Calculate calorie needs: formula for losing weight

We provide you with a formula to help you calculate your calorie needs - and this can prove particularly helpful if you're looking to lose weight or gain muscle.

Harris Benedict's study was published in 1919 - and later corrected by scientists Roza and Shizgal. The formula takes the following criteria into account – body weight, height and age. So if you want to calculate your calorie needs, you can do it like this:

Men = 88.36 + [13.4 X body weight in kg] + [4.8 X height in cm] – [5.7 X age]

Women = 447 + [9.25 X body weight in Kg] + [3.1 X height in Cm] – [4.3 X age]

This creates the so-calledBasal metabolic rate calculated – calorie consumption, which you need every day if you want to maintain your weight. In any case, one variable also plays a major role - namely exercise and sport. Depending on daily activities, people are divided into 5 groups. The first group consists of office workers and people who move little during the day. The second group includes people who exercise more one to three times a week (for example, going for an hour walk, or playing with the dog, or not doing too much gardening). The third group includes people who exercise (jogging, swimming, dancing, etc.) at least three times a week. The fourth group is intended for very active people - for example, those who go to the gym every day or do sports for at least an hour. The last group is for professional athletes who train twice a day.

Variables in the calculation

Depending on which group you belong to, the...Calorie basal metabolic ratebe multiplied by a digit. This gives you the current calorie consumption. The groups are listed below, an example follows after the table:

Daily Calorie Requirements Group – Formula

1. Very little exercise: basal metabolic rate X 1.2

2. Little exercise /1-3 times per week/ basal metabolic rate X 1.4

3. Actively train /3-5 times per week/ basal metabolic rate X 1.55

4. Exercise very often / 6-7 times per week / basal metabolic rate X 1.72

5 professional athletes / train twice a day / basal metabolic rate X 1.9

Example – A woman who works in the office and jogs for an hour three times a week. She is 1.70 tall, weighs 55 kg and is 34 years old.

Your calorie basal metabolic rate is calculated as follows = 447 + [9.25 X 55] + [3.1 X 170] – [4.3 X 34] = 1336 calorie basal metabolic rate. Calorie requirement per day - 1336 * 1,375 = 1837 calories. If this woman has already reached her dream weight and wants to keep 55kg, then she needs around 1837 calories every day.

Formula for losing weight and building muscle

And what if the lady in the example above would like to lose weight? Then she basically has two options - either a healthy diet and a correspondingly low calorie consumption / approx. 300-350 calories less/or just more exercise. And if this lady wants to build muscle, then she should do exactly the opposite - consume around 400 calories more and of course go to the gym regularly (at least 3 times a week).

Correct according to training

People who exercise regularly can build muscle