Echinacea plant – effects and health benefits of echinacea

If you have been looking for antiviral herbs that help against many diseases, you have probably come across the Echinacea plant. Using pink or purple echinacea could have a positive health effect on everything from colds to cancer. Echinacea purpurea stimulates the overall activity of cells responsible for fighting all types of infections. Unlike antibiotics, which attack bacteria directly, our own immune cells can thereby attack these bacteria, viruses and abnormal cells, includingAttack cancer cells more efficiently.

Coneflower Echinacea plant as a remedy

The most commonly demonstrated effect of Echinacea is the stimulation of phagocytosis. This means the consumption of invading organisms by white blood cells and lymphocytes. So, this is a powerful plant that is currently booming in the natural health market. But why is the popularity of this attractive flower growing? Because the Echinacea plant benefits our health and well-being like few plant varieties on the planet. But can a tea made from purple flowers really be so effective at warding off colds and illnesses? Some people believe that they can even do thisRelieve pain, can prevent cancer and eliminate skin problems. However, the scientific community does not agree on its benefits, and some experts have raised concerns about its side effects.

Once known as an alternative way to prevent colds, echinacea now has a variety of uses, from fighting cancer to relieving pain. You also don't have to buy such products all year round to prevent illness. Instead, try making your own extract to take advantage of the healing properties of the Echinacea plant. You can even use thisTreatment of external woundsinsert. The active ingredient can kill harmful germs and slow down or even stop the reproduction of such bacteria. In addition, its effect stimulates the formation of new tissue and supports the body in the fight against inflammation.

As a herbal drink, you can most often make tea from the Echinacea plant. Other varieties are also suitable as ingredients in some tea preparations and extracts. Typically, people use the plant's purple, cone-shaped flower dried or freshly cut to make tea. However, you can also use the roots and leaves. Echinacea is a perennial plant that commonly grows in North America and Europe. This species is closely related to the sunflower, the daisy and the ragweed. The side effect of the tasteDrink this teais often described as a tingling sensation on the tongue. In fact, some herbal product manufacturers consider this quality as evidence of the herb's effectiveness. Echinacea is commonly combined with mint or other ingredients such as lemongrass for a more pleasant taste. However, if you don't like this, you can take the remedy in the form of tablets or tinctures.

Before 1950 and the introduction of antibiotics, the Echinacea plant had a respected medicinal status. As the healthcare industry shifted its interest, antibiotics became a hit, and the now-famous herb lost much of its appreciation. Most people don't realize that the chemicals contained in the root are significantly different than those found in the upper part of the plant. When analyzing the roots of purple coneflower, it can be seen that they contain high concentrations of volatile oils. The parts that grow above the ground tend to contain more polysaccharides, which are known to have aTrigger immune response. The extract from the Echinacea plant is essentially a tincture from the upper part.

Important components

Many of the chemical components of Echinacea are in fact potent immune stimulators and may be of significant therapeutic value. Some you are probably familiar with include essential oils, flavonoids, inulin, polysaccharides, and vitamin C. In addition to reports of the plant's nutritious extracts, we have learned that the part of the plant that grows above ground is the most effective . Interestingly, in Germany, supplements are regulated by the government, and aerial parts of Echinacea purpurea are actually approved as natural remedies for urinary tract infections, upper respiratory tract infections, colds, and slow-healing wounds.

Health Benefits of Echinacea Plant

Although there seem to be endless benefits from echinacea, a few benefits stand out. There is also fascinating research into the medicinal value of the phytochemicals it contains. Furthermore, it is clear that these active ingredients, as well as ingredients not yet discovered in other herbs, can be valuable tools for fighting tumors. The use of Echinacea as anotheralternative cancer treatmentis now literally recommended alongside or even instead of conventional therapy, according to researchers.

The most important results inFlu and coldsHowever, the effects were in recurrent infections. Previous research shows that the Echinacea plant is likely to reduce cold symptoms. However, it also appears that Echinacea's effects become stronger after cold symptoms begin. Such plant extracts are able to combat viral respiratory infections, including influenza, reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of bacterial complications. For this reason, you can see why many such products are used for viral illnesses such as colds and flu. This is particularly true for extracts, which are an integrative recommendation from homeopaths and alternative practitioners for their patients.

