Carbonated drinks and their negative effects

It is known that drinking carbonated drinks is not healthy. But as scientists at the University of San Francisco in California have now discovered, weight gain is not the only negative consequence of carbon dioxide consumption. For the study, over 5,000 people were observed and the effect of consuming carbonated drinks on their DNA. Such carbonated drinks can even be as dangerous as smoking if you drink around 500 ml every day. Changes occur in the body, or rather in the DNA. These are comparable to the changes in a person 4.6 years older.

But there is also some good news in all of this. Anyone who resorts to diet drinks can stop these consequences. According to the scientists, this proves that the amount of sugar also plays an important role. Seen in this way, it is even the trigger for the changes that occur. Therefore, you should choose the usual drink variants based on your needsWean off the sugar contentor at least reduce them.

Carbonated drinks and associated problems

These also contribute to diseases developing in the body. This is because the sweetened drinks strain the control of metabolism on saccharin. Another effect is that the cells age faster.

These types of drinks do not cause you to age visibly faster. However, you should not overdo it with your consumption. As you may know, previous research has shown that such indulgent drinks can even cause you to develop cancer. And what is certain is that they damage your teeth, regardless of whether they are diet drinks or regular versions.