Turmeric is a superfood: effects and uses as a remedy

Turmeric is a yellow root that has been used as a spice and medicine for thousands of years. This root is also called magic tuber or goldenseal. In Europe, curcumin is known primarily as a spice in the kitchen. It is responsible for the yellow color of curry powder. Scientists from a wide variety of universities have been working on the medical effects of turmeric for a long time, for example at the universities of Hohenheim, Kiel, Frankfurt, Jena and the universities of Saarland. Scientists have now discovered why curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The Gilz protein and its role in inflammatory processes

TheResearch team led by Prof. Alexandra Kiemer from Saarland Universityexamined the effects of curcumin using cell cultures. Scientists from Frankfurt am Main and Peruga in Italy were involved in the study. The researchers obtained the curcumin used from the turmeric root. In 2016, scientists investigated what the anti-inflammatory effect can be attributed to. It became apparent that curcumin influences a specific protein – the Gilz protein. This plays a key role in inflammatory processes in the human body. Typically, this protein disappears during inflammatory processes. Curcumin causes the body to produce more of this protein. “Based on series of experiments in cell models, we can prove that the spice, like cortisone, specifically influences the protein Gilz,” says Prof. Kiemer. A cortisone treatmentcauses the increased formation of this protein in the same way as curcumin. However, the mechanism is completely different. This leads to the inflammation subsiding. The disadvantages of cortisone include cell changes and other significant side effects. In contrast, turmeric has hardly any side effects.

However, simply eating curry powder is not enough

In order for curcumin to have this effect in the body, it must be present in a sufficient concentration. These concentrations cannot be achieved by simply eating more curry. The research results of this study serve basic research, which can be the basis for the development of new drugs. Another problem with the absorption of curcumin is its poor water solubility. The body only absorbs it well when combined with fat. Effective medications must provide the body with curcumin in sufficient quantities and in a form that the body can easily use, such as:Acurmin plus from the Cellavent shop.

Turmeric also has the name “magic tuber”. This is because the plant from the Far East has long had a reputation for having extensive healing effects. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, but in Germany it has barely progressed beyond the status of a spice. But as the Pharmacy Umschau reports, it canTurmeric a lot more.

Curcumin supports digestion

Curcumin contains an active ingredient that revitalizes digestion. This active ingredient stimulates liver function so that the body can produce more bile. At the same time, it also stimulates the production of stomach acid. This means that fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods are easier to digest. If digestion is improved, the body is able to better absorb minerals, vitamins and trace elements. The active ingredient stimulates the metabolism sustainably.

Help with diabetes

Diabetes has developed into a widespread disease, the costs of which can be estimated at several billion euros annually. Type 2 diabetes in particular is on the rise. A healthy diet, exercise and losing excess weight are helpful measures in preventing and combating this disease. Scientists at the University of Freiburg were able to show that taking high doses of curcumin can prevent the onset of diabetes. It improves beta cell function with anti-inflammatory effects. As a result, fewer patients developed manifest diabetes mellitus than the patients in a comparison group. Curcumin was also able to alleviate severe complications of type 2 diabetes, such as eye diseases or disorders of the nervous system.

Skin, hair, nails, teeth

The anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin can also help with blemished skin, pimples and acne. It can be used both internally and externally. A skin mask with turmeric powder and other ingredients available in the household can help remove unsightly skin imperfections. For a better effect, it should also be used internally.

Curcumin may also contribute to dental health. Using curcumin can easily eliminate tooth discoloration caused by tea, nicotine or coffee. All you need to do is chew small pieces of fresh turmeric root. Brushing your teeth with a paste of turmeric powder and water has the same effect.

Fight excess weight

Many overweight people struggle particularly long with the visceral belly fat, which also embeds the organs, for a particularly long time when trying to lose weight. This fat is very active and produces hormones as well as inflammatory substances. This leads to inflammation in the body and metabolic disorders such as diabetes develop. The metabolism is permanently disrupted, which can result in weight gain or a standstill in a diet. The anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin also comes into play here. Curcumin also stimulates digestion and the release of bile. This allows the body to break down and break down fats better, which can make losing weight easier and prevent the formation of new fat deposits. Of course, turmeric is not a miracle cure. A balanced diet and sufficient exercise are essential for long-term success in losing weight.

The dose makes the poison – side effects can occur

Using turmeric for medicinal purposes is considered easy and safe. It is important to avoid an overdose. However, undesirable reactions can occur. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract are most common, such as mild abdominal cramps, diarrhea or stomach problems. Anyone who notices this may have taken too high a dosage and should reduce the dose accordingly or stop taking it completely for a certain period of time.

Who underLiver diseasesPeople who suffer from liver inflammation, gallbladder inflammation or gallstones should be careful about taking curcumin. Turmeric can also cause side effects in stomach diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastritis or inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Interactions with other medications may also occur. If in doubt, it is highly recommended to seek advice from a doctor or pharmacist. This is particularly true for those who take curcumin in higher concentrations, for example in capsule or dragee form.

We explain to youin this articleHow you can grow turmeric yourself.

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