Pain relief and laxatives

Echinacea's history in relieving pain began when Native Americans used the plant as a pain reliever. This is particularly effective for stomach pain, tonsillitis, headaches, measles, sore throats and even toothache. Some common ways to use echinacea in medicinal products to combat pain include drinking herbal tea or even making a paste from the dried herb and rubbing it directly on the affected area.

Like many other herbs, the Echinacea plant can have a positive effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, it has been shown to be a mild laxative that can relieve constipation and act as a sedative. Drinking herbal tea is also particularly effective in this case. Atchronic diseasesA cup of tea a day can help loosen the bowels, while 2 to 3 cups a day might work for sudden attacks. However, to reduce the risk of side effects, you should not use echinacea too frequently. To be safe, limit your tea to a maximum of two cups per day and take the supplements indicated on labels.

Treat inflammation and skin problems

Inflammation is probably the most common cause of death worldwide and the reason for most diseases. Several factors contribute to this, including stress, toxins in our diet and poor sleep. Luckily, regular consumption of echinacea can effectively reverse this and relieve various types of inflammation. Products containing the active ingredient can even help with uveitis or eye inflammation. It is a good idea for people with chronic inflammatory diseases likerheumatoid arthritisstruggling to consume the herbal tea regularly to reduce system-wide inflammation.

The Echinacea plant also benefits the skin, including improving skin moisture and reducing wrinkles. Research shows that using skin products containing such plant extracts can help improve skin health. Furthermore, this did not show any side effects such as skin irritation. Again, dosage is key. It is recommended that only 20 milligrams be taken at a time and no more. In fact, taking more than 20 milligrams per dose can cancel out the benefits.

Risks and side effects

It's important to know that taking too much echinacea can cause side effects. In some cases, high doses of the plant extracts can sometimes cause nausea and dizziness, especially in allergy sufferers. Therefore, it is not considered safe to use echinacea to treat seasonal allergies, for example. It has also been reported that injected echinacea could cause more severe reactions such as diarrhea, disorientation, drowsiness, dry mouth, insomnia, muscle pain, nausea, numbness of the tongue or throat, and vomiting.

When it comes to Echinacea plant side effects, you should not exceed safe and recommended intake levels. Additionally, if you take supplements regularly, also take a break every few weeks to avoid excessive long-term use. People who are taking immunosuppressants, using tamoxifen, have allergies or asthma, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or are having eyelid surgery should not use echinacea. This could also affect the effectiveness of certain medications. It's best to talk to your doctor if you're taking any medication or treating an illness to make sure echinacea doesn't pose a danger to you.

Forms and dosage of Echinacea plants

Echinacea is available over the counter in many places, including health food stores, online, and even pharmacies and supermarkets. The product is sold in many different forms, including liquid extracts, dried herbs, capsules, and even tea. Although there is no formal evidence on how best to use echinacea, taking it regularly every day can definitely be beneficial for immunity and overall health. Some sources claim that echinacea appears to be most effective when taken as soon as symptoms appear and taken several times a day for seven to ten days. It is also believed that liquid forms of Echinacea may prove more effective than capsules due to the rate of absorption.

However, always remember to use a non-alcoholic preparation, whether for yourself or for your children. Unfortunately, it is common for products to be mislabeled because the extracts or preparations do not contain the labeled amount of ingredients. That's why it's important to use products from trusted brands. How to make loose leaf echinacea tea:

  • Place flowers, leaves, and roots of an Echinacea plant in a teacup. Make sure that the plant parts are free of dirt.
  • Bring water to a boil and then let it sit for a minute to lower the temperature a little.
  • Pour water over the plant parts.
  • Let the tea brew for as long as you like. This is usually longer than steeping traditional teas and can take up to 15 minutes.
  • Strain to remove the flowers, roots and leaves.
  • Taste before drinking.
  • Add honey, ginger, or other flavor enhancers and experiment with different flavors to find a combination that suits your taste.