While some people find moles cute, they can cause serious damage to your lawn and landscaping. These animals build intricate networks of tunnels and mounds in the ground and quickly kill or damage the plants, grasses and trees in your outdoor area. If you want to reclaim your garden, you should learn how to get rid of a mole. Don’t worry – it’s possible to figure out how to get rid of it humanely.
What are the moles?
Moles are burrowing insectivores: They feed on insects and insect larvae, but they particularly enjoy eating white grubs. They are about 15 to 20 cm long and have gray to black, velvety fur, a slender, hairless muzzle and small eyes and ears. The mole's large front feet have long claws that dig much like a hoe. With the exception of the spring breeding season, these animals generally live alone, so the tunnels in your garden are likely to harbor only one pest. They are most active in the warm, humid months, although they live underground year-round.
The moles constantly build new feeding tunnels and do not necessarily use the same one twice. You can find entrance and exit mounds, usually round and symmetrical, thrown up like a volcano by this animal. The hole is usually filled with soil but remains visible.
How to identify mole damage in your garden
- Totes Gras
Patches of dead grass are a good sign of a pest problem. When moles dig their tunnels, they disrupt the root systems of nearby grasses, killing the grass at the surface and leaving light patches in the lawn.
- Maulwurfshügel
When moles dig their tunnels, they act like mini excavators, bringing all the dirt from the tunnel to the surface and creating a tell-tale molehill at the tunnel entrance.
Get rid of moles with home remedies – vinegar
Mole problems can be combated with a little help from vinegar. The smell of vinegar deters the little pests so they stay away from your garden. You can use white vinegar for this purpose. Simply pour some vinegar into a spray bottle andspray the area with ityour garden. This keeps the moles away and your garden looks good.
Use plastic bottle
Insert an empty plastic bottle upside down and at a slight angle into the entrance to the mole tunnels. The moles don't like the vibrations the bottle causes and will move on.
Drive away moles - apply a repellent
- castor oil
In some cases, a mole repellent is an effective solution to an infestation. Castor oil, for example, doesn't kill moles, but it causes digestive upset in animals that come into contact with it and makes your lawn an unattractive place to live. Make a spray that consists of 100% castor oil, water, and dish soap.
* Three parts castor oil
* One part dishwashing liquid
Mix four tablespoons of this mixture with 4 liters of water and use it to soak the tunnels and entrances in your garden.
- Cayenne pepper or mint oil
Moles are mostly blind, but they can smell very well. You can add cayenne pepper (these animals hate spiciness) or essential oils such as eucalyptus and mint oil (two smells that repel moles) to enhance the effects of the castor oil mixture.
- coffee grounds
Old coffee grounds scattered around tunnel entrances or exits cana natural repellentbecause the smell bothers their sensitive noses.
Get rid of moles: eliminate food sources
Moles love grubs. If you have grubs and other insectsEliminate in your garden, the pests will move in search of better food sources.
Use plants as a barrier
Moles have an aversion to strong-smelling plants such as daffodils, marigolds and all species of the daisy family. Plant these species at the edges of your garden to create a natural barrier or plant them in raised beds to protect the root system. You can also buy ready-made mole barriers from your garden center.
Keep your lawn tidy
Moles feel safest when hidden. Therefore, eliminating their shelter is a good way to get them to evade. Keep your lawn mowed and your garden beds trimmed. Avoid covering the beds with thick layers of mulch and remove any woodpiles or piles of organic waste. You should also water less, as excess moisture attracts insects and creates an ideal habitat for moles.
Also useful:Small holes in the lawn overnight? You can do that
Creating an unfriendly environment
Moles don't like living in disturbing areas. This is good news for you because it means you can easily get rid of them by creating an unpleasant environment. To do this, purchase an ultrasonic from your garden center and stick it into the soil of your garden. This device uses electronic impulses to create irritating noises that encourage the moles to migrate. But don't worry - you won't be able to hear or feel the electronic impulses.