Psoriasis: This is good for the skin in summer!

Sometimes just in individual areas, sometimes all over the body: reddened skin, covered in whitish scales, and itching are the typical symptoms of psoriasis. It gets under your skin and turns everyday life into a challenge - especially in summer. During the warm season, irritated skin needsspecial careand attention.

Short and airy clothing to prevent friction

It's not taboo to wear what you want despite having a skin condition. In summer these are mainly short trousers and sleeveless dresses. Many sufferers hide their flaky skin under long clothing in summer. In public, they are afraid of the looks of those around them, who often react irritably or even negatively to psoriasis.

In order not to irritate the skin unnecessarily, psoriasis patients should definitely leave tight clothing made of synthetic fibers in the closet. The skin quickly sweats and starts to itch. It is better suitedloose-fitting clothing in summermade from natural materials such as cotton or linen. If you are open about your skin disease and don't go without shorts etc. in the summer, you shouldn't forget sun protection.

Sunbathe in moderation and with a high sun protection factor

Just like healthy skin, psoriasis skin needs sufficient protection against the sun. Even though UV rays have an anti-inflammatory effect and can sometimes even relieve symptoms, sunburn should under no circumstances occur. In the worst case, this can lead to a new outbreak in a previously unaffected area.

Because the UV light slows down skin growth and thereforecurbs dandruff formation, light therapy is often used in addition to drug therapy for psoriasis. While mild psoriasis can usually be managed with creams and ointments, severe cases require internal treatment. So-called biologics have proven to be particularly effective and well tolerated. The genetically engineered active ingredients such as secukinumab specifically inhibit messenger substances that trigger inflammatory processes in the body and thus the skin disease.

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However, there is no substitute for conventional sunbathing or even a visit to the solariummedical light therapy. Artificial UV light is used in tanning salons, which damages the skin. The midday sun should also be avoided. Sunlight exposure is generally less aggressive before 11 a.m. and after 3 p.m. Nevertheless: Always apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30 generously to all exposed skin areas and refresh regularly.

Really enjoy swimming trips

Similar to sunlight, salt water can also help relieve psoriasis. Bathing in particularly salty waters such as the Dead Sea can aid recovery in many ways. Swimming in fresh water, on the other hand, does not help alleviate the symptoms; in outdoor pools the chlorine attacks the stressed skin. In general, psoriasis patients should always shower after swimming, then carefully pat the skin dry and care for it with a moisturizing cream.

Skin care suitable for the season

Speaking of care: In summer it is not advisable for psoriasis patients to use the same skin care as in winter. In winter, low temperatures and dry heated air take a toll on the skin. A greasy cream is ideal. In summer, heat can build up under the oil film of the cream, even with healthy skinInflammationcome. It is therefore better to use moisturizing lotions. Substances such as urea, hyaluronic acid and lactic acid bind moisture in the skin. So-called keratolytic substances also have a horn-dissolving and flaking effect.

Bilderquelle: © Unsplash (CC0 Public Domain) / 1. Vinicius Wiesehofer, 2. Pete Bellis, 3. Tomas Salas, 4. Meg Sanchez, 5. Haley Phelps, 6. Salvador Martin Yeste