21 important questions and answers about breast implants

Breast enlargements are among the most common plastic surgical procedures worldwide. There are many reasons why women decide to improve their breast aesthetics. For example, many people wonder what the right age is for breast enlargement. However, that is not the most important thing. Every woman who undergoes breast surgery should familiarize themselves with the risks and possible complications in advance. Here are some of the most common questions and answers about breast implants to provide you with the most important information.

1. WasisSilicone?

Silicone is made from silicon, a metal-like element that naturally combines with oxygen to form silicon dioxide or silica (quartz). The sea sand and the mineral crystals, for example, existmainly made of quartz. It is the most common substance on earth. When quartz and carbon are heated, silicone is produced. During further processing, the silicone can be converted into a long-chain polymer that can be solid, liquid or gel. Various silicones are used in lubricants and oils and in the production of silicone rubber. Silicones are also found in many household products such as paints, body lotions, deodorants, soaps, seals, baking molds, etc

2. Are they?Breast implantsdangerous?

Silicone implants have been the subject of several researches for years. There have even been specific studies that have found that the presence of silicon in cow's milk and infant formula is much higher than in the breast milk of women with implants. However, there is no evidence that silicone implants cause serious disease throughout the body. Women already encounter silicone in many places in everyday life.

3. Why formsthe bodya capsule around the silicone implant?

This is a natural reaction of the body because breast implants are foreign bodies. This is usually barely visible and practically impalpable.

4. What is it?Capsular fibrosis?

The connective tissue or capsule that usually forms around the implant may thicken. This hardening of the tissue is known as capsular fibrosis or capsular contracture. Breast implant encapsulation is more common after an infection, hematoma, or seroma. It is also more common when breast implants are placed under the pectoral muscle. Symptoms vary from hardness in the breast and mild discomfort to pain, deformation and/or displacement of the implant. If pain and induration are severe, additional surgery is required. During this operation, either just the encapsulated tissue or the entire implant can be removed and replaced with a new one. It should be noted, however, that the capsular contracture can occur again afterwards. The crushing technique, also known as a “closed capsulotomy”, is not recommended because this procedure can lead to damage to the implants.

5. Is there a connectionbetweenImplants and breast cancer?

There is no proven link between implants and breast cancer. Current studies continue to show that silicone implants cannot cause cancer or other malignancies.

6. Can have a mammogrambe performed?

Breast implants can prevent and complicate early detection of breast cancer during mammography screening. However, there are examination techniques that take the implant into account. Before the examination, give the laboratory technician information about your individual situation or show him your implant passport with all the necessary information.

7. Is it possibleAllergiesto get silicone implants?

Anyone can develop an allergy to almost any substance on earth, but silicone allergies are very rare. We are all exposed to silicone in everyday life.

8. How long to lastshe?

Implants are not lifelong products, so they must be replaced at some point. The average lifespan is around 10 – 15 years, but can vary for each woman. There are various reasons why an implant replacement is necessary. Sometimes it is a matter of choice, such as a change in the size or shape of the implant, and sometimes removal and replacement are due to a complication, such as encapsulation or displacement of the implant. There are also completely new breast implants on the market today that offer a lifetime guarantee.

9. How long do I have to wait after the operation?beforeCan I resume sports or other strenuous activities?

The healing process is different for each patient. As a rule, the first few days are the most uncomfortable. The average healing time is around four to six weeks. You can discuss with your doctor when and how you can continue your exercise. Sweating creates the possibility of infection or tension in the wound. So limit physical activity until the surgical scar is completely healed. Allow your body to rest and recover. The wound should not come into contact with water for one to two weeks after the operation. Therefore, bathing and swimming are not recommended. Showering is only possible with appropriate shower plasters.

10. When can I ask for one?Breast enlargementsunbathe again or go to the solarium?

Tanning in a tanning bed or in the sun will not damage the implant itself, but it may worsen the scars. Cut wounds should not be exposed to direct heat from the sun, solarium or sauna for at least one year after the operation. UV rays could permanently darken the scars. The implant may heat up and cool down more slowly than your body.

