Every second Western European buys organic products and food. The most sought -after are eggs, fruit and different types of vegetables. But there are still a lot of unresolved questions about these foods. We have the answer to Dr. Jean-Michel Lyoserf wanted, head of the nutritional department at the “Pasteur” institute in Lille, France.
There is still no exact statistics, but consumption undoubtedly grows worldwide. Especially when it comes to feeding infants and toddlers and the nutrition of people in general who are on their health.
Correct:The organic products do not contain any pesticides, in principle they are not treated with germinated inhibitions. In rare cases, poisonous residues have been found in the organic products, but this is an effect of pollution.
Rich in vitamins and minerals
Correct:It can be assumed that theVegetable and fruit varietiesWithout too intensive irrigation, thick dry matter, i.e. a high concentration of vitamins and minerals. However, comparison studies have shown that the differences are minimal and insignificant.
The milk bio products and foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids
Right: theConcentration ofOmega-3 fatty acidsThere is much higher in these products. However, the omega-3 is also found in high concentration in meat and eggs that are not organic products. It actually depends on how the animals were bred.
Organic fruit and vegetables contain more germs
Incorrect:No fungicides are used in agriculture and the use of antibiotics is allowed to a limited extent, so the risk of contamination by microorganisms and the formation of mycotoxins should be greater. However, mycotoxins are recognized in the organic products as well as in the fruits of traditional agriculture-no longer, not less. Numerous studies prove it. On the other hand, mold can develop much more easily on organic products because they are not treated with antifungal. The truth is that this problem occurs especially when storing the products, between harvesting and sales.
The organic products and foods taste delicious
Correct:In general, the taste of organic products and food is very good because they are harvested when they are ripe. But there are cases that selected fruit varieties sometimes even taste more delicious than the organic products.
The organic products ensure a balanced diet.
Incorrect:A balanced diet has nothing to do with organic food. Many people choose organic products because they are good quality. A diet with high -quality foods often goes hand in hand with the balanced diet.
If you want to eat organic products, you have to eat products during your ripening time.
Correct:Since theOrganic products and foodNot after the harvest tire, they are basically collected. It follows that the consumption of fruit and vegetables is due in the corresponding season. If we want to eat cherries in January, we have to consider it, they are definitely more expensive because they come from far away and the transport costs must be calculated. Yes, you have to pay extra for small or greater pleasure!