Sonoma Diet – the balanced diet of Hollywood stars

Haven't found the right diet that suits you yet? Hollywood stars like Jennifer Aniston, Daryl Hannah and others are sworn fans of the Sonoma diet. The diet, or rather nutritional change, named after the Californian city of Sonoma, is currently all the rage among celebrities. It's not primarily about abstaining from food, but rather about a healthy and conscious diet. The first few days are considered the most difficult, but those who survive them will soon be happy about the dream figure they want. And best of all: you don't have to go without treats, red wine and pizza!

The inventor of the Sonoma diet is Dr. Connie Guttersen. The diet is onMediterranean dietand combines southern foods with the Californian lifestyle. It is divided into 3 phases (the so-called waves). The first results can be seen after the first wave, which lasts 10 days - if you stick to the eating rules, you will lose around 2 kilos in 10 days.

What is the correct portion size?

There is no calorie counting on this diet! Only the plate size is specified. It looks like this:

– At breakfast, the plate should have a maximum diameter of 18 centimeters. A bowl can have a capacity of 475 ml.
– A maximum of 23 centimeters is allowed at lunch and dinner.

However, you should eat slowly and not on the go.

Diet with an innovative plate concept: 1st wave

In the first wave you learn the ratio of carbohydrates, protein and vegetables. During this phase, you should stop eating foods that contain large amounts of sugar and white flour. Mayonnaise, chips, pasta and sweets are thrown out of the cupboard because they are the cause of obesity. So you shouldn't eat refined products. Unfortunately, fruit and vegetables are not allowed as much as possible. Every now and then blueberries, strawberries or grapes are good for the soul.

A sample menu for the first wave

Breakfast – 2 eggs, a slice of whole wheat toast
Lunch – Greek salad, grilled shrimp, 1/2 pita bread
Dinner – chicken and vegetable garnish
Snack – twice a day is allowed – some cheese, cherry tomatoes, 11 almonds for women, 33 for men, ¼ avocado or 7 pieces of walnuts.

2nd wave – change eating habits

During the second phase you eat a balanced diet with a Mediterranean character. There is no time limit for the second wave. It should last until you reach your desired weight. From now on you can eat fruit and vegetables. A glass of wine a day is an absolute must. Whole grain products, fruit, vegetables, eggs, low-fat dairy products, fish, nuts, almonds are permitted. White flour, white rice, treats and sweets, products containing sugar, sweeteners, beer and high-fat dairy products are prohibited.

Drink wine every day!

3rd Wave of the Sonoma Diet

From now on you can eat black chocolate and cake in small quantities. You can eat:
– Cucumbers, cauliflower, peppers, celery, Chinese cabbage, zucchini, leeks, sugar peas, mushrooms, onions, spring onions, radishes, pumpkin, tomatoes, cress.
– Grain products such as oatmeal, dark rice, whole grain bread, muesli.
– Protein- Beans, peas, soy, lentils, egg whites, fish, lean beef, chicken, lean lamb or ham.
– low-fat dairy products: cottage cheese, parmesan, mozzarella

The Sonoma Diet has 300 recipes for the whole family that will help create new awareness and inspire a desire for healthy eating.

The secret – balanced nutritional regime


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.