What to eat when you have a craving? – Tips and snacks to lose weight in the evening and avoid cravings!

Ate healthy and balanced food all week, regularly and suddenly the cravings hit us out of nowhere. Does this scenario sound familiar to you? Sometimes we manage to resist the urge, but sometimes we give up and we feel bad and guilty afterwards. Whether chips, chocolate, burgers or pizza - cravings are definitely one of our biggest enemies when it comes to losing weight and ruin all our efforts. So – what to eat when you have cravings so that this doesn’t happen? Are there foods that inhibit these cravings and what are the most common causes of food cravings? So many questions, right? To help you stay fit and healthy, we'll explain what you can do to combat cravings.

These are the most common causes of cravings

If only it weren't for these stupid cravings, right? Of course, it would be ideal if we crave apples or broccoli because they are healthy and full of nutrients. Unfortunately, this is not the case and we often develop an appetite for unhealthy and processed foods such as chips, sweets, etc. In fact, according to a survey, more than 50% of people who are on a diet suffer from food cravings. To combat the problem, it is important that you know the most common causes of cravings.

  • Cravings caused by strict bans or a diet that lasts too long– The more strict we are with ourselves about our diet, the more tempting certain foods become. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to something sweet every now and then, as long as you eat a healthy, balanced diet most of the time.
  • Cravings from processed foods –Have you eaten a whole bar of chocolate and are hungry again after an hour? After eating foods containing sugar, blood sugar levels rise quickly and then drop again shortly afterwards.
  • Lack of sleep
  • Overwhelm and stress
  • boredom
  • Mental stress
  • Hormonal changes

Now that you know the most common causes of food cravings, you are most likely asking yourself the question – what to eat when you have food cravings? Here are some of the best foods to curb your cravings and make evening weight loss snacks.

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit is naturally very sweet and can provide us with a great remedy for sweet cravings. It also provides our body with plenty of vitamins and nutrients and just 300 grams of fresh fruit a day is enough to reduce the risk of heart disease and obesity. Whether strawberries, bananas, grapes or mango – a fruit salad is ideal for a low-calorie and healthy snack for losing weight. And if pure fruit doesn't help, then we have a little tip on what you could do to combat cravings. Simply dip small berries or grapes into melted chocolate or yogurt and you have delicious snacks to lose weight in the evening.

Dark chocolate against cravings

What to eat when you have a craving for sweets? Dark chocolate! In contrast to normal milk chocolate, dark chocolate has more cocoa and also contains less sugar and more valuable ingredients. Always go for chocolates with at least 70% cocoa and stick to just 2-3 pieces to satisfy your appetite. Dark chocolate contains less sugar, but more fat and is slightly higher in calories than milk chocolate. Low-carb sugar-free chocolates would also be a great choice to combat cravings.

Fight cravings with low-fat quark

Low in calories, but very rich in protein – low-fat quark is definitely one of the best foods to combat cravings! The high protein content keeps us full for longer and ensures that cravings don't even occur. And the best part? You can enjoy low-fat quark both savory and sweet. Do you have a craving for salty foods? Then stir about 200 grams of low-fat quark with spices of your choice and you have a low-calorie dip. Craving something sweet? Then treat yourself to a low-calorie chocolate pudding made from low-fat quark and cocoa. Always use pure cocoa for this, as the sweetened versions can actually increase cravings.

Eat nuts when you have a craving

Whether almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts – raw nuts are healthy and provide our bodies with healthy fats. The high protein and fiber content means we stay full longer and can prevent cravings in the long term. It becomes especially delicious if you roast the nuts in the oven! Here, too, you should pay attention to your portion size, because 100 grams of nuts contain between 500 and 600 calories.

Popcorn als Chips-Alternative

Relaxing on the couch, watching a Netflix series while snacking on chips - is that what your Friday evening looks like? For many of us, snacking in front of the TV is just part of the normal routine and that's not a bad thing - as long as we make smart decisions. What to eat when you have a salty craving if chips aren't an option? Popcorn, of course! However, not the ready-made packs from the supermarket. With only 300-350 calories per 100 grams, homemade popcorn is one of the tastiest snacks for losing weight in the evening. In addition, popcorn is rich in fiber and ensures that you feel full for longer.


Whether in a salad, as chocolate mousse or avocado toast for breakfast - it's not without reason that avocado is considered a real superfood. Although the fruit contains a relatively high amount of calories and fat, it can still help you lose weight. The enzyme “lipase” contained in it is responsible for this, which stimulates fat breakdown and promotes digestion.

What to eat when you have a salty craving?

Do you suddenly have a craving for salty foods and don't know why? Has it ever happened to you that you crave pretzel sticks or chips after a strenuous workout or a jog? All of these have one thing in common – they contain quite a bit of salt. A sodium deficiency or dehydration are among the most common reasons for salty cravings. A lack of sodium can often occur, especially due to excessive sweating during exercise or in the summer. To counteract this and satisfy cravings, eat a few olives or treat yourself to oven-roasted chickpeas as a low-calorie snack. Electrolyte drinks can also help maintain mineral levels.

Cravings for fatty and hearty dishes

If you often crave fatty foods such as pasta, hearty casseroles, or red meat, this could be a signal of a zinc, iron, or vitamin B12 deficiency. Try to resist the urge and look for healthier alternatives. Junk food can sometimes even be addictive, which in the long run can lead to an eternal vicious circle. How about, for exampleCanarian potatoesas a side dish or a light one-pot pasta with feta?

You can find out more about food and addictionread here.