Losing weight during menopause with intermittent fasting: What boosts your metabolism after 50?

Usually from the age of 45, a new phase of life begins for most women: menopause. Hot flashes, sweats and weight gain are among the symptomsthe most common complaints. The symptoms are closely linked to changes in the hormonal balance. In addition to various medications, proper nutrition can also help to boost metabolism. Losing weight during menopause made easy: with the right intermittent fasting method

From their mid-40s onwards, most women begin to feel the first signs of menopause. The symptoms of hormonal changes can be recognized quickly: sweats and hot flashes. The body begins to produce less and less estrogen. From the age of 50, this production decreases significantly and this leads to changes in the body. The fat deposits shift to the stomach and most women gain around 5 kilos. TheWay back to the dream figureIt's not always easy: Once the fat deposits have settled, it is very difficult to get rid of them again. The reason for this is very simple: women over 50 need 1000 - 1200 calories daily. In order not to exceed this daily requirement, you should eat consciously and in many cases even change your diet completely.

Luckily, with the right diet, this task isn't particularly difficult.

What is the best way to lose weight during menopause?

In order to achieve your desired weight, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

1. The basal metabolic rate decreases from the age of 45. In order to maintain your weight, you have to consume fewer calories from your diet every day than usual. To lose weight, the number of calories should be less than 1200 daily.

2. The fluctuating hormones promote the retention of water in the body, which again leads to weight gain. The effectiveness of herbal preparations against this water retention has not yet been scientifically tested or proven. What does help, however: onelow-salt diet. Include dehydrating fruits and vegetables in the menu.

3. Disorders of thyroid function can also promote weight gain. You can counteract this with appropriate therapy.

4. Changing your diet is important even if you used to eat healthy.

Include protein-rich foods such as fish, meat, eggs, nuts, milk and cheese, eggs in the menu.

Eat fewer carbohydrate-rich foods such as bread, oatmeal, rice and potatoes.

Losing weight during menopause: Which interval fasting option after 50?

If this first change has already happened, you can choose the appropriate intermittent fasting method. Of course, every body is different and has its own needs. Test the different methods and choose the right one for you.

How much can you lose per week with intermittent fasting?

How much you can lose weight per week depends closely on how you generally eat. With a balanced diet, you can lose between half a kilo and 2 kilos per week.

The advantages of intermittent fasting at a glance:

  • Accelerate the process of fat loss
  • Improve intestinal flora
  • Stimulate cell production and thereby promote skin regeneration
  • helps to first reduce weight and then maintain it. This is especially true for belly fat.

Give yourself a month to test the effect of each method on your body and your health. Before you start fasting, consult your doctor. Women who are taking medication should definitely consult their family doctor.

Is intermittent fasting good for building muscle?

After 50, you start to lose 1% of your muscle mass every year. You can combat this with a good fitness plan and the right diet. The experts advise against cardio training, for example. It is too intense and quickly promotes not only fat loss but also muscle loss. So it may be that you lose weight, but at the same time the fat deposits remain and you have simply lost muscle mass.

It is much better to rely on daily workouts and do different exercises that train different parts of the body.

What boosts metabolism during menopause? The 16:8 method

The 16:8 method is perhaps the most popular of the four. This method is best suited to those over 45 and is the perfect introduction for women who have never fasted before.

The method at a glance:You don't eat any food for 16 hours a day. During this period, unsweetened drinks such as tea or lemon water are allowed. You can eat as usual for the other eight hours.

What you can eat:Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts, milk and low-fat dairy products, eggs. Make sure you eat a low-carbohydrate diet. Fast food, sweets and high-calorie drinks are an absolute no-go.

What you can achieve after four weeks:The metabolism is boosted. The body burns more calories than before and uses fat reserves. You start to lose weight.

What helps against belly fat during menopause? The 5:2 method

The 5:2 method is suitable for women over 50 who already have some experience with intermittent fasting.

The method at a glance:You eat as usual for 5 days a week and fast for two days. It is important that these two fasting days do not follow each other.

What you can eat:During fasting, your daily calorie intake should be reduced to 500 calories. You should drink enough fluids. In the other five days you should also eat consciously and not consume more than 1200 calories a day.

What you can achieve after four weeks:If you combine this method with suitable training, you can start to notice success after four weeks and partially burn off the belly fat.

How to lose weight after 50? Intermittent fasting 1:1 method

Die 1:1Intermittent fasting methodmeans that you alternate between fasting and eating during the week. This means: on Monday you eat as usual, on Tuesday you fast, on Wednesday you eat as usual, on Thursday you fast, etc. This method is suitable for women aged 50 and over who have at least got their hormones under control to some extent. This method targets visceral belly fat.

What you can eat:Eat a normal diet 3-4 days a week. The remaining days are fasted.

What you can achieve after four weeks:If you combine intermittent fasting with workouts and exercise a lot on the fasting days, you can lose 2-3 kilos after four weeks. It's not that much at first, but it's healthier to lose weight slowly. This way you can avoid the yo-yo effect.

Intermittent fasting from 50: How long until success?

Anyone who wants to try intermittent fasting is probably wondering how long it takes todecreases successfully. The answer is not easy because it depends primarily on your own body.