Thanks to our balanced immune system, we usually don't even notice that we are exposed to viruses, germs and bacteria every day. Our body's own defense registers and fights the pathogens in a timely manner. Strengthening your own immune system is definitely worth it. Our immune system is subject to increased demands, especially in autumn and winter. In this article we will introduce you to 9-day therapeutic fasting, which has a positive effect on your health.
Before a healthy fast, it is advisable to carry out a preliminary medical examination. For example, anyone who has liver, kidney or thyroid disease, suffers from eating disorders or regularly takes medication should only fast under medical supervision. Fasting is absolutely taboo during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, as the regimen can lead to dangerous nutritional deficiencies.
Fasting is defined as the voluntary abstinence from solid food and stimulants for a limited period of time. Therapeutic fasting is a popular, naturopathic therapy method to heal the bodypurifyand to detoxify. It was already recommended by ancient doctors as a detoxification treatment for chronic diseases. The effects of therapeutic fasting have been thoroughly researched by American and Russian scientists for over 50 years. At the beginning of the 20th century, the fasting doctors Dr. Franz Xaver Mayr and Dr. Otto Buchinger carried out intensive scientific research. The positive effects of regular fasting treatments have now been scientifically proven by a number of clinical studies.
Nowadays, several fasting methods with different durations and implementation are known, such as therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger, alkaline fasting, Schroth cure, interval fasting, and whey fasting. If you are a beginner and are fasting for the first time, you should not try pure fasting for longer than 5 days at the beginning. Although therapeutic fasting sounds relatively simple, you should definitely not just start fasting. A typical fasting regimen is divided into three phases. In the first phase, the relief phase or also called the adjustment phase, you prepare for the upcoming fasting days. Drink enough liquids because the body needs at least 2 to 4 liters of liquid, such as still water, tea, juice or broth. Avoid stressful situations as much as possible during this phase.
Avoid alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and sweets during this time. Avoid fat, fish, meat and eggs and instead eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit and whole grain rice. Eat fruit or drink freshly squeezed fruit juice in the morning. You can have potatoes with vegetables or leaf salad at lunch and steamed vegetables in the evening. The phase should last at least 3 days so that the transition to proper fasting is smooth. The transition phase is the most difficult time to get through. Don't be surprised if you struggle with headaches, mood swings, increased sensation of cold, feelings of weakness or bad breath. These side effects disappear after the relief phase.
If you suffer from stomach problems while fasting, herbal tea with caraway, fennel and anise or chamomile tea will help. Heat or circular clockwise abdominal massage can also relieve discomfort. Abdominal self-massage is, among other things, an accompanying measure to the fasting treatment, which also supports detoxification and the loosening of deposits from the intestinal walls. If you feel dizzy, nauseous or sweating, suck rosemary or hawthorn leaf tea or a little honey.
Following the first phase of therapeutic fasting, the detoxification phase is initiated. During this time, you completely avoid solid food and cover your daily nutrient requirements exclusively with liquids containing minerals such as water, herbal and fruit teas, fruit and vegetable juices or broths. Persevere and always drink when you feel hungry, this way the feeling of hunger will be combated more quickly.
The best way to start the day is with a glasslukewarm water on an empty stomachto. Lukewarm water has numerous properties that promote health by detoxifying the body, cleansing all tissues and helping to combat food cravings. Thanks to the high fluid intake, toxins and toxins are dissolved and driven out of the body. The side effects of the transition phase will subside and you will gradually feel better. On the first day of this phase, it is recommended to empty the gastrointestinal tract using Glauber's supplements or enemas.
The classic and strictest form of fasting is water or tea fasting. With these two variants of fasting, you forego any calorie intake. This activates the body's own defenses and strengthens your immune system. Water or tea fasting can be carried out for 2-3 days. Drink at least 3 liters of fluid per day. You should drink this amount throughout the day. There are many tasty types of tea available to you that bring variety to your tea fast. The quality of tea is particularly important during fasting.
It's best to choose natural teas, without flavors, preservatives or colorings. Herbs that have a detoxifying and purifying effect include nettle, sage, peppermint, caraway and juniper berries. If you alreadywith this fasting methodIf you have had a positive experience, there is of course nothing wrong with it. However, if you are fasting for the first time, then modified fasting, such as the above-mentioned fasting phase with fruit and vegetable juices, is a more suitable option for fasting beginners.
