Protein powder for weight loss: does it really help, what types are there and how should we dose and use it?

Protein powder for weight loss, what a good idea! A delicious shake and the battle against the pounds is already won. It would be nice, but unfortunately it's not quite done. Nevertheless, protein shakes can help us lose weight – if we choose them correctly, dose them correctly and use them correctly. But with the variety of varieties on offer, the selection is not always easy. We have put together the most important things for you to help you get an overview and possibly protect yourself from damage if used incorrectly.

At the counter in the gym you are asked which protein powder you want. As if the choice wasn't hard enough, with all the delicious,different, delicious flavors– Strawberry, mango, peach yoghurt, chocolate and even chocolatey cookies are included! No – now we are also asked if we would like whey! But what is the difference anyway? Milk contains 2 types of protein – whey and casein. Both are beneficial for different goals.

Whey – The performance protein

Whey protein powder will help you if you plan to convert fat mass into muscle mass through effective training. Because it provides the right nutrients to give you enough energy for training and, on the other hand, to provide protein building materials for building muscles. Very simple and uncomplicated with a quick drink. Whey protein has a higher number of amino acids and can be digested more easily and quickly, so it won't upset your stomach during your subsequent workout. Nevertheless, you should of course give yourself a few minutes.

Tip: If you're training to build muscle mass with the goal of losing weight, you shouldn't measure your success with the scales, but rather with a tape measure. Muscle mass weighs more than fat tissue, but is smaller in volume. It may be that you lose a dress size and this does not show up on the scale, but rather in a smaller waist circumference. In addition, a higher oneProportion of muscle massIncreases the speed of metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories in a shorter time.

Casein – the long-term depot

The casein protein, on the other hand, does not provide these energy-providing substances. It is suitable for ensuring that there is enough protein to build and repair muscle fibers during the rest or building phase. Because it is not broken down so quickly in the body. In some cases this takes up to eight hours. For example, if youafter trainingOr, if you want to make sure you have enough protein before going to bed, it's a good idea to treat yourself to a shake.

Protein powder for weight loss: What do we have to consider about the dose?

A lot doesn't always help a lot - this is especially important to keep in mind when taking protein powder, because an overdose of protein can even be dangerous. We normally get enough protein from a balanced diet. However, supplementing your diet with protein powder is a quick, uncomplicated supply solution if we haven't managed to supply our body with enough protein that day. There is a rule when it comes to protein that we must not exceed, i.e. h. Before you start consuming protein powder excessively, get out the calculator and calculate your maximum requirement. Remember that you get additional protein from regular food.

Calculate protein requirements: This is how it works

The guideline is: a normal person needs around 0.8 g of protein per kg of body weight, per day, evenly distributed throughout the day. This means, for example, if you weigh 75 kg, you should not consume more than 60 g of protein per day, spread over the day. There is an exception to the rule for competitive athletes and possibly nursing mothers. These groups of people are allowed to consume slightly more protein per day. Long-term overdose can lead to serious health consequences.

Are there any contraindications and interactions with protein powder for weight loss?

The additional intake of protein powder is suitable for people who remain undersupplied by food alone, e.g. B. cannot get enough proteins in a stressful phase. If you have kidney disease or other chronic illnesses and are taking medication, you should definitely talk to your doctor first. He will be able to inform you individually about contraindications and interactions for your personal case. This also applies if you need help calculating the maximum amount. Please note that for the sake of your health you should choose purely organic products.

Which foods provide protein as an alternative to the shake?

Normally we can cover our daily protein needs through a balanced diet every day. Certain foods contain proteins and other substances with optimal complexity. However, stressful everyday life and industrially processed foods, which may have lost valuable substances during processing, force us to resort to nutritional supplements in some situations.

However, if you want to eat naturally, you may want to learn some nutritional values. This is the best way to use it daily. For example, eggs, quark, cottage cheese, resin cheese and some types of grain have a high proportion of protein. As a practical derivation, you could swap the potatoes for delicious quinoa in your diet and enjoy egg and quark with it. This means you have optimally nourished your body and also saved money on protein powder to lose weight.