11 healing stones: their effect, meaning and healing power

People have known healing stones as jewelry or hand flatterers for centuries and they have always been attributed a deeper meaning. These are precious and semi-precious stones that have a special healing effect and are particularly popular with people who rely on natural healing options. They are used to alleviate illnesses, for relaxation, as an accompanying therapy or to support meditative exercises. It is important to mention that the health stones are in no way to be understood as a healing measure for illnesses, physical and psychological complaints. However, they can be used as an adjunct and develop a wonderful supporting power that can be helpful in cases of illness. Below we present 14 healing stones, their effects and meaning.

The ancient knowledge about healing stones, also known as health stones, still dominated the ancient Egyptian culture and was passed on and researched over many generations. The topic still concerns many people today. The stones are considered minerals and can have a beneficial effect on the body and mind. Often can beAlleviate discomfortby placing a health stone on a specific area of ​​the body and letting it work. You should carry out the treatment several times or, if possible, carry the stone close to your body for a certain period of time, for example in your pocket, as a necklace or a bracelet. For every problem, life situation or depending on the zodiac sign, there is one or more types of stones that can also be referred to as lucky stones and support the wearer. In this article we have summarized a short list of healing stones, their effects and meaning.

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Agates come in a wide variety of colors and patterns - from moss to fire to star agate, so there is something for every taste. This is why they have been one of the most sought-after gemstones since ancient times. Agate is best known as a protective stone and is often worn as an amulet. It protects its wearer from negative energies and vibrations, strengthens balance, stability and keeps negativity away. The agate also provides a pleasant feeling of balance and security. The combination of agate and rock crystal can increase memory. On a physical level, agate can have a positive effect on the digestive system and can be helpful for stomach problems, cramps and gastritis.On an astrological levelit is associated with Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn.

Healing stones: their effect and power – the amethyst


Turmeric is a superfood: effects and uses as a remedy

The turmeric root can be used in many ways, not just as a spice. It also shows a variety of healing effects. Scientists have now discovered why curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect. The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes is considered simple and safe. It is important to avoid an overdose.

Amethyst is characterized by the violet color, which is considered the color of mind and spirituality. It comes in different shades: from very light and translucent, to dark purple, even almost black. It also has a calming effect and when placed under the pillow, it provides comfortfor a peaceful sleep. The stone has a special impact, especially on a spiritual level. Anyone who wears amethyst jewelry can concentrate better and make decisions more objectively. On an astrological level it is associated with Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces.

The beautiful aquamarine

For the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Sumerians and Romans, aquamarine was considered a symbol of marital happiness. Today it is a popular gemstone. Aquamarines are available in a variety of magical shades of blue - from deep blue to pastel blue to turquoise. The more intense the color of the stone, the higher the price. On a spiritual level, aquamarine has a similar effect to the view of the sea or ocean - calming, harmonious and balanced. It strengthens self-confidence, relieves mood swings and depression. It is associated with the zodiac signs Libra, Aquarius and Pisces.

Healing stones: their effect on health - citrine

The healing stone owes its name to the yellow color, which is reminiscent of lemon (Latin: “citrus”). It comes in several golden-yellow or very pale shades. It was already a popular jewelry and healing stone in ancient times. It should drive away arguments, stress and grief and provide more inner strength. It has a mood-enhancing effect and activates the spirits. Citrine is associated with the zodiac signs: Aquarius, Gemini and Leo.


Flourite helps to express inner feelings and desires, to process information quickly, to shed external patterns of thought and behavior, and to counteract dependencies and addictions. The stone promotes concentration, inner stability and helps with self-determination. It has a good effect on all zodiac signs.


Jade is a valuable gemstone that was particularly popular in China. It is also called “YU” and there were times in history when it was more expensive than gold. Jade is considered a stone of love and friendship, harmony, inner peace and balance. It is also a symbol of strength and confidence. Jade is a lucky stone for the zodiac signs Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces.


Carnelian is also called blood agate and coraline and brings joy of life, vitality, courage, steadfastness, promotes idealism and helps in overcoming problems. It improves mood and combats insomnia. Carnelian is perfect as a hand flatterer, ball, pyramid and necklace that you can carry close to you. It is an important main stone for the zodiac signs: Aries, Virgo and Capricorn.


In the past, but also today, malachite is a very valued stone. It has positive effects on the cardiovascular system, promotes purification and detoxification, and alleviates circulatory disorders. Malachite is also known as a midwife stone during childbirth due to its relaxing and calming properties. To achieve the desired effect, it should be worn close to the body. No wonder why necklaces, amulets, rings and other jewelry made from malachite have been so popular for thousands of years. It is assigned as a lucky stone for Aquarius, Capricorn and Scorpio.


Just like the moon, moonstone looks different in different lighting conditions. It is multifaceted and sometimes appears bluish, sometimes white. It is associated with intuition and is considered the stone of women. It is a good companion for women and has a positive effect on menstrual problems, reproductive problems and in phases of insecurity when one has lost self-confidence. Moonstone is considered a lucky stone for Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius and Aquarius.


The rose quartzis one of the most sought-after gemstones and is considered a symbol of selfless love and friendship. It is available in various shades of pink and has been used as a fine gemstone or art object for thousands of years. Rose quartz has a harmonizing effect, strengthens empathy, compassion and activates the willingness to help. Astrologically it is assigned to the zodiac signs Taurus, Cancer and Libra.

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline has a strong effect on the body's energy influence and for this reason it is often used as a healing stone. It promotes perception and has an uplifting and invigorating power. The stone is also able to purify water and air electrostatically. Similarly, it keeps negative influences away from the body. It is assigned to the zodiac signs Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer.