14 simple stretching exercises for children (good before or after sport)

Stretching should be a regular part of children's exercise routine. Before or after sport (whether football, handball or ballet) or after a long bike ride,before going to bedor any time your child's muscles feel tight or cramped, encourage them to try some simple stretches. We show you 14 simple stretching exercises for children that stretch the most important muscle groups.

Important:Children (and adults) should stretch when their muscles are warmed up. So if your child hasn't been playing sports, he or she should warm up briefly before stretching, e.g. B. by dancing, jumping or jogging in place.

Stretching exercises for children: Stretch the entire body

The following stretches for children do not need to be done in this order. However, it is generally advisable to stretch the spine first and then move on from the upper to the lower body. It is best to carry out the exercises together with the children. Hold each stretch for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat a few times (possibly switching legs or arms). And don't forget to breathe.

Important: If your child has an injury or plays a particular sport, consult a physical therapist or athletic trainer to determine the safest and most effective ways to stretch.

1. The child's pose

This aptly named yoga pose (Balasana in Sanskrit) is a great way to start and/or end a stretching routine. She is very relaxing.

Kneel so that your toes touch and your knees are spread. (Some people prefer to keep their knees together. Try both options to see which is more comfortable for you or the children.) Slowly bend forward and touch your forehead to the floor. Your arms can either lie straight on the floor in front of you or alongside your body, palms down. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, hold the position for 3 to 5 breaths.

2. Cat hump

And here is another simple stretching exercise from yoga, which is also known as “Cat-Cow”. Chakravakasana exercise is good for the spine and also strengthens the abdominal muscles. Start on all fours with your spine and neck in a neutral position. The back should remain flat, eyes directed towards the floor. Inhale, let your stomach fall down and slowly lift your neck and head up. This is the cow half of the pose – imagine the curved back of a cow with bony hips.

Then, as you exhale, lift your stomach and spine so that the back is arched like a cat. The eyes look towards the belly button. Alternately perform 5 to 10 cat-cow stretches.

Stretching exercises for children with a focus on the arms and shoulders

3. Stretch arms overhead

This simple but effective stretch works the upper body, shoulders and arms. Stand upright with your feet together. With your back straight, stretch your arms straight up and over your head without bending your elbows.

You can interlace your fingers and do a very gentle backbend here. As you bend backwards, keep your chin and neck upright.

4. Extend your arms wide

This exercise trains the arm and shoulder muscles. Stand with your arms extended and your thumbs pointing down. Gently push your arms back as if you were cradling a ball between your shoulder blades.

Alternatively, you can slowly rotate your arms so that your thumbs are pointing up. Hold the stretch for 5 seconds. Then rotate the arms back to the first position. Hold again and gently push your arms back. Repeat this a few times, always moving slowly.

5. Shoulder stretch

Extend your right arm in front of you at shoulder height and move it to the left. Bend your left arm and place your left wrist on the back of your right arm, just above the elbow. Your left palm faces to the side. Using your left arm, gently press your right arm across your body until you feel a good stretch. Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds. Switch arms and repeat the exercise.

6. Triceps stretch

This stretch works the muscle on the back of the upper arm. Raise your right arm above your head, with your palm facing inward towards your head. Then bend your elbow so that your fingers touch the middle of your upper back. Grasp your right elbow with your left hand and gently pull it back until you feel the stretch in your right triceps. Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds. Then switch arms and repeat the exercise.

Stretching exercises for children with a focus on the legs and hips

7. Stretch hip flexors (iliopsoas stretch)

This may look like a leg stretch, but it actually works the muscles in your groin. First, kneel on a mat or soft surface. With your back straight, place your left foot on the floor, knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Place both hands on your right knee and now push your hips as far forward as possible. This stretches the left hip and groin. Keep your torso and head in line, the knee should be vertically over the heel.

Hold the position for 10 to 20 seconds without shaking. Switch legs and repeat.

8. Butterfly stretch

Children are usually quite adept at the butterfly stretch, which works the inner thighs. When sitting on the floor, they often assume almost the same sitting position. This position is sometimes referred to as the lotus position - although a true lotus position requires the feet and ankles to rest on the thighs, which is quite challenging.

While sitting, bring the soles of your feet together and hold them with your hands. The legs now form the “wings” of the butterfly. The elbows can be between the legs or resting on the knees. Gently press your knees down to increase the stretch. To stretch the spine, bend forward from your upper back and bring your forehead toward your feet.

9. Straddle with forward bend

Sit on the floor or a mat with your legs spread. The width of the straddle is up to you - whatever feels comfortable and a little challenging without causing pain.

Then slowly, with your back straight, bend over your right leg, then to the middle and then over your left leg. Hold each position for at least 10 to 30 seconds without tipping. These stretches work the lower back, inner thighs, and hamstrings (the large muscles on the back of the thighs).

10. Quadriceps stretch (front thigh muscle)

This exercise stretches the large muscles in the front of the thighs that we use when running. Stand next to the back of a chair (a wall or tree works too; you just need support for balance). Support yourself on the chair with your left arm, bend your right leg and hold it with your right hand. Gently press the foot toward the body until you feel the stretch in the front of the thigh. Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds and then switch legs.

You can also do this stretch with the opposite arm holding the foot. It's a little harder to balance this way, but the chair helps.

11. Calf extension

Place your palms on a wall. Extend your right leg forward and the other leg back. Gently push yourself forward until you feel the stretch in your calf muscle (back of your lower leg). The heels should remain on the floor. Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds.

Switch legs and repeat the exercise. This stretch feels especially good after jogging.

12. Side lunges

This stretch works the inner thighs, also known as the adductors, and the hips. Stand up straight with your legs hip-width apart. Bend one leg to a 90-degree angle and keep the other leg straight with the toes and heels pointing outward at about a 45-degree angle. Feel the stretch in your inner thigh and hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Keep your back straight. Switch sides and repeat.

13. Crossover Toe Touch

Stretch your back and thigh muscles with a toe touch. Stand with your arms hanging loosely at your sides and your feet together, with your knees very slightly bent. Slowly roll off your back and reach your hands to your toes. Actual toe touching is optional! Hold the stretch without wobbling.

For a variation, cross your legs while standing. Always keep your knees slightly bent. Remember that not everyone can touch their toes. Only reach as far as you can without pain. A little discomfort or tension is okay.

14. Hamstring stretch

While sitting, stretch your left leg straight forward, toes pointing upwards. Bend your right leg and place the sole of your right foot on the knee or inner thigh of your left leg. Stretch the toes of your left foot forward until you feel the stretch in the hamstrings (the hamstring muscle is located on the back of the thigh). Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds.

Switch legs and repeat. This stretch is sometimes called the hurdler's stretch because it mimics the position of a runner's legs when jumping over a hurdle.