Compost from your own garden

Photo: Nieriss/ Shutterstock

There is a good reason why it is always recommendedto create their own compost heap. Due to the many different waste products that are naturally processed to earth there, it is particularly rich in nutrients. Coffee grounds, banana peels, egg shells, green waste and other clippings are just a few of the possible things that can easily rot there

And precisely because you can get rid of your own organic waste there, it is worth twice. Usually, such a bunch takes about two years to completely break down. Consider this and put two if necessary so that the first can rot while filling the next one.

A plus for vegans: Since you will not dispose of animal products on the compost heap, nothing stands in the way of a completely vegan vegetable cultivation.

Photo: Jerome.MOM / Shutterstock

Which is not allowed on the compost,Find out here.

Harnd fertilizer as an instant fertilizer or long -term fertilizer

There are horn shavings and horny flour. Both variant consist of the same products, namely from horns, hooves and claws that arise as waste products when slaughtering. Which organic fertilizer is the best when it comes to horde fertilizers?

The difference between the two is the degree of shredding. Since the chips are coarser, they also rotten more slowly and give nutrients for a long time. The finer flour variant is again very suitable as an instant fertilizer or if you can fertilize more often. The same applies to horn semolina, which is of the roughness between the other two.

The nutrient composition of bone flour and Co. is not quite as balanced as with compost. It mainly contains nitrogen, so it is very valuable when it comes to nitrogen requirements. He is also happy to be incorporated into the compost because it is important for the decomposition of the biomaterial.

Which organic fertilizer is the best: use animal crap in the garden

Foto: Budimir Jevtic/ Shutterstock

The stable manure is often underestimated by inexperienced hobby gardeners. The emphasis is on “stable”, because the feces from our carnivorous friends (e.g. dog and cat) have no place in the garden. You have the choice between the feces of different stable animals. Which crap is the best fertilizer?

  • Horseemist: In any case, store or incorporate the compost for at least one year before use, otherwise it could burn the roots due to its quick decomposition. Horse droppings can also contain weed names.
  • Cattle manure: Contains evenly many nutrients. Because he rotted more slowly than horse apples, you don't need to worry about fertilization. Nevertheless, a preceding storage of a few months in cowing is necessary, which can also be shortened, depending on how much and which brewer has used the farmer (e.g. straw).
  • Sheep man: Not only releases nutrients, but also serves the soil loosening when it is incorporated. As with the horse droppings, weed seeds can also be included here.
Foto: kram-9/ Shutterstock
  • Chicken manure: Contains a particularly large number of proteins. Never play fresh because the feces can spread diseases. Therefore compost, because germs are killed in the decomposition. Alternatively, there are also special pellets in retail.
  • Rabbit: If it is held together with the stray material, the feces is usually sufficiently diluted. Otherwise, this must first be composted in order not to burn the plants due to the high amount of nutrients. Rabbit droppings are particularly rich in potassium.

No matter what kind of stable man you choose, remember that it should only be used every three years to avoid over -fertilization. This is the period in which the manure releases its nutrients. Quite impressive long -term fertilizer, right?

Regarding the crowd: no more than 3 kg per square meter.

Planting maids are among the best organic fertilizers

Photo: Martina Unmissable/ Shutterstock

Also vegan and pest -repellent and alsoPreventive against diseasesLeps up plant maids that you can produce from various wild plants. So they not only provide their vegetables and flowers with nutrients, they also protect them. The liquid is administered with the irrigation water or undiluted and can be sprayed directly on the plants for pest control. Which organic fertilizer is the best if it should be herbal?

One of the best and most popular snacks are such:

Photo: Martina Unmissable/ Shutterstock

The basic recipe says: 1 kg of fresh herbs per 10 liters of water. Instead, use dry herbs, reduce the amount to 200 g. You will receive a concentrate that is diluted with water differently depending on the type. Some of the jaws can even be administered undiluted.

Sheep wool as a fertilizer is also very effective. You can find out more about thisIn this article.