The third phase of fasting is the build-up phase or also known as breaking the fast. The build-up days are very important and should not be neglected because your body has to slowly get used to eating food again. When breaking your fast, you should continue to drink plenty of water and herbal tea. The production of digestive juices stopped during fasting. These digestive juices are very important for normalizing food intake after fasting. Provide your body with light, low-fat meals, otherwise you may experience circulatory problems or stomach cramps. Fruit juices made from apples, carrots, beetroot and vegetable broth are an ideal meal for the transition to normality.
Continue to avoid fat, alcohol, caffeine and sugar. During this time, the body will be unable to process these substances. Give your body a little more time, increase the length of your meals and chew your food several times. Slowly and gradually add steamed vegetables to your meals, potatoes the next day, grain dishes and low-fat dairy products in moderation. This is followed by the days in which you can enjoy raw vegetables, healthy fats and nuts again. In this way you can carefully return to your normal diet. The build-up phase should also be carried out for at least 3 days. Maintain a balanced diet combined with sufficient exercise even after fasting so that you stay healthy and the body does not quickly accumulate toxins again.
Scientists have proven that fasting regenerates our immune system. This “restart” of the immune system consists of the “sleeping” stem cells being activated and several white blood cells being formed. White blood cells play an important role in defending against pathogens and protect the organism from infections. Dr. Valter Longo and his team at Southern California University have found that the regenerative effect on immune system cells is related to the body's attempt to conserve energy during times of hunger.
One way it does this is by breaking down older and even damaged immune cells. During fasting, the white blood cells, the so-called leukocysts, reduce. When you start eating again, the white blood cells multiply. The team around Dr. Longo concluded that reducing immune cells during fasting drives stem cells to create new cells. During Lent, our immune system is dedicated to fighting pathogens, while in everyday eating it is involved in the digestive process.
Immunity is influenced by therapeutic fasting in different ways. One of the most important effects is the shutdown of the gastrointestinal tract. The approximately 200 square meters of intestinal surface are the largest target area for infections. The task that the intestine has to fulfill is to fight unwanted viruses, fungi and bacteria from food. Therefore, the intestines and a large part of the immune system are significantly relieved.
During fasting, inflammatory reactions in the body are inhibited, which play a role in the development of various autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer's disease, type 2 diabetes and others. Another positive effect of fasting is weight loss, which takes the strain off the body. At the same time, the body is cleansed and detoxified by flushing out salts. If you want to achieve lasting weight loss success, longer fasting treatments are suitable, which are of course best carried out after medical advice. As with all diets, including fasting, it is advisable to maintain your new eating habits and permanently change your lifestyle to avoid the undesirable yo-yo effect. Fasting also has a positive effect on hormones such as insulin, estrogen and endorphin, which in turn strengthen the immune system.
Therapeutic fasting has an impact on our psyche and soul that should not be underestimated. In fact, fasting people report that during fasting, despite depriving themselves of food, they feel really good, become calmer and are able to distance themselves from stressful events in everyday life. A huge surge of energy and a rush of happiness sets in after the first few days of therapeutic fasting. Fasting can even release pent-up mental blocks or give rise to new, creative ideas. Such psychological and emotional changes have a positive effect on the immune system. Another effect of therapeutic fasting is the sensitization of the taste buds. It can happen that you suddenly find the smell of certain unhealthy foods offensive. By the way, many smokers have given up smoking for this reason.
You will repeatedly be exposed to various temptations during the fasting program and this is something completely normal. To make fasting work better and make it easier for you to keep it up, you can help yourself with small rituals. First of all, you need to get in the mood for Lent in a positive way. Keep your goal in mind. Remember that you will get a completely new feeling in your body. If you are plagued by strong feelings of hunger, drink water or an aromatic tea.
Try to distract yourself. For example, get some fresh air and take a short walk. If you feel like walking, doing gymnastics or doing relaxation exercises, do it, gentle movements will help you. The time you normally spend cooking and eating is now just for you. Do everything you've always wanted to do. Read a good, exciting book or meet your friends with whom you can also exchange ideas.
Cold feet and shivering are common occurrences during a fast. So make sure your feet are warm and spoon some hot broth or drink a warming tea. Exercise will also warm your body. During Lent you can also treat yourself to relaxing and soothing care. For example, take a bath and use alkaline bath salts. It supports the body in detoxification and purification through the skin. A full bath is most effective because a large area of skin can be used for deacidification. Add 3 tablespoons of the alkaline salt to water at 37 °C and leave it in the bath water for at least 30 minutes. If you don't have a bathtub, a foot bath can also help your body detoxify, as the soles of your feet also effectively eliminate toxins. For a foot bath you need 1 tablespoon of alkaline salt for the water at 37 °C.