11. I canflyor diving?

Many women with implants dive and fly without problems. The change in pressure may cause slight expansion and contraction of the sheath. This may result in a small amount of air bubbles in the implant. With gel or salt-filled implants, you may be able to feel or hear the gurgling sound of the fluid. These should be gone after about 24-48 hours.

12. When can I againaWear a bra with underwire?

Most doctors recommend that patients wait three months before wearing an underwired bra after surgery. During this healing period, your body will form connective tissue around the implant and the pressure from the brackets can cause permanent dents in the tissue. After this initial phase, underwire bras should only be worn from time to time to avoid permanent damage.

13. Be mineBreastsmove naturally again?

It depends on many factors such as type of implants, incision, whether and how your body accepts the implant and whether a foreign body reaction is observed. In some women, the breasts move naturally, while in others they are hard and immobile.

14. How much does this weighBreast implants?

The weight of the implant depends on the size and the filling volume. The information in grams corresponds approximately to that in cubic centimeters. A 250cc implant filled with 250cc gel weighs approximately 250g.

15. EmergeStretch marksthrough breast enlargement?

Stretch marks can form when breast implants are inserted, but this rarely happens. If you are concerned, choose a smaller implant size to minimize stretching of the skin or a tissue expander whose volume can be precisely adjusted later.

16. What influence hasSmokeon the healing process after the operation?

Smoking causes blood vessels to contract, thereby modifying blood flow. This means that less oxygen reaches the blood and tissues. When blood supply is reduced, injured tissue heals more slowly. Different doctors set different times for patients to abstain from smoking before and after surgery. Some recommend two to five weeks before and after surgery. Ask your doctor how long you should not smoke before and after surgery.

17. Be minenipplestaub?

Sensation disorders or numbness in the nipples are often the result of breast enlargement? Nipple and breast sensitivity may either increase or decrease. The change varies from numbness to a very intense feeling and can be temporary or permanent.

18. Should I before theBreast surgeryhave an ideal weight?

It's best to be close to your ideal weight.A significant weight lossAfter breast enlargement, the results of the operation may change in a way that is unsatisfactory for you. Losing weight can lead to ptosis (breast sagging) and a reduction in size, while gaining weight can lead to increased breast size.

19. I am more than 50Yearsold. Is breast enlargement possible in old age?

When it comes to breast enlargement, good health is important, not age. The minimum age for breast surgery is 20-21 years. There is no fixed upper age limit.

20. Washappensduring pregnancy?

A pregnancymeans big changes for the female body. The breasts enlarge and prepare for breastfeeding. They become heavy, sometimes painful, and the nipples become darker and larger. Breast growth is based on an interaction of hormones. It is therefore impossible to predict exactly how the breasts will behave in each woman with breast implants. Depending on how strong the size fluctuations are or how elastic the skin is, the appearance of the breast will change after pregnancy.

21. I canafterBreastfeeding after breast enlargement?

Many women with breast implants successfully breastfeed their babies. Recent research has shown that breast implants do not affect the quality of breast milk. However, breast implants may affect some women's ability to breastfeed. This mainly happens with breast enlargement through nipple incision. Some women develop mastitis (inflammation of the breast glands) while breastfeeding, which can also cause capsular contracture. If symptoms occur, inform your doctor.

Important onesSafety information:

Before undergoing breast augmentation, it is important to be aware of the possible risks associated with implantation.

It should be noted that a single surgical procedure is usually not enough. You may need additional unplanned breast surgery due to complications or unsatisfactory results. The changes to the bust after implantation are irreversible (cannot be reversed). In addition, breast implants may affect your ability to breastfeed by reducing milk production or not producing milk at all.

The most common complications with silicone implants are re-operation, capsular fibrosis, asymmetries and breast pain. One of the rare complications is silent implant rupture, which is not noticed by either the patient or the doctor. The first signs of a defective implant can be a permanent burning sensation or a suddenly unnaturally soft breast.

The health effects of a ruptured silicone gel-filled implant are not yet fully understood. Annual mammograms, MRI scans or ultrasound images are recommended.