Nowadays, many people suffer from hearing problems. Because hearing loss develops gradually over several years, the first signs of hearing loss are often difficult to recognize. Timely therapy significantly increases the chances of a cure. But even if the hearing loss has not been recognized for a long time, you can hear better and avoid hearing loss with the help of hearing aids.
Hear better: possible causes of hearing loss and possible treatments for hearing problems
The signs of hearing loss vary widely and depend on the cause. A middle ear infection quickly becomes noticeable through pain and fever. Tumors cause hearing loss, especially in high frequencies. When suffering from tinnitus, patients complain of ringing in their ears. The majority of people over the age of 60 are affected by age-related hearing loss, in which those affected “miss hearing” certain sounds. But more and more young people are also suffering from hearing loss, especially because they regularly listen to loud music with headphones for hours.
The possible treatment options for a diagnosed hearing loss are as varied as the causes themselves. The inflammation often leads to temporary hearing loss, but can be easily treated with medication. Tumors must be removed through surgery. If it is hearing loss due to long-term exposure or is age-related, then it can be compensated for with a hearing aid. Are particularly preferredHearing aids from Switzerland, as they combine high-quality precision technology with technical know-how and a comfortable design. Renowned hearing system retailers such as Audika not only offer a large selection of models, but also additional services such as hearing tests. Depending on the test results, a suitable hearing system is then selected. To be on the safe side, you should consult a doctor before a hearing test if the hearing loss needs to be treated with medication.
Hear better: Which hearing aid for hearing loss?
There are different types of hearing aids that satisfy different needs. These are the three types of hearing aids at a glance:
1.The in-ear hearing aidsare a special production. This is the only way to ensure that they fit perfectly into the ear canal and are comfortable to wear. Once they are put on, they no longer need to be adjusted. The in-the-ear hearing aids are extremely easy to use and can be retrofitted with additional functions such as automatic volume control if desired. One disadvantage, however, is that they are sensitive to moisture and therefore have to be ventilated several times a day.
2.Behind-the-ear hearing aidsare easy to care for, comfortable to wear and very easy to use. Their only disadvantage: They are not as discreet as in-the-ear hearing aids.
3.Ex-receiver hearing aidsAt first glance, they are very similar to behind-the-ear hearing aids. However, they are significantly smaller and less noticeable, but are sensitive to moisture.
Hear better: These are the signs of hearing loss
Depending on what causes the hearing loss, the symptoms can vary greatly. However, you must see a hearing care professional and make an appointment for a hearing test if you:
- Not hearing certain natural sounds such as the sound of the sea.
- You can no longer hear conventional noises such as the ticking of the wall clock or the light switch turning on, the whirring of the fan, footsteps or the turn signal in the car.
- In a noisy environment, you always have the feeling that others speak too quietly.
- Often you don't hear the doorbell ringing
- have difficulty understanding the other person during telephone conversations.
- When you watch TV, people's voices seem too quiet and the music seems too loud.
- often have to ask others to repeat what they have said.
- Hear significantly better when you look people in the face.
- ansuffer from ear pain.