The exotic jackfruit and its unique properties

Anyone who likes to try out new things will quickly show interest in the unique fruit that we would like to introduce to you in this article. The so-called jackfruit is currently not very well known in our areas, but is slowly filling the market in Europe and America. And no wonder! Both the fruit and the tree itself impress with unique properties that seem almost unreal at first. Whether you're a vegetarian, vegan or just a fan of the exotic and new, you'll immediately fall in love with this wonderful fruit.

Jackfruit – The largest fruit in the world

It is the largest tree-growing fruit in the world. However, that's not all there is to itwonderful fruitimpressed. It is even supposed to save millions of people from starvation. The reason for this is the nutrients and other properties that the fruit, which is also called scallop fruit, breadfruit and jackfruit, contains. In this article we would like to inform you about the fruit and show you the positive sides.

The jack tree fruit comes from South and Southeast Asia, but is now sold in other parts of the world and grown in other tropical areas such as Brazil. India is considered the country of origin of the jackfruit tree. Despite this, he is nowhere near as respected there as he is in, for example, Bangladesh, Malaysia or Vietnam. On the contrary, it is avoided; a large part of the harvested fruit is thrown away (a total of 670,000 tons) because it is not bought. In India it is seen as poor food. It literally grows everywhere and is therefore not bought. It would be a perfect source of nutrients, especially in places where poverty and famine are very severe. Just 10 to 12 pieces of the fruit ensure that you no longer feel hungry for the next half day and a single piece can feed an entire family, which is mainly due to its size.

The giant fruit can vary in size, ranging from 4 to a whopping 40 kg. The nutrients contained in breadfruit include proteins, potassium, calcium (27 mg or 100 g), magnesium, sulfur, B vitamins and iron. These are an important component in food and promote the growth of the body. Since the fruit itself is very large and difficult to eat, it is usually offered in smaller pieces.

But the tree is not only so valuable because of its fruits. All other parts of the plant are also very useful in agriculture. The leaves serve as food for farm animals, the wood is processed and the tree produces a sticky liquid that is reminiscent of rubber and is used as glue. The wood is highly valued for making furniture because it is resistant to termites, very weather-resistant and easy to polish. Even musical instruments are made from the wood. It is also interesting that the bark is orange in color. The monks in turn use these to color their traditional clothing. This is also the reason why in Asia every free space in the garden of every private house is occupied by a tree.

The structure of the fruit is very interesting. Inside the shell is the pulp, which is divided into several small, onion-like pieces, which in turn contain very nutritious seeds. It is precisely in them that the nutrients mentioned above can be found. You can also prepare delicious dishes from the seeds. Apart from the fact that they are similar in taste to chestnuts, they can be used wonderfully as a substitute for beans. If you have a small size, they make a great rice-like side dish. The pulp is rich in vitamin C. The number of calories is also rather low - depending on the ripeness, between 70 and 100 calories per 100 g.

The fruit can be eaten both when ripe, when it is soft and tasty, and when it is still unripe, when it resembles a potato. There are many different preparation options for both ripening processes. From flour and curry to juice, ice cream and fried pulp, the options are tailored to every taste. Unripe fruits are prepared like vegetables and can be boiled, fried, steamed and even grilled. However, you should keep in mind that the fruits are no longer edible a few weeks after harvest and go bad. However, their shelf life can be extended by storing them in cans or drying them. The dried fruit is processed into so-called jackfruit chips and sold. Fruits intended for export are also harvested when they are still unripe to extend their shelf life.

The diverse application and preparation options make the fruit very interesting, especially for vegetarians and vegans, as they receive all the important nutrients and can at the same time provide variety in their meals. Interestingly, after an hour of cooking, the taste of the unripe fruit is similar to that of pork, making it a perfect meat substitute. This is also the reason why the scallop fruit is becoming more and more popular and well-known in Europe and America.

But the jackfruit tree can represent great progress not only from a culinary point of view, but also from an economic point of view. Studies show that a single tree can earn a farmer in India $151. That's more than half of the average monthly income, which is $295, according to the International Labor Organization. This is thanks to its diverse uses with the bark, jackfruit, foliage and natural kutschuk. The tree guarantees a total of 5 raw materials that can be traded. No other plant comes close. In addition, if the climate is suitable, it is much easier to cultivate than other plants such as corn or wheat because it does not need to be replanted every year.

Tips for consumption

The taste can be described as something between pineapple and banana. Since the delicious juice of the fruit is quite sticky, you can make working with it easier by rubbing your hands and the work surface with a little oil before cutting. The breadfruit is cut lengthwise. Now you can remove the pulp and seeds. The pulp can be further processed in a variety of ways, which basically depends on your recipe, but also on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. It can be cut into cubes or strips, pureed or grated.

When you buy it, you should take a closer look at the scallop fruit in order to find a high-quality piece that is as ripe as possible. The shell should be undamaged. You can tell whether the fruit is ripe by its smell. Ripe fruits give off a strong scent. The switch is also a good identifying feature. The shell should give slightly when you press lightly with your finger.

Delicious dishes

If you don't know much about jackfruit, you can find a variety of recipes on the internet. If you would like a delicious main course, choose, for example,an exotic variantand pamper your senses or prepare a delicious fruit salad with the ripe breadfruit as a snack in between. If you feel like something sweet, prepare one of the many desserts. More advanced people are welcome to experiment with the scallop fruit and try out any variations themselves. In principle, there are no limits to your imagination.