The Dash Diet: This is how you can lower your blood pressure and lose weight healthily!

High blood pressure is the No. 1 risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Around 20-30 million Germans, i.e. almost one in three, now have high blood pressure. Scientists have found that diet is closely related to blood pressure levels. Therefore, with a dietary lifestyle you should be able to lower your blood pressure naturally, i.e. without medication. This is where the Dash diet comes in as a good nutritional method.

The Dash diet is actually not a new nutritional concept. It was published for the first time by US nutrition experts in the “New England Journal of Medicine” in 1997. Since then, the diet plan has won the “Best Diet” title eight times, including in 2018. And of course not without reason. In the article we reveal exactly how the diet works, which foods are allowed and which are not.

What is the Dash Diet and how does it work?

The idea behind the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is explained in its name - translated, the abbreviation means: dietary approaches to stop high blood pressure. This is not a diet in the classic sense, but rather a long-term change in diet. Unlike other diets, DASH was intended to lower high blood pressure and not just reduce weight. According to current studies, this diet even increases life expectancy. This makes it suitable not only for those whose blood pressure is high, but for everyone who has onehealthy lifestylestand.

The best diet for 2018 isn't about oneFastenkur, as with many other diet concepts, but rather a change in diet that leaves out certain food groups. So if you decide on such a nutrition plan, you shouldn't restrict yourself for a few days or weeks, but rather change your eating habits in the long term.

The Dash Diet PlanAbove all, avoid salt and salt-containing products(e.g. ready meals like frozen pizza, etc.), animal fats, saturated fat, red meat, sugar, sweets and of course alcohol. However, these foods are not completely banned - so small quantities are allowed. But at the same time you want to dietlose weight, then the foods described above are taboo.

The Dash menu includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, whole grain products, healthy fats and protein-rich foods.Raw foodand dishes that are cooked briefly and without animal fat are ideal.

Lower blood pressure with the right diet plan

The increase in cardiovascular diseases around the world is primarily the result of poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of salt, sugar and animal products is often the reason (or at least one of the reasons) for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity. Simply by avoiding such foods, high blood pressure levels can be significantly reduced. If you also eat the foods recommended by the Dash diet, you can naturally lower blood pressure.

The Dash diet plan is not a replacement for medication!

Although the diet could lower blood pressure with healthy eating, the use of medication also plays a significant role in most cases. You should not view the diet as an alternative to medication, but rather as a support for it.Caution!Never stop taking medication yourself and always ask your doctor whether you can stop taking a medication or not.

Below we have compiled a list of foods that can lower blood pressure:

  • Bananas
  • Kiwis
  • Garlic and herbs such as wild garlic, parsley and celery
  • Rote Beth
  • Raisins
  • Watermelon
  • Brown rice
  • Cocoa
  • Walnuts
  • linseed
  • Salmon
  • Natural yogurt
  • Broccoli

Can you lose weight on a high blood pressure diet plan?

For overweight patients with high blood pressure, losing weight is the quickest and most effective way to lower blood pressure. This also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. If you want to lose weight with this diet plan, you should not consume more than 1,500 calories a day. However, this is not such a difficult task, because most permitted foods contain few calories.

When the excess kilos fall, your blood pressure also drops. Therefore, exercise can also have a positive effect on your blood pressure values. Because exercise also plays a really important role in a healthy life.

Dash diet plan

The nutrition plan for the diet is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First and foremost, you should replace the salt with fresh herbs and, if necessary, dry spices. These give the dishes a special taste, so that the lack of salt goes almost unnoticed. Instead of animal fat, you can use vegetable oils such as olive and rapeseed oil. However, caution is advised with hydrogenated vegetable fats, such as coconut and palm fat. They contain a large amount of saturated fatty acids, which increase blood pressure.

If you know the permitted foods, you can even create the nutrition plan yourself. The only important thing is to stick to it and avoid foods from the “bad” group.

What can you eat on the diet?

  • fruit, e.g. B. 4-5 medium sized apples per day
  • vegetables, e.g. B. 2-3 cups of cooked vegetables per day
  • Herbs for seasoning dishes
  • whole grain products, e.g. B. 5-6 slices of whole grain bread per day
  • Beans and lentils, 2-3 cups per day
  • low-fat dairy products, e.g. B. 2-3 cups of yogurt per day
  • protein-rich foods
  • lean meat, e.g. B Turkey, maximum 200 g per day
  • Fish, maximum 200 g per day
  • Vegetable oils, e.g. B. 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil per day
  • Together, 4-5 EL pro Tag
  • Nuts (unsalted and not roasted), 150-200 g per day

Morning:Breakfast should definitely not be neglected. It gives you the energy you need to start the day and has a positive effect on the body. There are many options for breakfast, for example oatmeal with low-fat yogurt, fruit and nuts, omelette or scrambled eggs or a piece of fruit.

Midday:The Dash diet recipes for dinner and lunch are equally diverse. You can prepare lunch at home the night before and simply eat it at the office the next day. An example of a good lunch is a vegetable stir-fry with rice and a small piece of chicken breast from the oven.

At evening:A large salad is great for dinner. However, caution is advised with ready-made salad dressings. They often contain too much salt and are therefore not recommended for this diet. You can prepare your own salad dressing, for example with vinegar and olive oil or with yogurt and spices.

For in between:You can also snack on small snacks, for example in the form of fruit or raw vegetables, e.g. E.g. carrots, cucumbers or peppers with low-fat quark, as well as smoothies.

Tip: Because your body is adjusting when changing your diet, you may feel tired in the first few days of the diet. During this period, give yourself as much sleep and rest as possible to get used to the new way of life.

We wish you much success and good results with the Dash diet!


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.