Losing weight during menopause: Why 48-year-old Gwyneth Paltrow relies on this intermittent fasting diet plan

Insomnia,Hot flashes, mood swings: After age 45, most women struggle with perimenopause symptoms. Gwyneth Paltrow's fluctuating hormone levels also caused such problems. The actress recently admitted during an interview that she feels not only psychological but also physical changes. However, she is of the opinion that menopause is not that terrible. She knows many women who feel comfortable in their bodies at 50. This is certainly also due to a hormone-conscious diet. That's why the actress relies on intermittent fasting according to a new nutritional plan “Intuitive Fasting”. Although its main goal is not to lose weight during menopause, it can help with this.

Losing weight during menopause: With the “Intuitive Fasting” diet plan, Gwyneth Paltrow brings your body into balance

“Intuitive Fasting” is the name of the new book by Dr. Will Cole, who is close friends with Gwyneth Paltrow. His nutrition plan offers a certain flexibility,helps with weight lossduring menopause and brings the body back into balance.

According to Dr. According to Cole, all people have what is called metabolic flexibility. This means they are able to convert sugar and fat into energy. But because many people eat foods rich in sugar, they gradually begin to lose their metabolic flexibility. A questionnaire is designed to help readers assess their metabolic flexibility.

The intermittent fasting nutrition plan at a glance

The four-week nutrition plan is intended to get the body fit and healthy again.

Week 1.The nutrition plan itself is very simple. The first week you fast for 12 hours a day. For example, if the fasting period begins at 8 p.m., it ends at 8 a.m. - the perfect time for breakfast. Many people are already following it. The goal is to not eat anything late in the evening or at night and to reduce the number of food cravings at night.

Week 2.The fasting period is extended. Now we fast between 14 and 18 hours every day. The rest of the time you can eat as much as you want. However, you should follow a special food list created by the nutritionist.

Week 3.During the third week you fast between 20 and 22 hours. However, fasting is done for 20 hours every other day. During the other days you fast for 12 hours a day.

Like Dr. As Cole explains in his book, the third week is the most important period. Switching between long and short fasting periods is intended to train the body so that it becomes metabolically flexible again.

Week 4.During the fourth week you fast for 12 hours every day. Dr. Cole compares his intermittent fasting plan to an hour of yoga. You start with simple exercises, then do several heavy exercises and end with relaxation exercises.

Losing weight during menopause: what can you eat?

During the four weeks, you must not consume foods high in sugar, dairy products, foods with unhealthy fats and alcohol.

You are allowed to eat organic vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, fish and meat, and whole grain products.

Losing weight over 50 with intermittent fasting: It's all about counting calories

Dr. Cole explains in his book that intermittent fasting is not about counting calories. It is more important to give your body a break every now and then and boost your metabolism.

Losing weight during menopause: Gwyneth Paltrow combines the diet with a healthy workout routine

Gwyneth Paltrowadmits that she doesn't train as intensively as she did 5 years ago. She loves yoga and weight training to counteract the loss of muscle mass. She tries to take long walks every day. However, she advises against too much exercise and long workouts.


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.