The best diet concepts for 2018 – Get a beach body now with Vitalamin

One of the most common New Year's resolutions is losing weight. Anyone who has paid little attention to healthy eating and exercise in the past year will rarely be satisfied with their own body. Reason enough to really get started in 2018 and tackle those extra pounds. We not only present a supplement that is supposed to help you lose weight, but also take a look at promising diet concepts.

What is Vitalamine and how does it help you lose weight?

There are an incredibly large number of dietary supplements that are intended to help you lose weight. From pills to powders to shakes designed to replace entire meals, consumers are not just concerned with the desired effect. After all, you don't want your body to be affected by artificial ingredients and dubious compositions. It's only understandable that some people who want to lose weight prefer to stay away from supplements. The manufacturers of Vitalamin have addressed this problem and developed a supplement that does not use chemicals and instead combines natural ingredients.

According to the manufacturer, Vitalamine is suitable for people who are slightly or moderately overweight. So anyone who is struggling with severe obesity needs the advice of an expert doctor in order to be able to lose weight successfully. Vitalamin promises this to everyone else who wants to lose weightSupporting energy metabolism, which should work as quickly and effectively as possible, especially during a diet. According to the manufacturer, this works because the ingredients in Vitalamin support energy metabolism and activate the body. These substances include:

• Caffeine,
• Guarana,
• and arginine.

In addition, Vitalamin contains other substances such as vitamins B6, B1 and B12, L-arginine, magnesium, calcium, riboflavin and folic acid, which are responsible for their positive effect on abeautiful skinis known. According to the manufacturer, all ingredients are strictly controlled, with both the controls and the production of the pills taking place in Germany.

The secret of Vitalamin is that it stimulates the body's energy metabolism and maintains it even during a diet. However, the manufacturer does not forget to also hold the consumer accountable. It is not enough to take three capsules every day and lead an unhealthy lifestyle. The combination is always important, because Vitalamine only helps if your diet is changed and exercise is integrated into your everyday life. But with which diets can Vitalamine be taken as a supporting preparation?

Low Carb –Endingwith carbohydrates

First, there is the “low carb” diet. It relies on avoiding carbohydrates as much as possible in the daily diet and thus encouraging the body to change its metabolism. Since carbohydrates usually serve as the main source of energy, depriving them of them is new to the body. He has to look for new ways of providing energy and should target the unwanted fat deposits in the future. This is the reason why people who want to lose weight choose oneLow carb dietlose weight.

However, for low carb to work, the amount of carbohydrates consumed daily should always be less than 100 grams. Anyone who has previously eaten a high-carbohydrate diet will now notice that low carb can be a real challenge. Because low carb prohibits popular foods such as bread, rice, sweets and also alcohol and pasta. To support the changeover, theLow carb nutrition plan from Eat-Smarter.deoffer suggestions.

AlternativeFdH– Halve food

Another diet in which Vitalamin can act as a support is the well-known and popular “FdH” method. When spelled out, “FdF” means nothing other than “eat half” and this principle is basically all there is to the diet. The effect here should not lie in the specific transformation of the metabolism, but rather in the fact that the body is provided with significantly fewer calories

However, this can be problematic if FdH is used exclusively but there is no change in habits. If you continue to go to the fast food restaurant and only eat half as much, you are depriving your body of important nutrients. A healthy, albeit reduced, diet is therefore crucial here too. Then Vitalamine can possibly maintain the metabolism, which is slowed down by the calorie deficit, and push the diet forward.

Nothinggoeswithout sports

Whether FdH, low carb or other diet concepts: If you concentrate exclusively on your diet, you will hardly be able to achieve lasting success. Regardless of which concept those wanting to lose weight choose, regular physical exercise plays an important role. Interestingly, however, only very few people realize this. In oneOpinion poll39 percent of those surveyed said they were eating less, while 34 percent changed their eating habits. However, only 14 percent of survey participants mentioned exercise as a weight loss strategy. This low value could well be a reason why so many diets fail and the dreaded yo-yo effect leads to even more “hip gold”.

Depending on your physical condition, even simple sports such as walking or aqua jogging are suitable for getting rid of the fat deposits from your body. However, people who are slightly overweight and have a good physical constitution can also resort to other options such as jogging, Tabata or aerobics in the gym. Vitalamine can help here in that the preparation is intended to activate and energize the body. This means there may be more energy left over for exercise, which in turn is good for the body.


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.

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