Do you really want to find a belly workout?! We have a few suggestions for you. Follow us and you will see how you become slimmer in less time! Together we will shape your slim waist. But also note that these exercises will not only have a very good impact on your appearance, but also on your health.
First, warm up with a few repetitions of sun salutations. Breathe normally during the exercise.
Sit on your right thigh. Both legs should point to the left. Place your left hand on the floor. Stretch the right one upwards and follow it with your gaze. Place your right hand back on the floor. From here, point your left leg aside and hug your knee with your right hand. Support yourself on your left hand. Your gaze should also go over your left shoulder. Hold in this position for a few minutes.
Would you like a belly workout? Then, raise your left hand up and look at it. This is followed by a bend to the right. Now do the same on the other side. Sit on your left thigh. Do the same.
Ensure physical and mental well-being
We move on to the forward bend, which also leads to a belly workout. Sit on your yoga mat with your back straight and your legs outstretched. The toes point upwards. The hands lie loosely on the thighs. As you inhale, raise your arms, then slowly bend your upper body forward and slide your hands along your legs as you exhale. Don't move suddenly, but slowly, smoothly.
Try to grab your toes or just bend over as far as you can. The lower back remains straight. Advanced users can place their stomach and chest on their legs and their head between their knees. Hold this position for at least one minute to five minutes - breathing calmly. Come back to the starting position and relax.
The asana “candle”
The asana helps a lot to shape your waist. Now let's make a "candle" and the plow. Don't do them if you have high blood pressure,Arteriosclerosis or inflammatory processesleiden.
You make the candle like this: With a slow, flowing movement, first lift your legs and then your pelvis. Place your hands on your lower back to support your body in the pose. Stand up so that your body forms as straight a line as possible. Stay in shoulderstand for as long as you feel comfortable.
The yoga exercise “Plow”
Then comes the plow. The plow builds on the shoulder stand and stretches the back and cervical spine as well as the leg muscles. The starting point for this asana is shoulder stand (Salamba Sarvangasana). Your legs are stretched straight towards the ceiling and you support your back with your hands. You stand firmly in shoulder stand and breathe out and in deeply. Exhale and slowly bring your left leg behind your head towards the floor. Your toes show you the way. Briefly put your toes down, breathe in and bring your leg back to the vertical position. Repeat the same with the right leg. Then slowly bring both legs behind your head until your toes touch the floor. Make sure to keep your back perpendicular to the floor (if possible, as this requires a lot of flexibility in the back area) and to fully straighten your legs. Hold the plow position for 30 seconds to five minutes, depending on your skill level, and then return to shoulder stand.