7 easy ways to detoxify your body and useful tips

Have you also asked yourself what are the consequences of the dynamic lifestyle of millions of people around the world today? We all live in our stressful everyday lives and in most cases in a dirty city environment. So people are constantly exposed to various chemicals and toxins contained in food, air and water. Our body and all human internal organs are under additional attack because the normal functioning of the body systems is further prevented by unhealthy eating habits, incorrect food preparation methods and poor combinations. As a result, the following symptoms can often be observed: reduced performance, headaches, lack of concentration, colds and allergies, back pain, brittle nails, hair loss and the like.

One of the best ways any of us can stay healthy and fit in a polluted and toxic environment is to detoxify the body. This method mainly refers to the elimination of toxins and waste products from the body, the treatment of the intestinal tract, liver detoxification, cleansing of the kidneys, lymphatic system, lungs, blood and skin. These are organs and human body systems that support the all-important acid-base balance in the body, absorb necessary nutrients for the body, and are involved in detoxifying chemicals and toxins from the body. By detoxifying these systems, you will regain your energy and vitality, you will definitely increase your immunity and be able to work more focused. Here's how to improve your body's overall health.

There are various ways to detoxify the body, for example through healthy food, herbs, through special menus within longer eating plans. Today the Deavita team wants to present you with 7 simple ways to detoxify your body through healthy food.

If you decide to detoxify your body through a vegan menu, we can only congratulate you on your perfect choice. Now you need a daily menu exclusivelyplant foodscompiled, 80% of it could be raw.
Your daily vegan menu must contain the following products: juices, shakes, smoothies, fruits, vegetables, sprouts, salads, steamed vegetables, gluten-free grain dishes, bean dishes, enough water.
Use minimal amounts of salt and fat, preferring to exclude oil from your menu, as well as all types of olive oil, including cold-pressed oils.

Vegan detox menu
Morning: Juices, fresh fruit or fruit shakes.
Lunch: fruit or smoothies.
Dinner: green salad + sprouts + steamed vegetables + gluten-free grain dish.

Your daily menu should consist entirely of raw foods. It must contain: juices, shakes, smoothies, fruit, vegetables, sprouts, lettuce, seeds, kernels and nuts (30 grams per day) and enough water. Consume minimal amounts of salt and fat, it is better to exclude oil from your menu, as well as all types of olive oil, other cold pressed oils too.

Raw food menu
Morning: Juices, fresh fruit or fruit shakes.
Lunch: fruit or smoothies.
Dinner: green salad + sprouts + seeds or nuts (maximum 30 grams).

Your daily menu should now consist entirely of raw fruits and vegetables, juices, shakes, smoothies, fruit, green leafy vegetables and lots of water. But you are not allowed to eat salt or fat.
Detox menu with juices, fruits and green leafy vegetables:
Morning: Juices (fruits and green leafy vegetables), fruits, smoothies.
Lunch: Fruit or smoothies (fruit and green leafy vegetables).
Dinner: green leafy salad + semi-sour or sour fruits.

Your daily menu should include a variety of fruits and fruit shakes; smoothies are also recommended, morning, lunch and evening. Only eat one type of fruit a day, that is, don't combine the fruits! All fruits should be very ripe and sweet.

Fruit detox menu:
Tomorrow: fruits.
Lunch: Fruit or fruit shakes, smoothies.
Dinner: Fruit or fruit shakes, smoothies.

Your daily menu should only contain one type of fruit. After May 20th is the best time for mono-fruit detoxification with cherries, but you have to eat them very carefully (chew them well). There are two approaches to the amount of fruit per day that can be eaten: once you can eat unlimited amounts until you are completely full, or up to 2 kg daily. This is the recommended amount of fruit per day.

Menu for mono fruit detox:
Morning: 1 type of fruit.
Lunch: 1 type of fruit.
Dinner: 1 type of fruit.

During this period, we recommend that your daily menu consists primarily of fruit juices and those made from green leafy vegetables.
Menu Juice Detox:
Morning: Fruit juice and green leafy vegetable juice combined. Example: apples and green leaves.
Lunch: Fruit juice or fruit and green leafy vegetable juice. Example: orange juice or orange juice and green leafy vegetable juice.
Dinner: Shake with fruit and green leafy vegetables. Example: strawberries with green leafy vegetables.

This type should only be carried out under medical supervision and / or under the supervision of a fasting specialist.

It is completely applicable at home if you do it for a short period of time - from 1 to 3 days. Significant amounts of toxins are removed from the body. This type of detoxification is the most powerful detoxification method. The body is completely freed of all unnecessary toxins and chemicals.
Only water is drunk every day. The recommended amount of water per day is up to 2 liters of lukewarm water, we recommend spring water. Be very careful!

Water detox menu:
Morning: water.
Lunch: water.
Dinner: water.
Important: The detoxification method presented here is effective, but must be carried out very strictly. Before you decide to do this, you must seek advice from a professional or, ideally, your doctor, who will take into account your individual health condition and can suggest you an effective diet plan.