We have the 4 most useful ones for youYoga asanas for womenSelected and would like to introduce you to you and mainly emphasize your aesthetic effects on our body. Before the yoga exercises, you have to start warming of your body (carry out the so-called “solar complex” four times).
Yoga asanas for women-start with the “plow” position
These exercises perfectly form their hips, drive the fat around the stomach and hips and smooth wrinkles on the face. In addition, thanks to thisYoga AsanasYour spine more elastic, they help you to overcome daily exhaustion. The position “plow” is useful on irregular monthly days, when constipated, gastritis and many other diseases.
Place on your body, with your palms to the floor. Use your abdominal muscles and lift the pelvis and legs. Let your legs slide over your head how long you can. Stay in the position for about a minute. Try not to move at the moment. Come back on the floor very slowly in the reverse order. Feel the spine, vertebrae for vertebrae. Relax on the floor for a short time. And one more thing: do not strive to make the position as perfect as possible. This is by no means necessary.
But you must not forget it: the position is in the case of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, herniated disc, inguinal hernianot allowed.
Yoga asanas for a physical and mental well -being
The next attitude is called “fish”. Through them you can shape beautiful bust, shoulders and neck. It leads to a slim figure and smoothes wrinkles again on the face. Your waist becomes more flexible. Your mood is definitely improving.Place your hands under the bottom, directed to the floor. Lift yourself on the elbows and shape a nice bow with your body. Touch the floor with the upper head. Keep 5 breaths in this position. Come out of the position, lift your head, shoulders, then push your hands out. Relax for a while. In this way we give our body the opportunity to take up the effect of posture.
Caution! Guide the position “fish” very carefully if you have spinal cord injuries.
Yoga makes her more graceful!
The next position that we have selected for you is called “Kobra” and is still called the asana of the rejuvenation. The implementation of their face is smoothed out and the chest, waist, hip and thighs are shaped nicely. This position gives charm and grace to our passage and the entire posture. Push your face on your stomach against the floor. Bend your hands on both sides of the chest. Hand surfaces are directed to the floor. Breathe in, lift your body as you tension your arms on your elbows.
Don't worry if you cannot do the position perfectly. Repeat this process three times. Keep the position while making at least 5-10 deep breaths.
Yoga exercises eliminate the fat
Stay on your stomach for the next Asana, called “Bogen”. This position eliminates the fat from the gut, stimulates the gender glands and thus influences our rejuvenation. This also shaped a beautiful breast. Take your ankle with your hands. Keep in this position for 10 to 30 seconds. Try to swing your body. Repeat this five times, if it is possible, breathe in and out normally. Relax between the repetitions for about a minute on your stomach.
In the case of an enlarged spleen, heart diseases in the case of intestinal diseases, you canunmistakable. Stay on your stomach with your hands behind your forehead for about five minutes to relax properly.
We hope to help you with these articles and to have really sparked your interest in yoga exercises.