Not everything that tastes good together should be eaten together. But these 10 healthy food combinations not only promise pure enjoyment, but also help to keep the body fit, strengthen the immune system and stimulate digestion. In the article we not only take a closer look at the most popular and popular food combinations, but also explain why they have a positive effect on the organism. We also present lesser-known but very tasty mixes of herbs, meat, fish, vegetables and fruit. Because taste alone is not enough for a satisfying menu. Many of these foods can only fully develop their potential when they are combined with others on the plate.
Healthy food combinations with vegetables
Vegetables are an inseparable part of a healthy diet and as such it is hard to imagine our daily menu without them. These combinations with vegetables are considered particularly tasty and healthy:
1. Tomatoesare rich in lycopene (a phytochemical). The fat-soluble carotenoid helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of the red miracle food can significantly reduce the risk of stroke. In combination with fats, its effect is significantly increased and can even be easily absorbed by cooked tomatoes. This explains why, for example, in Mediterranean cuisine the salad with tomatoes is drizzled with olive oil and the pasta is also drizzled with tomato sauceprepared with olive oilbecomes. Here are several more healthy food combinations with tomatoes:
Tomatoes and avocados: The food combination between tomatoes and avocados is considered an absolute classic - the latter contain unsaturated fatty acids, which provide the body with energy and, together with the carotenoid lycopene and the carotenoid lutein, improve circulation. You can drizzle the vegetables in a salad with olive oil. If you prefer to eat low-fat and avoid olive oil, you can enrich the salad with walnuts or pistachios. It is also considered healthycombination with fatty cheese,for example sheep's cheese.
Tomatoes and veal liver:Iron deficiency can lead to headaches, sleep problems and fatigue. People suffering from iron deficiency should eat iron-rich foods. Calf liver is considered a source of iron, but the trace element can only be fully absorbed by the body in combination with vitamin C. Only then can it be processed. Combinations of lettuce and lemon, spinach and avocado have a similar effect.
Tomatoes and broccoli:According to a new study from the University of Illinois, this combination is said to help in the fight against prostate cancer. The exact reason is still unknown, but until now both tomatoes and broccoli were considered a helpful healthy diet in prostate cancer patients or as a preventive measure. The combination is even said to further enhance the effect.
2.Lettuce, romaine lettuce, endive with chickpeas: Magnesium is the name of the miracle mineral that can keep stress at bay. The salads contain magnesium and have a positive effect against depression. People who suffer from panic attacks also feel better with increased magnesium intake. And although only a doctor can correctly assess the necessary daily intake in each individual case, one salad a day only has positive effects on the nervous system. The chickpeas also contain vitamin B6, which is needed for the complete absorption of magnesium.
3.Kale and lemon, avocado and spinach: The two are considered particularly healthy food combinations because they supply the body with vitamin C and at the same time stimulate digestion. They are also said to strengthen the immune system and provide the necessary energy boost for people who train regularly and want to build their muscles.
With meat and fish
1.Steak and rosemaryCombine: The spice is said to mitigate the negative effects of fried or grilled meat, as it also prevents flatulence and has a good effect on the digestive system. The marinade is particularly healthy and delicious with freshly chopped rosemary, olive oil, lemon juice and salt. Brush the meat generously with this and let it marinate in the fridge for at least an hour.
2.Fish and broccoli: This combo is not only a filling dish but also helps as a preventive measure against cancer. Mackerel and salmon in particular are rich in the mineral selenium and can supply the body with it. Selenium also supports the immune system and the normal function of the thyroid gland. Broccoli contains the mustard oil sulforaphane, which in animal experiments is said to have an inhibitory effect against certain tumor-inducing factors. This is not about a healing miracle, but about healthy nutrition as a preventative measure. Of course, food can never replace therapy, but after consulting with your doctor, it can additionally support the healing process.
3.Pork and Brussels sprouts: Pork is too fatty to eat daily or several times a week. But its reputation as unhealthy is not really deserved. The meat contains selenium and therefore, like mackerel and salmon, has a positive effect on the body. When combined with Brussels sprouts, the steaks not only taste better, but are also healthier.
With fruits and nuts
1.Fruit, nuts and yogurtform an irresistible combination: they taste wonderful and are extremely healthy. The fat-soluble vitamins C, D and E can be better absorbed by the body. The motto here is: it’s better to buy local fruit. Always wash the fruit thoroughly before eating and cut into quarters. As nuts you can choose, for example:
Almonds – they contain useful minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. Although the nuts have a high calorie value, they are present in many diet plans - mainly because they facilitate the rapid absorption ofVitamins in the fruitsmake possible. But also because they fill you up even in small quantities.
Hazelnuts keep the nervous system healthy. They contain lecithin, an active ingredient that is good for the nervous system. And the flavonoids ensure good blood circulation, keeping veins and veins healthy.
Cashew nuts not only contain iron, but also the trace element copper, lower cholesterol levels and are recommended for people with high blood pressure.
Walnuts are high in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. The human body cannot produce these two itself and must therefore get them from the diet. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect and, in combination with vitamins, zinc, iron and selenium, act as a preventative measure against heart attacks.
Nuts are so healthy that they have become an inseparable part of the daily menu. Between 50 and 100 grams of nuts can be eaten daily, preferably raw but thoroughly washed.
2.Muesli and orange juice: the high proportion of fiber reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes and lowers blood pressure. For optimal effect, you can combine the fruit and muesli with honey. To be on the safe side, buy seasonal fruit - it really contains the necessary vitamins and comes from the garden, and not from the greenhouse.
3.Blueberries and grapes: When it comes to fruit, the rule of thumb is: the more different seasonal varieties you combine, the better. The fruit salad is not only a popular dessert, but also maximizes the positive effects of the individual fruits on the body. Blueberries and grapes are not only delicious, but also good for the skin - numerous masks and peelings contain the fruits, which provide the face with important nutrients and can effectively improve impure skin.
Not everything that tastes good is healthy - if you want to eat a balanced diet, you should tailor your menu according to your personal needs. Sometimes a consultation with a doctor or nutritionist is an absolute must - because only they can assess what effect individual foods will have on your own health. The rule of thumb also applies: healthy eating in combination with daily exercises/sports or even long walks outdoors keeps you fit. Last but not least, you shouldtry different combinations of foodsto see what effect they have on your body.