A review by researchers at Florida Atlantic University found that movement-based mind-body exercises such as yoga tai chi can helpTreatment of back painare effective. People with lower back pain often resort to such treatments first rather than medication.
The scientists evaluated the effectiveness ofsuch exercises, which involve gentle body movements and extends along with mindfulness. Qi Gong, for example, is a Chinese therapy through meditation. This focuses primarily on body awareness during slow and repetitive body movements.
Back pain is a major public health problem, often leading to emotional distress such as depression and anxiety, as well as sleep disturbances and even social isolation. Researchers reviewed data to determine the effects of exercise-based mind-body interventions on chronic back pain, psychological factors, coping strategies, and quality of life in people with back pain.
They found that Yoga Tai Chi effectively relieves lower back pain, reduces pain-related disability, improves functional ability, and prevents depression or anxiety. Lower back pain is a leading cause of lost work time and the most common cause of work-related disability.
“Yoga Tai Chi and Qi Gong could be used as effective treatment alternatives to painkillers, surgery or injection treatments such as nerve blocks. These are associated with a high frequency of side effects when treating low back pain.” This is what study author Ju Young Park said.
Possible therapies
There are numerous reasons for back pain. In chronic conditions, the cause is often unknown, making treatment options complex. Even if a specific anatomical problem can be repaired surgically, recovery is complicated. However, the right exercise can help. Analgesics, which also reduce inflammation, are also helpful.
Treating back pain well requires careful consideration of the circumstances and close consultation with trusted health experts. Individual responses to exactly the same therapies vary greatly. Therefore, general aspects according to which treatments can be effective are not too helpful. The hard part, according to theStudy, is to find out what works for whom and how well.